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van den Noort et al.                                                                                                                                              Unconscious brain processing and interaction

           is an interesting approach, this is only a small part of   do not have the impression that our brain processing
           the story because this theoretical framework does not   is connected to and interacting with the environment
           take into account that a large part of the brain’s energy   surrounding  us, this might be the case at the
           is devoted to intrinsic  neuronal  signaling  instead  of   unconscious level (e.g. think about the special role of
           extrinsic  demands.   Here, worthy  of  important note   the observer’s  (un)conscious brain processing and

           is  that  a  miswiring of  brain regions involved in the   interactionin physics ). At the conscious level, we have
           default mode has been suggested to play a significant   the impression that we can only consciously interact
           role  in various neurological  diseases,  such  as   with the environment that surrounds us, for instance,
           Alzheimer’s disease, schizophrenia, etc.  Last year,   when we kick a ball, the ball will move. Humans
           the existence of a so-called “extrinsic mode network”   observe themselves as an individual  information
           was proposed.   This network is considered to be   processing  entity not continuously  interacting  with
           complementary to the default mode network; when one   and not  continuously connected to the information
           of them is up-regulated, the other is down-regulated.   around them (for instance, we do not notice this when
           In  this case,  the  extrinsic mode network would be   we are asleep). Only the laws of classical mechanics
           responsible  in tasks whereas  the default mode    seem to apply to us, but this cannot be the reality;
           network would be activated in task-absent situations.    it  must  be a human illusion. Moreover,  we tend to
           The extrinsic mode network is conceptualized to be a   overemphasize  the importance of conscious  human
           cortical network for “extrinsic” neuronal activity while   information processing  because as a matter of fact,
           the default mode network is considered to be a cortical   like an iceberg where on average only 10% is visible
           network for “intrinsic” neuronal activity. Despite the fact   above the surface of the water, most of the information
           that these frameworks are theoretically useful, they can   processing during the day, and particularly during the
           only explain one part of brain functioning because they   night,  is done unconsciously.
           do not explain how the human brain (and organism)
           is embedded in and connected to  the  world around   To conclude, neuroscience is a relatively new research
           it. In other words, a complete  neurological  theory of   field,  so  many  discoveries  are  still  to  be  made.
           human (un)conscious brain processing should always   Moreover, further technical advancements are required
                                                              because the temporal resolution of the neuroimaging
           be explainable and describable by the laws of physics   techniques available today is way too slow  to detect
           because the human species is part of nature and is   any kind of quantum processing in the human brain.
           subject to nature’s underlying fundamental laws.
                                                              To date, we do not fully understand  the underlying
                                                              physics of the brain; consequently, we are influencing
           In other words, to date, the link between  physics   processes (for instance, when we use brain stimulation
           and neuroscience has been missing, so now is the   for clinical purposes in neuroscience) that we do not
           time  to  find  this  missing  link.   Many attempts  have   completely understand. A better understanding of the
           been  made to build  a bridge between  physics and   brain’s underlying processes is needed before those
           neuroscience,  but somehow  the puzzle  remains    brain stimulation treatment techniques can be applied
           incomplete.  For instance,  one  of those attempts is   without any risks.   Finally, perhaps the time has
           the so-called “Orchestrated objective reduction (Orch-  come to  re-think physics,   and although classical
           OR)” hypothesis,  but proving  the existence of    and quantum mechanics have helped us to describe
           quantum processing in microtubules turned out to be   nature; in fact, what is really needed to take the next
           difficult,  which made neuroscientists skeptical about   step is to consider the whole universe/nature as simple
           this possible solution. In addition, many neuroscientists   information  in which the human brain/organism  is
           consider it to be a poor model of brain physiology.    only a tiny information processing system embedded
           Nevertheless, Penrose and Hameroff seem correct in   in and interacting with that universe/nature. [6]
           their assumption  that a theory of everything  should
           not only fit within the laws of classical and quantum   Acknowledgments
           mechanics but also fit within the fundamental laws of   The authors thank Prof. Bruce Rosen, Harvard Medical
           neuroscience. Note that in fact, the human brain is a   School, Cambridge, MA, USA. Our mutual work on brain
           conglomeration of atomic constituents, and as a result,   processing and neuroimaging was very inspiring and
           it should be subject to the laws of physics. [16]  eventually resulted in the writing of the present editorial.
           However, perhaps the solution  to this apparently   Financial support and sponsorship
           unsolvable problem is simple; it might have to do with   Nil.
           the  way in which we describe nature and with the
           difference in human “conscious” versus “unconscious”   Conflicts of interest
           brain processing. Although at the conscious level, we   There are no conflicts of interest.
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