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Chen et al.                                                                                                                                                                                               Screening of genetic loci

           genome-wide scanning technique.                    GeneScan -500 LIZ Size Standard, then mixed with
                                                              9.5 uL polymerase  chain  reaction  (PCR)  product,
           METHODS                                            which was diluted 20 times.  Tubes containing  the
                                                              above  solution were  placed  in  the PCR  instrument
           Genomic DNA extraction                             for degeneration at 95  ℃ for 5 min, kept on ice for
           Firstly,  50-100  frozen tissue samples were weighed,   more than 5 min. Using an ABI PRISMTM 310 genetic
           grinded into powder in liquid nitrogen using a grinding   analyzer of the ABI Company for electrophoresis, the
           bowel  and  pestle,  and  then  immediately  mixed  with   voltage was set to 15 KV and run at 60 ℃ for 28 min.
           1 mL Tripure. Tissue sample powder was then further   The samples were then collected for further analysis.
           homogenized  10 times using a homogenizing  drill
           on  ice  for  20  min  until  no  tissue  fluid  particles  was   Electrophoresis data processing
           visible, centrifuged at the speed of 12,000 g at 4 ℃,   By using the software Genescan (311) and Genetyper
           for 10 min. The homogenate was then kept at room   (3.7), we could  get the detected  fragment size.  The
           temperature for 5 min to make sure the nuclear protein   equipment  was provided  by ABI Company;  the PCR
           was totally separated. Each milliliter homogenate was   amplification  reagents  by  Baosheng  Bioengineering
           mixed with 0.3 mL chloroform and shaken vigorously   Limited  Company;  and  the  fluorescent  primers  by
           at 4 ℃ for 15 s, kept at room temperature for 2-15 min,   Shanghai Jikang Biotechnology Limited Company.
           then Centrifuged at 12,000 g at 4 ℃, for 15 min. To get
           high quality DNA, the upper layer of colorless aqueous   RESULTS
           liquid after centrifugation was removed. Each milliliter
           homogenate  was mixed with 0.2 mL 100% ethanol     Scanning 12 microsatellite spots on the 17th
           which was stored at 4 ℃, mixed completely by rotating   chromosome of two mouse lines
           the bottle upside down several times and kept at room   The differences of 12 microsatellite loci between two
           temperature  for 2-3 min for DNA precipitation.  After   inbred  mouse  lines  BALB/C  and  C57BL/6  were  first
           centrifuging  at 2,000  g for 5 min at 4  ℃, the upper   scanned.  Among the loci scanned, seven of them
           layer liquid was removed with a pipette carefully. Each   were significantly different: D17MIT245.1, D17MIT46,
           milliliter sample solution was then mixed with 1 mL of   D17MIT51.1, D17MIT180.1, D17MIT20. 1, D17MIT184
           0.1 mol/L sodium citrate dissolved in 10% ethanol, kept   and D17MIT39.1 [Table 3; Figure 1].
           at room temperature for 30 min with frequent mixing,
           and centrifuged at 4  ℃ for 5 min at 2,000  g again.   Scanning  microsatellite  loci  on  the  17th
           The upper layer liquid was collected, mixed with 75%   chromosome using three inbred mouse lines
           ethanol, and kept at room temperature for 30 min with   To minimize false-positives among the above seven sites
           frequent mixing. Then, after centrifuging at 4 ℃ and   obtained using the two inbred mouse lines, we further
           2,000 g for 5 min, the upper layer liquid was removed   searched the literature and found that another inbred
           and the DNA sample was dried in the air or vacuum for   mouse line, DBA-2, had similar susceptibility to HSV
           5-10 min. Finally, we dissolved the DNA with 50 uL TE   infection as BALB/C mice. Therefore, scanning these
           solution, pipetted out 1 uL sample for color comparison   three inbred mouse lines for microsatellite loci led to the
           and another 10 uL for electrophoresis, and the residual   exclusion of two of the above seven loci, D17MIT245.1
           was stored at -20 ℃ for further analysis. DNA samples   and D17MIT46. Our updated scanning results showed
           were diluted with 90 uL MQ water and analyzed with   that D17MIT51.1, D17MIT39.1 and the genomic region
           ultraviolet spectrophotometer.  The OD260 value,   between  D17MIT180.1  and  D17MIT184  were  mouse
           OD280 value  and OD260/280 value  were used for    microsatellite  regions  affecting  susceptibility  to  HSV
           calculating the concentration of DNA.              infection [Table 4; Figure 2].

           Primer design and synthesis                        Bioinformatic analysis of genes in the
           Primer design referenced information from the mouse   HSV infection susceptibility regions on
           genome program (detailed information can be viewed   chromosome 17
           on  the website of Jackson  Laboratory),  which  was   For identifying potential genes involved in the
           designed  by Shanghai  Jikang Biotechnology  Limited   susceptibility of mice to HSV infection, we used
           Company  [Table  1].  The detailed  information  about   bioinformatics to analyze the genes localized in these
           PCR reaction system and PCR reaction condition can   regions. Based on the above results, bioinformatic
           be seen in Table 2.                                analysis  found  approximately  140  genes  in  the
                                                              positive sites D17MIT51.1, D17MIT39.1 and the region
           Microsatellite loci detection                      between D17MIT180.1 and D17MIT184  [Tables 5-7].
           First, 1 mL Hi-Di  Formamide was mixed with 50 uL   Among those genes, there were about 33 human
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