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Chen                                                                                                                                                                                  MAGL in neurodegenerative diseases

           disruption  of MAGL would be a promising  strategy   like neurodegenerative disease or to halt progression
           to  enhance  anti-inflammatory  and  neuroprotective   of diseases. Earlier studies show that 2-AG protects
           2-AG  signaling,  while  reducing  proinflammatory  and   neurons against  brain trauma in a mouse model of
           neurotoxic eicosanoid (e.g. PGE ) levels [Figure 1].  closed head injury.  Recent studies provide evidence
                                                              that inactivation of MAGL reduces neuroinflammation,
           Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the most common cause   Aβ accumulation and deposition, tau phosphorylation,
           of dementia in elderly. While the etiology  of  AD is   and neurodegeneration  and improves synaptic
           multifactorial, accumulating  evidence implicates   and neurocognitive  functions in several animal
           traumatic brain injury (TBI)  as an epigenetic  risk   models of neurodegenerative diseases, including
           factor in  AD development  and dementia. Chronic   AD, Parkinson’s disease (PD), and  TBI. [8,11-14]  This
           traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) is the most recently   suggests that manipulations of 2-AG metabolism may
           defined  TBI-caused  neurodegenerative  disease,   provide novel pharmacotherapies for these intractable
           and  neuropathology  and  neurocognitive  deficits  in   neurodegenerative diseases.
           CTE are similar  to  those  in AD. [4,8-10]  The  significant   Although  disruption  of  MAGL  ameliorates
           similarities  and  overlap in the  spectrum of  changes   neuropathology  and prevent synaptic  and  cognitive
           in neuropathology,  neurobiology,  synaptic and    declines in animal models  of  neurodegenerative
           neurocognitive deficits between CTE and AD suggest   diseases, [4,8,11-14]  the signaling pathways  that mediate
           that CTE, in essence, is a  TBI-triggered  AD-like   these beneficial effects produced by MAGL inhibition
           neurodegenerative  disease. Repetitive or multiple   are still  unclear. MAGL loss-of-function  enhances
           brain injuries  may lead to  AD-like neuropathology,   anti-inflammatory and neuroprotective 2-AG signaling
           impairments in synaptic and cognitive functions, and   and  decreases  proinflammatory  and  neurotoxic
           dementia. [8-10]  However, there are currently no effective   prostaglandins and leukotrienes [Figure 1]. It is possible
           therapies to prevent and treat AD and TBI-caused AD-  that the beneficial effects produced by MAGL inhibition
                                                              are mediated either by enhanced 2-AG signaling
                                                              through CB1R or CB2R-depdendent mechanism  or
                                                              by reduced  eicosanoid  levels through  cannabinoid
                                                              receptor-independent  mechanisms. [4,8,11-14]   It  has
                                                              been proposed that peroxisome proliferator-activated
                                                              receptor  γ (PPARγ),  a nuclear receptor that displays
                                                              significant anti-inflammatory properties, is a target of
                                                              endocannabinoids. [15,16]  Recent studies demonstrated
                                                              that suppression of neuroinflammation and alleviation
                                                              of AD neuropathology by 2-AG or inactivation of MAGL
                                                              are mediated via PPARγ, [5,11,16]  suggesting that PPARγ
                                                              is likely a downstream signaling  molecule  of 2-AG.
                                                              Despite the fact that the mechanisms by which inhibition
                                                              of 2-AG metabolism alleviates neuroinflammation and
                                                              neuropathology and prevents deterioration in synaptic
                                                              and cognitive functions in animal models of AD, PD,
                                                              and TBI remain to be elucidated, MAGL is a promising
                                                              therapeutic target for neurodegenerative diseases.

                                                              Financial support and sponsorship
                                                              This article is financed by National Institutes of Health
           Figure 1: Pathways of 2-AG synthesis and metabolism. 2-AG is
           largely synthesized from DAG, which is formed from membrane   grants (No. NS076815).
           phospholipids through PLC, by DAGLα/β. 2-AG in the brain is
           primarily hydrolyzed by MAGL to glycerol and AA. It is also hydrolyzed   Conflicts of interest
           by ABHD6/12 to AA and metabolized oxidatively by COX-2 to form
           a new type of prostaglandin glycerol esters when expression and   There are no conflicts of interest.
           activity of COX-2 are excessively elevated during inflammation. AA
           is a precursor of prostaglandins through the enzymes COX-1/2 and   Patient consent
           HPETE through the enzyme arachidonate 5-LOX to form leukotrienes
           (LTA4 to E4). 2-AG: 2-arachidonoylglycerol; PLC: phospholipase C;   There is no patient involved.
           DAG: diacylglycerol; DAGLα/β: diacylglycerol lipase α and β; PLA2:
           phospholipase A2; AA: arachidonic acid; COX-2: cyclooxygenase-2;   Ethics approval
           MAGL: monoacylglycerol lipase; ABHD6/12: α/β hydrolase domain-
           containing protein 6 and 12; HPETE: hydroperoxyeicosatetraenoic   This article does not contain any studies with human
           acid; LOX: lipoxygenase                            participants or animals.
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