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Liu et al.                                                                                                                                                                   Low antioxidant status of patients with CNSI

           Table 4: Serum UA, Tbil, Ibil, and albumin levels of patients with each group of CNSI (mean ± SD)
            Patients                          Total         Male         Female        P 1†     P 2†    P 3†
            Serum UA levels (μmol/L)
               Viral meningitis and/or    261.94 ± 107.88  285.89 ± 101.81  230.17 ± 108.56  < 0.001  < 0.001  0.227
               Cysticercosis of brain      275.20 ± 92.02  319.87 ± 77.33  213.44 ± 73.63  0.001  0.005  0.066
               Tuberculous meningitis and/or   286.77 ± 197.39  339.49 ± 220.30  215.23 ± 133.18  0.003  0.022  0.080
               Cryptococcus meningitis and/or   224.46 ± 123.41  233.96 ± 127.26  201.82 ± 112.82  < 0.001  < 0.001  0.042
               Bacterial meningitis and/or   197.27 ± 93.73  100.95 ± 96.98  186.22 ± 86.21  < 0.001  < 0.001  0.034
            Serum Tbil levels (μmol/L)
               Viral meningitis and/or      15.75 ± 9.93  18.41 ± 11.78  12.29 ± 5.18  0.682   0.336   0.018
               Cysticercosis of brain       10.91 ± 4.78  11.54 ± 4.89  10.01 ± 4.55  < 0.001  0.003   < 0.001
               Tuberculous meningitis and/or   14.41 ± 11.15  15.19 ± 13.13  13.35 ± 7.73  0.111  0.350  0.111
               Cryptococcus meningitis and/or   13.29 ± 9.22  14.51 ± 9.78  10.45 ± 7.10  0.011  0.164  0.001
               Bacterial meningitis and/or   13.16 ± 7.74  13.87 ± 8.50  11.27 ± 4.96  0.025   0.121   0.025
            Serum Ibil levels (μmol/L)
               Viral meningitis and/or      11.90 ± 7.43  14.06 ± 8.87  9.11 ± 3.68   0.181    0.550   0.001
               Cysticercosis of brain       9.04 ± 3.93   9.40 ± 3.86   8.52 ± 4.02  < 0.001   0.001   < 0.001
               Tuberculous meningitis and/or   9.93 ± 7.48  10.28 ± 8.78  9.47 ± 5.29  < 0.001  0.011  0.002
               Cryptococcus meningitis and/or   9.49 ± 5.82  10.21 ± 6.02  7.81 ± 5.03  < 0.001  0.007  < 0.001
               Bacterial meningitis and/or   10.11 ± 5.68  10.46 ± 6.00  9.17 ± 4.79  0.003    0.028    0.017
            Serum albumin levels (g/L)
               Viral meningitis and/or     42.65 ± 5.03   42.73 ± 5.69  42.54 ± 4.05  < 0.001  < 0.001  < 0.001
               Cysticercosis of brain      42.82 ± 3.08   43.18 ± 3.05  42.29 ± 3.10  < 0.001  < 0.001  < 0.001
               Tuberculous meningitis and/or   41.40 ± 5.24  42.34 ± 4.81  40.13 ± 5.58  < 0.001  < 0.001  < 0.001
               Cryptococcus meningitis and/or   41.47 ± 5.27  42.52 ± 4.95  39.02 ± 5.27  < 0.001  < 0.001  < 0.001
               Bacterial meningitis and/or   39.90 ± 6.87  39.11 ± 7.16  41.99 ± 5.71  < 0.001  < 0.001  < 0.001
           P : CNSI vs. HC; P : male patients with CNSI vs. male HC; P : female patients with CNSI vs. female HC; UA: uric acid; CNSI: central
           nervous system infections; HC: healthy control; Tbil: total bilirubin; Ibil: indirect bilirubin
           we found serum UA levels were lower than those of   were lower than HC (41.80 ± 5.16 and 47.10 ± 2.83,
           female HC, as shown in Table 4.                    P = 0.000, Table 3). We came to a similar conclusion
                                                              in  each  group  of  CNSI.  Interestingly,  similar  results
           For  serum Tbil  and  indirect  bilirubin  (Ibil),  we  found   have been observed in male and female subgroups
           that serum total levels in CNSI were significantly lower   as well [Table 4].
           than HC (13.67 ± 9.2 μmol/L, P = 0.015 and 10.18 ±
           6.43 μmol/L, P < 0.001) respectively. In each group of   DISCUSSION
           CNSI, serum Tbil levels of patients with BC, CM, and
           BM were significantly lower when compared with HC.   Our  study showed that  there were reducing serum
           For serum Ibil levels, patients with CNSI were also   levels of UA, bilirubin and albumin in CNSI patients.
           lower, except for VM  [Table 4]. Besides, we further   Interestingly, these results were also observed when
           divided each group into male and female subgroups.   we divided cohorts into male and female groups. Our
           In both subgroups, compared to HC, we found that   studies have shown that patients with CNSI have
           serum Tbil and Ibil levels in CNSI were significantly   lower serum UA, which were consistent with previous
           lower, except for male serum Tbil (P = 0.099, Table 3).  reports.  Similar results that CNSI patients with lower
                                                              serum albumin and bilirubin levels than HC groups
           For albumin, we found that total serum levels in CNSI   were also observed. Similar relevant results were not
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