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Liu et al.                                                                                                                                                                   Low antioxidant status of patients with CNSI

           INTRODUCTION                                       patients  with  CNSI  who  were  hospitalized  in  the
                                                              Third  Affiliated  Hospital  of  Sun  Yat-sen  University
           The pathogenesis of central nervous system infections   from January 2008 to June 2015.  A total of 434
           (CNSI) has not  yet  been completely understood,   CNSI patients satisfying the diagnostic criteria were
           but some scholars have indicated  that oxidative   recruited in our study. Another 114 healthy subjects
           stress and antioxidant  imbalance  may induce  brain   came to our hospital for check-ups at the same
           injury. Reactive oxygen  species  (ROS) and  reactive   period and served as control patients. CNSI patients
           nitrogen species (RNS) may play a vital role in certain   were divided into 5 groups: viral meningitis and/or
           pathological processes acting as inflammatory agents   meningoencephalitis (VM), cryptococcus meningitis
           causing intracranial  complications. [1,2]  ROS, such   and/or meningo-encephalitis (CM), tuberculous
           as superoxide  anion, hydrogen peroxide or hydroxyl   meningitis and/or meningoencephalitis (TM), bacterial
           radicals, may result in damage to cellular DNA, proteins   meningitis  and/or  meningoencephalitis  (BM),
           and lipids, and even causing cell death.  RNS, such   cysticercosis of brain (BC) [Figure 1]. For the diagnosis
           as peroxynitrite (ONOO-), is a strong oxidant that can   of  meningitis  and  Neurocysticercosis,  we  took  into
           be cytotoxic including nitrotyrosine or lipidperoxidation   account  the  patient  history,  symptomatology,  along
           in bacterial meningitis.  Oxidative stress, which plays   with regional epidemiology, and basic cerebrospinal
           a  major  role  in  disease  pathogenesis,  is  defined  as   fluid testing. [15,16]
           an imbalance in ROS and antioxidants. Cells use
           enzymatic and non-enzymatic antioxidants to control   Demographic  and clinical features of  patients with
           ROS levels to maintain an appropriate cellular redox   CNSI and healthy controls (HC) are shown in Tables
           balance. If  antioxidant  capacity is exhausted, an   1 and 2.
           imbalance between oxidant and antioxidant status will
           lead to a state of oxidative stress, which could change   Venous  blood  samples  were drawn  in the morning
           the susceptibility of membranes and inactive biological   after patients’ admission. Total serum UA, albumin and
           molecules to damage.   [5-7]   Therefore,  enhanced   bilirubin concentrations were measured using a Clinical
           antioxidant protection and restored native homeostasis   Analyzer 7180-ISE (Hitachi High-Technologies, Tokyo,
           may be beneficial to the treatment of CNSI.        Japan). Serum UA concentrations were measured
                                                              using a UA assay kit based on the direct enzymatic
           Uric acid (UA), as a scavenger of peroxynitrite, could   oxidation of uric acid. Serum bilirubin concentrations
           inhibit central nervous system (CNS) inflammation and   were also measured by an enzymatic method with
           change blood-CNS barrier permeability, is considered   bilirubin oxidase.
           to have a neuroprotective  role. [8-10]  Endogenous
           bilirubin  converted from biliverdin,  is an end product   The following  subjects  were  excluded  (1) patients
           of heme degradation by biliverdinreductase (BVR).
           Some studies confirmed that bilirubin could effectively
           block seizure-induced  ROS and play a role in
           cerebroprotective effects.   Albumin, accounting for
           about 70% of the plasma colloid osmotic pressure, plays
           a vital role in maintaining the normal fluid distribution
           and constitutes the main circulating antioxidant system
           in the body.  As potent scavengers of ROS derived
           from oxidative stress, albumin is the major source of
           extracellular reduced sulfhydryl groups (-SH). [13]

           That is to say, UA, total bilirubin  (Tbil) and albumin,
           are the  major nonenzymatic  antioxidant components
           of  serum.   However,  the  situation of  antioxidant
           status in different patterns of CNSI has not fully been
           investigated. Therefore, we retrospectively evaluated
           the antioxidant status of serum UA, bilirubin  and
           albumin in patients with CNSI.                     Figure 1:  Enrollment  process  of  patients.  CNSI:  central
                                                              nervous  system  infections;  VM:  viral  meningitis  and/or
           METHODS                                            meningoencephalitis; BC: cysticercosis of brain; TM: tuberculous
                                                              meningitis  and/or  meningoencephalitis;  CM:  cryptococcus
                                                              meningitis and/or meningoencephalitis; BM: bacterial meningitis
           We retrospectively reviewed the clinical data of 598   and/or meningoencephalitis; HIV: human immunodeficiency virus
                           Neuroimmunology and Neuroinflammation ¦ Volume 3 ¦ December 15, 2016           263
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