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Liu et al.                                                                                                                                                           Anti-NMDAR encephlitis and ADEM-like findings

           of autoimmune encephalitis was considered, and     mental disorders, and autonomic instability; because
           she was treated with high doses of intravenous     such unusual  symptoms may overlap  anti-NMDAR
           methylprednisolone (1 g/day for 3 days, 0.5 g/day for 2   encephalitis.  There are several articles about this.
           days, 0.25 g/day for 1 day) with two courses of treatment.  Here, we report a middle-aged woman with NMDAR-
                                                              Abs and clinical and radiologic evidence of ADEM, as
           The following tests were normal or negative: routine blood   well as follow-up after treatment.
           test, autoantibody screen, anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic
           antibody,  anti-nuclear  antibodies,  antibodies  related   Most patients with anti-NMDAR encephalitis  will
           to  paraneoplastic  neurologic  system  diseases,  acute   have complete or near-complete recovery. However,
           flaccid paralysis, thyroid biochemistry and antibodies,
           HIV, CA-125, chest X-ray, electrocardiograms,
           abdomen and pelvic ultrasound, HBSAg (+), and PET-
           CT showed tumor-negative. Serum and cerebrospinal
           fluid  (CSF)  tested  positive  for  anti-NMDAR  (titers
           1:10)  (semiquantitative  indirect  fluorescent  antibody,
           EUROIMMUN Laboratories). On admission, lumbar
           puncture (LP) initially showed CSF with a mildly raised
           protein of 0.51 g/L, with 60 × 10 /L white blood cells,
           2.16 mmol/L glucose. PCR for HSV, EBV, CMV in CSF,
           and  bacterial  cultures  of  the  CSF  were  negative.  On
           repeat  testing  2  weeks  later,  LP  showed  the  protein
           had normalized, a white cell count of 18 × 10 /L, and
           3.72 mmol/L glucose. Serum anti-neuromyelitis optica
           (NMO)/aquaporin-4 (AQP4) antibody was negative.
           Serum  and  CSF  oligoclonal  bands  were  positive.
           Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) brain scans
           showed multiple areas of  T2 hyperintensity within 1
           month after onset and gradually evolving higher signals
           in the cerebral hemispheres, medulla, cerebellum, and
           C1-T6  spinal  cord.  MR  scans  showed  disseminated
           demyelination lesions on T2 imaging within 1.5 months
           after  onset  [Figure  1A-D].  Two  months  following  the
           onset of fever and headache she was given high doses
           of intravenous methylprednisolone (1 g/day for 3 days,
           0.5 g/day for 2 days, 0.25 g/day for 1 day) for two
           periods of treatment. She improved significantly, could
           walk slowly and feed herself, had no fever, but had slow
           reactions  and  difficulty  swallowing.  After  discharged
           from our hospital, within 3 months after onset, she had a
           very good recovery with only some residual dysphagia.
           Repeat  serum  and  CSF  NMDAR-Ab  titers  were  1:1.
           Repeat MR scans were clearly improved [Figure 1E-H].


           Anti-NMDAR    encephalitis  is  characterized  by
           psychiatric disturbance, seizures, movement disorders,
           reduced consciousness, and positive NMDA receptor
           antibodies.  In recent years, several articles show that
           patients with anti-NMDAR encephalitis may develop
           concurrent  or separate  episodes of demyelinating
           disorders,  such as neuromyelitis optica spectrum
           disorder, multiple sclerosis and other demyelinating   Figure 1: Magnetic resonance imaging (T2 flair) (A-D) disseminated
                                                              demyelination lesions intracranial and spinal cord within 1.5 months
           disorders.  Attention should  be paid when patients   after onset; (E-H) within 3 months after onset (in which she was
           with demyelinating disorders have cooccurring      treated with high dose intravenous methylprednisolone)
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