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Guo et al.                                                                                                                                                     Diagnosis and treatment of cryptococcal meningitis

           (LAmB)/amphotericin B lipid complexes (ABLC) with   survival and reduction of fungal load in CSF. [47,50]
           small renal toxicity are recommended in the induction
           period. [11,24]  In 2010, IDSA  suggests induction therapy   AmB is easy to combine with human cholesterol cell
           with LAmB (3-4 mg/kg per day i.v.) or ABLC (5 mg/kg per   membrane, [48,49]   so the adverse reactions are more
           day i.v.) plus 5-FC (100 mg/kg per day i.v.) for at least   and  serious.  AmB has high toxicity, especially  liver
           2 weeks, consolidation therapy with FCZ 400-800 mg   and  kidney  toxicity. Renal  toxicity which  could  lead
           (6-12 mg/kg) per day for 8 weeks. And maintenance   to  lowering  glomerular  filtration  rate  and  electrolyte
           therapy  with  FCZ  200-400  mg  (3-6  mg/kg)  per  day   disturbances is  the  most  common. Renal function
           lasts for 6-12 months [Table 2]. LAmB should be used   can be restored by  early termination of  the  use of
           at least 4-6 weeks without the use of 5-FC in induction   AmB  or replacement of LamB.  In addition, some
           therapy. Increasing dosage (6 mg/kg per day) should   studies [11,52,53]   support that  preemptive hydration and
           be conducted when the fungal load is higher or     electrolyte supplementation are the effective methods
           palindromia.                                       to minimize the toxicity in middle- and low-income
                                                              countries (MLICs).  Anemia is another common side
           Treatment for non-HIV associated or non-transplant patients   effect  of AmB,  the reason  is that the effect of the
           includes induction therapy with AmB 0.7-1.0 mg/kg per day   bone marrow on the synthesis of the erythropoietin.
           or LAmB 3-4 mg/kg per day or ABLC 5 mg/kg per day   5-FC could get through the BBB easily and has slight
           plus 5-FC 100 mg/kg per day for 4-6 weeks. IDSA also   adverse  reactions, such as gastrointestinal  reaction,
           recommends that it is essential to extend induction   rash, erythropenia,  light degree  damage  of liver and
           period  if treated with  AmB/LAmB monotherapy  or   kidney function, etc. Symptoms can be relieved after
           treatment interrupted. In addition, consolidation therapy   stopping taking the drug. The incidence rate of adverse
           with FCZ 400-800 mg (6-12 mg/kg) per day lasts for 8   reactions of FCZ is low, the symptoms mainly include
           weeks, and maintenance therapy with FCZ 200 mg     gastrointestinal  reaction, rash, and so on. Liver and
           (3 mg/kg) per day lasts for 6-12 months [Table 3].  kidney impairment are transient and would returned to
                                                              normal after drug withdrawal generally. [56]
           It is difficult to achieve effective concentration in the
           CSF  for AmB  or  LAmB  because  of  their  poor  ability   Treatment of high intracranial pressure
           to  traverse BBB.  Intravenous  combined intrathecal   The  incidence  of  HICP  in  patients  with  cryptococcal
           administration  of  AmB can improve  the drug      meningitis  is more than 50%.   HICP  is  the  leading
           concentration  in  CSF  to  inhibit  the  C. neoformans   cause  of death  and  complications.  Therefore,
           effectively, and observational studies suggest that   effective control of intracranial pressure for improving
           it could be associated  with improved  survival.    clinical symptoms to gain enough time for the success
           However, it is necessary to prevent the occurrence of   of anti-fungal  therapy  is of crucial  importance.
           complications caused by intrathecal  administration ,   Active treatment of HICP is crucial whether it is HIV-
           such as paresthesias, radiculitis, or myelopathy. [46]  associated patients or not.  Methods used to reduce
                                                              intracranial pressure commonly as follows:  (1) Drugs
           Previous studies in humans and animals indicate that   such  as mannitol, glycerin  fructose, corticosteroids,
           intrathecal administration of lipid formulations of AmB   acetazolamide and so on. While the long-term effect
           is better tolerated than AmB. [47-49]  Furthermore, there is   of medical management is not clear that is not used
           an animal experiment suggesting that the combination   routinely; [57,59]  (2) Lumbar  puncture.  Patients whose
           of intravenous antifungal  drugs with intrathecal   intracranial  pressure >  2.4 kPa are performed with
           administration of LAmB could be beneficial in terms of   regular lumbar paracentesis  to maintain normal

           Table 2: Antifungal therapeutic schedule for CM patients with renal dysfunction
            Schedule                  Course
            Induction period          LAmB 3-4 mg/kg per day/ABLC 5 mg/kg per day + 5-FC 100 mg/kg per day              ≥ 2 weeks
            Consolidation period      FCZ 400-800 mg/day or 6-12 mg/kg per day           ≥ 8 weeks
            Maintenance period        FCZ 200-400 mg/day or 3-6 mg/kg per day             6-12 months
           CM: cryptococcal meningitis; LAmB: liposome amphotericin B; ABLC: amphotericin B lipid complexes; 5-FC: 5-Flurocytosine; FCZ: fluconazole
           Table 3: Antifungal therapeutic schedule for non-HIV associated or non-transplant patients
            Schedule          Course
            Induction period  AmB 0.7-1.0 mg/kg per day or LAmB 3-4 mg/kg per day or ABLC 5 mg/kg per day + 5-FC 100 mg/kg per day
                              4-6 weeks
            Consolidation period  FCZ 400-800 mg/day or 6-12 mg/kg per day                    8 weeks
            Maintenance period  FCZ 200 mg or 6 mg/kg per day                                       6-12 months
           HIV: human immunodeficiency virus; AmB: amphotericin B; LAmB: liposome amphotericin B; ABLC: amphotericin B lipid complexes; 5-FC:
           5-Flurocytosine; FCZ: fluconazole
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