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Guo et al.                                                                                                                                                     Diagnosis and treatment of cryptococcal meningitis

           interstitial  fluid. [15,16]   The  appearance  of  CSF  is  clear   distribution. Therefore, the detection method requires
           and transparent generally, and it can be slightly turbid   high  skill  levels from observers. Alcian  blue  staining
           if there is a large amount of Cryptococcus. Leukocyte   is  a  special dye  for  the  C.  neoformans   and could
           count in CSF is increased (about 100-500 × 10 /L) in   dye the capsule  to be deep blue, and the cell  light
           the majority  of people,  or normal  in  the minority. In   blue,  without  the  peripheral  inflammatory  cells  being
           addition, the protein level rises (no more than 2 g/L   dyed. Therefore, the sensitivity of alcain blue staining
           usually), and the glucose and chloride  decreases in   is high and the fungi can be easily observed.  The
           CSF as the result of infection. The degree of decrease   combination  of  the above methods can improve the
           in glucose levels is significantly lower than that of other   detection rate. Culture is considered the gold standard
           central nervous system infection. [17]             for diagnosis  of cryptococcal meningitis.  But it
                                                              is limited by culture  conditions, culture  time and  the
           The  characteristics  of  cerebrospinal  fluid  cytology:   amount of cerebrospinal fluid and fungi, thus making
           the total number of cells increases  to different   the  early  diagnosis hampered.  But  it  has important
           degrees, presenting mixed cell reaction or lymphocyte   value for further drug sensitivity test  and species
           dominated  mixed cell reaction. Monocyte constitutes   classification.
           the main ingredients in the most of the cerebrospinal
           fluid cytology of CM patients, the total number of cells   The most reliable diagnostic method for cryptococcosis
           decreases and the proportion  of small lymphocytes   is to detect capsular polysaccharide antigen  which
           also increases with the improvement of the disease.   can be find in serum, CSF, and urine specimens. Serum
           Therefore, cerebrospinal fluid cytology has also certain   CrAg is taken as an early biologic marker which is far
           significance to the monitoring of the efficacy.    more sensitive and rapid than direct detection of the
                                                              pathogen, it highly predicts of the development of CM
           However, cerebrospinal fluid examination is normal in   within  one year.  Retrospective data suggests that
           10-17% other patients, especially in the patients with   CrAg screening in patients with late-stage human HIV
           HIV. [18,19]
                                                              ART may reduce cryptococcal disease and deaths.
           Other laboratory examination                       However, presence of CrAg in CSF is more valuable
           The common laboratory examination for diagnosing of   for diagnosis of CM and serum CrAg assay can help to
           CM mainly includes morphological examination, fungal   assist the diagnosis.
           culture, and antigen detection.
                                                              Main methods are consist of latex agglutination (LA)
           Cryptococcus neoformans (C. neoformans) is a single-  assays, enzyme immunoassays  (EIAs),  or the novel
           celled  organism with a polysaccharide  capsule.  It   lateral flow assay (LFA).  LA or EIAs has been used for
           exists in the blood, CSF, and tissues.  Morphological   detecting CrAg for several years.  The sensitivity and
           diagnosis depends on dyeing technology.  India ink   specificity of the LA test for CSF is high. The sensitivity
           staining is considered to be one of the gold standards   ranges from 93% to 100%, while the specificity ranges
           for diagnosis. It is a traditional method of identification   from 93% to 98%, which is significantly better than India
           of  C. neoformans, especially in areas with limited   ink staining and CSF cytology in the early diagnosis of
           resources because of its simple and rapid operation.   CM. And the severity of the disease in patients with
           Characteristic “starry night” phenomenon  would be   cryptococcal meningitis is correlated with the antigen
           observed by India ink staining: capsule is not shaded   titer of capsular polysaccharide, therefore, LA test also
           but surrounded dyed blue. Yet the sensitivity of india   has the value of evaluating the severity of illness and the
           ink staining is only < 86%. [21,22]  In addition, due to low   prognosis.  Although this method has high sensitivity,
           fungal loads, India ink is insensitive for patients who   but may appear false positive results in patients with
           presenting  early after symptoms appear  or being  on   immunological  diseases,  such as rheumatoid. [32,33]
           initiating antiretroviral therapy (ART).  The detection   Tedious manual operation and subjective intervention
           rate of C. neoformans in the CSF is only 66% at first   is  the main weakness, in addition, this  method
           time, about 17.8% at second time, and others remain   needs equipment and refrigeration which restricts its
           3  to  20  times  smear  test  under  microscope  to  find   application in resource limited area.  The sensitivity
           positive.  May-Grunwald-Giemsa (MGG) staining has   and specificity of EIAs test for capsular polysaccharide
           a relatively high positive detection rate, a small amount   antigen is high which is 100% and 98% respectively
           of  C. neoformans can be detected  after centrifugal   for CSF samples. [34,35]  However, EIAs test cannot be
           precipitation,  applying to patients with low amount of   widely used because of the expensive detection kits.
           fungi. But the morphological characteristics of the fungi
           are not clear, it is easy to be confused with small lymph   The lateral flow assay (LFA) is developed in 2009, it
           cells in CSF when the C. neoformans scattered in the   could detect cryptococcal polysaccharide  capsule
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