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Guo et al.                                                                                                                                                     Diagnosis and treatment of cryptococcal meningitis

           quickly by using gold-conjugated anti-cryptococcal   the synthesis of fungal DNA.  Single drug treatment
           monoclonal antibodies directed at C. neoformans.  It   is  easy  to  produce  drug  resistance.  5-FC  is  usually
           has higher sensitivity than LA and EIAs, and it is more   used incombination with AmB and is superior  to the
           sensitive  for  detecting  the  lower  antigen  in  CSF. [22,30]    combination of AmB and FCZ.  The reason is that AmB
           The CrAg LFA which is low cost can be carried out at   has the ability to make the cell membrane permeability
           room temperature without refrigeration or complicate   to increase, thus 5-FC is more susceptible to enter the
           experimental equipment, takes just 10 min to get the   fungus and appear synergistic fungicidal effect. Without
           results. Therefore, it is expected to reform the diagnosis   use of 5-FC in induction therapy will lead to increased
           of cryptcoccosis in the restricted area. [36]      mortality, treatment failure  or recurrence. [41]
           Recently,  molecular biological detection comprised   FCZ  is  one  of  the  triazole  antifungal  agents  and  its
           of  chromosome pulse electrophoresis, nucleic acid   mechanism of action is to destroy the cell membrane
           probe, DNA fingerprinting technique and polymerase   and  promotes  cell  death  by inhibiting  the activity
           chain  reaction (PCR) has been  carried  out in some   of cytochrome P450 by inhibiting  the synthesis of
           laboratories.  PCR are often used  at present. PCR   ergosterol in fungal cell membrane.   FCZ  is  easy
           which applicates specific primer aimed at conservative   to go through the blood brain barrier (BBB) to reach
           sequence of C. neoformans to the detection of fungi   a  high  concentration  in  CSF.  However,  it  belongs  to
           is rapidly and pecifically.  The primer used for multi-  fungistat that the effect of killing  Cryptococcus is
           locus  sequence  typing  of  C. neoformans includes   weaker than that of AmB. Therefore, it can be used for
           CAP59, GPD1, IGS1, LAC1, PLB1, SOD1, URA5.         sequential therapy after induction therapy. New drugs
           The pathogenic fungi are identified as C. neoformans   such as voriconazole and posaconazole have obvious
           var. grubii, C. neoformans var. neoformans and hybrid   anti-Cryptococcus activity in vitro.
           strains  by  PCR.  However,  the  requirements  for  the
           experimental technique of PCR is so high that this kind   Fractional  treatment  of  the  CM  is  recommended  at
           of test is not widely carried out in clinical practice at   present, consists of AmB plus 5-FC induction therapy,
           present. [31]                                      FCZ consolidation and maintenance therapy.
                                                              Expert  consensus  of  the  diagnose and treatment
           TREATMENT OF CRYPTOCOCCAL                          of cryptococcal infection in China recommended
           MENINGITIS                                         combination  therapy with AmB 0.5-1 mg/kg per day
                                                              and 5-FC 100 mg/kg per day as induction treatment for
           Cryptococcal meningitis without  treatment  is  fatal  in   non-HIV associated patients which earned widespread
           most  cases.  It  is critical to  diagnose  early and treat   approval from  experts.   The induction phase lasts
           promptly for the improvement of survival. [38]     at least 8 weeks which is different from the project of
                                                              Infectious Diseases Society of America (IDSA), and this
           Antifungal agents therapy                          may be related to the use of the method in our country,
           Antifungal   drugs   used    commonly     include  namely it takes a period of time to begin with small dose
           amphotericin  B  (AmB),  5-Flurocytosine  (5-FC)  and   to  effective  maintenance  dose  gradually.  However,
           fluconazole (FCZ).                                 large-scale clinical trials are needed to  demonstrate
                                                              their validity. Then followed by  consolidation  therapy
           AmB  is  a  broad-spectrum antifungal agent.  The   with  FCZ  or  itraconazole  200-400  mg/day  at  least
           mechanism  of  AmB is to combine  with fungal      12 weeks,  and maintenance therapy has not been
           cells  membrane  of ergosterol  and  interfere with   mentioned in the Consensus [Table 1].
           cell metabolism  and increase the cell membrane
           permeability aimed to bring about cell death. AmB is   At present, there is a difference in the treatment of
           the first choice for the treatment of CM, and it has the   non-HIV  associated  patients,  and  its  management
           best early fungicidal activity (EFA).              is based  on the characteristics  other host and  the
                                                              pathogen. As a result of about 25% of the transplant
           5-FC  is  a  pyrimidine  analogues,  and  its  mechanism   patients are with renal dysfunction in the diagnosis of
           of action is to inhibit cell division  by interfering  with   cryptococcal  meningitis,   liposome  amphotericin  B
           Table 1: Antifungal therapeutic schedule for non-HIV associated CM patients
            Schedule                          Course
            Induction period                  AmB 0.5-1 mg/kg per day + 5-FC 100 mg/kg per day        ≥ 8 weeks
            Consolidation period              FCZ/Itraconazole   200-400 mg/day                                  ≥ 12 weeks
            Maintenance period                Not mentioned
           HIV: human immunodeficiency virus; CM: cryptococcal meningitis; AmB: amphotericin B; 5-FC: 5-Flurocytosine; FCZ: fluconazole
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