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Guo et al.                                                                                                                                                     Diagnosis and treatment of cryptococcal meningitis

           INTRODUCTION                                       and diagnostic evidence. The CM has a hidden onset
                                                              and a slow course, mainly presenting the symptoms
           Cryptococcal  meningitis  (CM) is the most common   of  increased intracranial pressure (headache,
           cause of fungal meningitis worldwide. Globally, there   nausea, vomiting, and disturbance of consciousness),
           are approximately  957,900 new cases of  CM  each   meningeal irritation sign (neck rigidity, Kernig sign and
           year, and about  624,700  of them died.  CM occurs   Brudzinski sign).  Patients with altered mental status
           mainly  in  the  acquired  immunodeficiency  syndrome   have high mortality. [5-7]
           (AIDS) crowd abroad. In China, CM is sporadic, mainly
           in people  without AIDS. In recent years, there is an   Patients with typical symptoms of the meningeal
           increasing  trend for the incidence  of CM as a result   irritation are less than 20%.  Optic nerve damage is the
           of  the wide application  of  antibiotic, hormone and   most common among injury of cranial nerves caused
           immune inhibitors, organ transplantation in China. In   by intracranial hypertension (optic nerve, oculomotor
           developing countries, up to 70% of CM lead to death   nerve, abducens nerve, facial nerve, vestibulocochlear
           eventually.  The severity of disease and limited access   nerve involvement). Forty percent of the patients with
           to diagnostics and medications results in the high   CM have visual involvement, including optic discedema
           mortality of CM in resource-limited settings (RLS).    and uveitis. [8-10]  Second is the vestibulocochlear nerve
           Early diagnosis and treatment is the key to reduce the   damage. If there is parenchymal involvement, it would
           morbidity and mortality.                           appear epilepsy seizures, hemiplegia, mental disorder,
                                                              ataxia, etc.
           No symptoms,  hardship to  select pathogen or lack
           of awareness  in the early  stages of the disease   Imaging examination
           make the diagnosis difficult, particularly in RLS. The   Computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance
           clinical  manifestations  and part of cerebrospinal   imaging (MRI) has limited effect on the diagnosis, but it
           fluid  parameters  such  as  fever,  headache,  high   is necessary to find the complications (intracranial mass
           intracranial pressure, high protein and low glucose in   and  hydrocephalus).  Some professors  divide  the
           cerebrospinal  fluid  (CSF)  which  are  easily  confused   CM course into three periods.  Acute phase: cerebral
           with tuberculous  meningitis.  Substantial  resources,   edema is showed on CT or MRI. Brain parenchyma
           such as hospitalization, intravenous antifungal therapy,   presents punctate  low-density  lesions and Long  T1,
           access to lumbar punctures, and strict monitoring are   long T2 signal area, it is similar to cerebral infarction,
           required  in the process of CM treatment.  In  this   called “soap bubble damage” [12,13]  which is caused by
           review,  we mainly describe  the available  diagnostic   the expansion of the  space (Robin Virchow) around
           methods and management of CM without AIDS.         the capillary. Subacute stage: Multifocal gelatinous
                                                              pseudocysts formed in the deep white matter on both
           DIAGNOSE OF CRYPTOCOCCAL MENINGITIS                sides of  the cerebral hemispheres, basal ganglia,
                                                              thalamus and midbrain, etc. Chronic phase: intracranial
           The diagnosis of the CM is dependent  on  the      single  or multiple  rounds,  oval  and  sheet,  etc.,
           medical history, clinical manifestations, imageological   slightly higher or low density massive umbra, lesions
           examination,  cerebrospinal  fluid  parameters  and   surrounded by edema, may have mutual integration.
           laboratory  tests.  Among them, laboratory  tests are   Enhanced scan shows multiple small nodules ring, it
           the main methods to make a definite diagnosis. India   is easy to be misdiagnosed  as cerebral  metastasis.
           ink staining  and fungal cultures are regarded  as the   Because of the correlation between CT/MRI and the
           diagnostic gold standard. There is not much difference   disease  progression  or  cerebrospinal  fluid  pressure,
           in diagnostic criteria of CM between  patients with   CT and MRI should be reviewed even if it was normal
           or  without  human  immunodeficiency  virus  (HIV).   during the acute phase.
           Merely for patients with advanced HIV, World Health
           Organization  (WHO)  recomends  early  cryptococcal   CSF parameter
           antigen (CrAg) screening and treatment in 2011. [4]  The  typical  characteristic  of  cerebrospinal  fluid  for
                                                              CM is high intracranial pressure (HICP) which is more
           Medical history and clinical manifestation         than 350 mmH O or up to more than 900 mmH O. The
           The medical history of CM includes environment (the   reason for HICP is that Cryptococcus hinder the CSF
           contact history of pigeons) and susceptible population   to pass through the arachnoid  villi  which  obstructs
           with risk factors including  long term treatment of   the  CSF  circulation  channel.   Furthermore,  the
           immunosuppressant,    broad-spectrum   antibiotics  accumulation of capsular polysaccharide in arachnoid
           and  glucocorticoids,  HIV  infection  and  patients  with   villi  and  subarachnoid  spaces  contributes  to  fluid
           immunodeficiency is important for providing initial clues   retention by increasing the osmolarity of the CSF and
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