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Liu et al.                                                                                                                                                           Anti-NMDAR encephlitis and ADEM-like findings

           if it is concurrent with demyelination, there are more   consideration.  Even if given in the late phase, there
           deficits, and more intense immunotherapies are often   may still be good effects.
           required.   Therefore, awareness  that anti-NMDAR
           encephalitis and a demyelinating disorder may occur   Financial support and sponsorship
           in the same patient is important for facilitating timely   Nil.
           diagnosis and treatment. The pathogenic mechanism
           of anti-NMDAR encephalitis  and demyelinating      Conflicts of interest
           disorders coexisting is unknown. Several active    There are no conflicts of interest.
           immune mechanisms may likely play.  One may be
           that functional NMDARs are composed of 5 different   Patient consent
           subunits as GRIN1, GRIN2A, GRIN2B, GRIN2C and      Informed consent was obtained  from all individual
           GRIN2D, and these subunits may be associated with   participants included in the study.
           demyelinating disorder.  Additionally,  Lipton’s  work
           showed  that oligodendrocytes  and myelin  contain   Ethics approval
           NMDAR and that molecular mimicry or immune cross-  Data collection  in our study involving  the patient is
           reaction might be involved  in pathogenesis. However,   consistent with the ethical standards of the institution’s
           the exact relationship between NMDAR antibodies and   ethics committee.
           myelin dysfunction still needs more study.
           Conventional treatments of anti-NMDAR encephalitis
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