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Liu et al.                                                                                                                                                                   Low antioxidant status of patients with CNSI

           reported  before.  In  conclusion,  our  findings  suggest   neuroprotectant against  oxidative stress injury.
           that there were low serum levels of UA, bilirubin and   Moreover,  increasing evidences suggested that
           albumin in patients with CNSI.                     bilirubin  also possessed  multiple biological  activities,
                                                              including potential immunomodulatory properties.
           The mechanisms of CNS damage during meningitis     Our results supported the finding that serum bilirubin
           have  not  been  conclusively  identified.  Increasing   levels in CNSI were lower than the control group, in
           evidence shows a massive production of ROS and     spite of  there being no apparent difference when
           RNS  could  lead  to  significant  collateral  damage  in   compared  with multiple  sclerosis (MS). Furthermore,
           pneumococcal meningitis, because of their toxic    gender differences also existed, and we found that
           actions, such as lipid peroxidation, DNA strand    women  also had lower  mean serum bilirubin  values
           breakage and production of inflammatory cytokines.   when compared with men.
           Therefore, a potential use of oxidative inhibitors
           as  an  adjunctive  treatment  could  be  beneficial  in   Otherwise, some researchers demonstrated that serum
           treating meningitis. [18]  Our work showed that patients   albumin, specifically block echovirus by inhibiting the
           with CNSI had low serum UA, Tbil, Ibil and albumin   uncoating step in the virus replication cycle. That is to
           levels. The  notion  is  that  oxidative  damage  plays  a   say that in man, echovirus infection may be modulated
           crucial role in CNSI, which may be because of the low   by serum albumin. [29]
           antioxidant status.
                                                              Imbalanced metabolism and excess free radical
           UA is a natural antioxidant in the blood and brain,   generation could cause oxidative stress, which
           which has been shown that exogenous administration   has  been  defined  as  a  principle  pathological  cause
           of urate is protective in experimental bacterial   of neurodegenerative disorders, such as MS,
           meningitis.  UA is capable of scavenging free      Parkinson’s disease.   Therefore, it could be
           radicals  and  chelating  transitional  metal  ions  by   favorable for increasing antioxidant levels, such as
           preventing peroxynitrite induced protein nitrosylation,   UA, bilirubin and albumin levels in CNSI, which should
           lipid and protein peroxidation, and inactivation of   not focus only on anti-infective therapy, but also on the
           tetrahydrobiopterin.  Low levels of UA are detrimental   antioxidant effects.
           to  neurons,  while  high  levels  of  UA  contribute  to
           neuroprotection. [21,22]                           In conclusion,  low serum UA, bilirubin  and albumin
                                                              levels in CNSI patients were found in our study, the
           Our study showed that serum levels of UA in patients   reason may be due to exhaustion  of antioxidant
           with CNSI were lower, therefore, increasing in UA   capacity.  An imbalance  between  oxidant  and
           concentration  has  been  suggested  as  one  of  the   antioxidant activities will result in the development of
           possible  mechanisms  as  a  replacement  therapy.   intracranial inflammation and destruction of neurons.
           Generally speaking, serum UA levels are highly sex   These  findings  may  increase  our  understanding  of
           and age dependent. In this study, we further divided   pathophysiology  of CNSI.  Therefore, to enhance
           each group into female and male subgroups, [23]  we   antioxidant  power  and  keep oxidative  stress and
           found that in all groups, men had higher serum UA   antioxidant  in  balance  may  be  beneficial  to  patients
           levels than women which is consistent with previous   with CNSI,  that is to say, improving  the clinical  and
           studies. [17,24]                                   laboratory  results in CNSI, by elevating  serum UA,
                                                              bilirubin and albumin could be considered.
           Bilirubin,  the end product of heme metabolism,
           is formed from  biliverdin.  As  the  products of   In the future, we plan to measure the antioxidant levels
           Hemeoxygenase  (HO)-catalyzed heme breakdown,      in cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of CNSI patients, and we
           it has an essential cerebroprotective role. [11,12]  There   may compare the antioxidant status of blood and CSF
           are two major forms of HO, existing HO-1 and HO-2.   in these patients.
           It is generally accepted that the elevated HO-1 levels
           represent an attempt to  restore redox homeostasis   Financial support and sponsorship
           and  to  down-modulate  inflammation.  HO-2,       Nil.
           the  constitutively active isoform,  has an essential
           cerebroprotective role against seizure-induced loss of   Conflicts of interest
           endothelial vasodilator function in newborn piglets.    There are no conflicts of interest.
           Some observations  suggested  that bilirubin,  as a
           potent antioxidant, could reduce cerebrovascular   Patient consent
           complications in the seizures of newborn  babies.    Informed consent was obtained  from all individual
           Some scholars provided  that bilirubin  could be as   participants included in the study.
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