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Feng et al.                                                                                                                                                         Growth cone collapse in adult sensory neurons

           the injury site is a major mechanical barrier to axonal   or  after  the  addition  of  SEMA3A.  The  objective  of
           regeneration. Studies have found that the glial scar   this study was to provide evidence that neurotrophic
           contains many molecules that inhibit axonal growth. [4-8]    factors are involved in mediating axonal regeneration
           Semaphorin 3A (SEMA3A) is one of these molecules   and neurite outgrowth as well as shed light on the
           and is highly expressed in the glial scar. [9-11]  SEMA3A   roles  of  specific  neurotrophic  factors  in  mediating
           is part of the Semaphorin family of inhibitory guidance   neurite outgrowth.
           cues specific to vertebrae, and it is normally present
           during the development of the central and peripheral   METHODS
           nervous systems. [12-14]  Semaphorins signal through
           complex neuronal receptors that contain neuropilin-1   Enteric glia extraction and culture
           and  plexins,  which  are  significantly  expressed  in   All experiments were performed in accordance with the
           axotomized dorsal root ganglion (DRG).  This       requirements of the Animals for Research Act of Ontario,
           indicates  that  SEMA3A  is  a  key  mediator  of  axon   Canada and the Guidelines of the Canadian Council on
           retraction and growth cone collapse. [13,15]  To  date,   Animal Care and were approved by the Animal Research
           multiple studies have observed the effects of SEMA3A   Ethics Board at our institution. Both EG extraction from
           on DRG-derived neurons in animal models. [16-21]  Two of   the small intestines of adult female Wistar rats and EG
           them employed growth cone collapse assays adapted   identification confirmation by staining for glial fibrillary
           from studies on embryonic neurons. [16,18]         acidic protein and myelin protein zero (MPZ) were
                                                              performed using previously described methods [29]  as
           Enteric glia (EG) are the support cells of the enteric   adapted in Hansebout  et al.   The presence of glial
           nervous system (the nervous system of the gut) and   fibrillary acidic protein, in conjunction with the absence
           share a number of characteristics with central nervous   of MPZ, is considered to be indicative of EG. [21,24]
           system  (CNS)  astrocytes.  It  has  been  previously   EG were cultured as per   in  Dulbecco’s  modified
           reported that in vivo locally transplanted EG facilitate   eagle  medium  (DMEM/F)  12  1:1  (Invitrogen  D8437)
           ingrowth of transected dorsal root axons toward their   supplemented  with  10%  fetal  bovine  serum  (FBS)
           targets through the spinal cord and across the non-  and 1% penicillin/streptomycin (P/S).  The medium
           permissive peripheral/CNS boundary. [22]  These  EG   was changed every 2-3 days, and the cells were then
           induce  the  regeneration  of  neurofilament-positive   subcultured using 0.25% trypsin-ethylene diamine
           dorsal root axons into the injury site of rats given   tetraacetic acid (Invitrogen 25200-056).
           spinal  cord  crushes  (using  the  clip-compression
           model). [23]   Additionally,  there  is  published  data  that   DRG extraction and culture
           suggests EG secrete nerve growth factor (NGF),     DRG were extracted from six- to sixteen-week old
           brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), glial    adult male Wistar rats and cultured as per Hall  and
           cell  line-derived  neurotrophic factor  (GDNF),  and   as described by Hansebout et al.,  plating 3 × 10
           neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) in culture and that these growth   cells/well in a 6-well tissue culture plate. Non-neuronal
           factors at least partially mediate neurite outgrowth   cells were reduced with a 4 h incubation in dispase/
           in DRG neurons in response to EG. [24]  Studies have   collagenase.  They were then plated on a standard
           shown that all of these growth factors imbue some   petri dish. Neurons generally have difficulty adhering
           resistance to SEMA3A-induced growth cone collapse   to the petri dish surface, and the neurons mixed in
           in cultured embryonic DRG neurons,  [25,26]  although   solution were subsequently removed and replated. As
           collapse sensitization varies with developmental   per Reza et al.,  each well was coated with 3 mL of
           stage. [26-28]   A study by Wanigasekara  et al. [18]  is of   0.01% poly-L-lysine 48 h before extraction. The poly-
           particular importance to our study, as it indicated   L-lysine was replaced with 2 ng/mL laminin in HBSS
           that  NGF,  GDNF,  and  NT-3  inhibit  SEM3A-induced   24 h before extraction to facilitate DRG attachment.
           collapse in adult DRG-derived sensory neurons when   The neurons were acclimatized to culture conditions
           administered 1 h before collapse.                  for 4 days before each experiment. Half of the 3 mL of
                                                              supplemented neurobasal medium was replaced with
           We hypothesized that incubation with EG-conditioned   fresh medium every other day.
           medium would inhibit and perhaps reverse SEMA3A-
           mediated growth cone collapse in cultured DRG      Generation of enteric glial-conditioned medium
           neurons, and theorized that inhibiting any one of the   The  EG  medium  was  conditioned  as per
           neurotrophic factors in the EG-conditioned medium   Hansebout et al.  EG derived from adult male Wistar
           would  decrease  its  overall  efficacy  at  preventing   rats were seeded at 4 × 10  cells/well into a six-well
           SEMA3A-mediated collapse, regardless of whether    plate coated with rat tail collagen, with tissue culture
           the conditioned medium was applied before, during,   inserts covered in 3T3 mouse embryonic fibroblasts.
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