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Koseki et al.                                                                                                                                                             Inflammatory cells in intracranial aneurysm

           C-X-C chemokine receptor 2, the receptor for CXCL1,   M2  ameliorating  inflammation.  Hasan  et  al.   found
           resulted in a significant reduction of tumorigenesis. [41]  that, in unruptured IAs, M1 and M2 populations were
                                                              similar, but in ruptured IAs, the balance shifted to M1-
           In case of IAs, the presence of neutrophils in IA lesions   predominance over M2, indicating a role for M1 in the
           has been demonstrated both in human specimens  and   rupture of IAs. However, careful attention is needed
           in animal models. [17,37]  In human IAs, myeloperoxidase-  regarding the role of specific macrophage subsets in
           positive cells, including  neutrophils,  are abundantly   the rupture of IAs because subarachnoid hemorrhage
           present in IA lesions.  Genetic loss of myeloperoxidase   as the consequence of rupture robustly induces acute
           in  mice  significantly  reduces  not  only  the  incidence   inflammation,  and  thereby  presumably  shifts  the
           of IAs,  but also delays the onset of subarachnoid   balance among macrophage subsets.
           hemorrhage. This suppressive action due to the loss of
           myeloperoxidase is accompanied with the suppression   Recent experimental studies using animal IA models
           of CXCL1 and other pro-inflammatory factors. These   have clarified the crucial role of macrophages in IA
           results suggest a role for myeloperoxidase, presumably   formation and progression. Using a rat model, Aoki et al.
           produced by neutrophils, in the incidence and rupture   demonstrated that macrophages are the major
           of IAs. Intriguingly, as the loss of myeloperoxidase   inflammatory cell type in IA walls with the remaining
           suppresses CXCL1 expression, myeloperoxidase may   cell types consisting of T lymphocytes and neutrophils.
           contribute to the formation of a positive feedback loop   The authors also demonstrated the presence of mast
           among neutrophils, which amplifies and exacerbates   cells in IA walls in an experimental model; however,
           inflammation.  Thus,  myeloperoxidase  may  function   macrophages  occupied  the  majority  of  inflammatory
           to form a vicious cycle leading to the progression of   cells.  In  order to examine  the contribution of
           IAs.  Therefore, myeloperoxidase,  or another  factor   macrophages to IA formation and progression, mice
           regulating the activity of neutrophils, could be an ideal   deficient  in  monocyte  chemoattractant  protein-1
           therapeutic target in the treatment of IAs.        (MCP-1), a major chemoattractant for macrophages,
                                                              were subjected to an IA model.  The genetic loss of
           Macrophages                                        MCP-1  almost  completely  inhibited  the  infiltration  of
           Macrophages,  defined  by  the  expression  of  surface   macrophages in lesions and significantly suppressed
           markers including CD11b, CD68, CD163, are also     IA formation to the level seen in un-treated wild
           antigen-presenting cells.  It is, of course, the major   type mice.   The effect of a genetic loss of MCP-
           cell  type  evoking  inflammatory  responses.  The   1 on IA formation has also been demonstrated in
           accumulation of macrophages in human IA lesions has   another  study  by  Kanematsu  et  al.   In  addition,
           been demonstrated. Chyatte  et al.  demonstrated   Aoki  et al.  administered the dominant-negative
           that number of macrophages was larger in IA lesions   form of MCP-1, known as 7-ND, in a rat IA model by
           than in control arterial walls, and thus proposed a role   injecting  expression  plasmid  in  the  femoral  muscle,
           for macrophages in the formation and rupture of IAs.   and demonstrate a suppression of IA formation and
           Frösen et al.  analyzed the pathology of surgically-  progression, further confirming the crucial role of MCP-
           dissected IA walls and found that macrophage       1-mediated  macrophage  infiltration  in  IA  formation
           infiltration,  apoptosis,  the  loss  of  endothelial  cells,   and  progression.  In  the  IA  walls  of  MCP-1-deficient
           thrombosis in the lumen, and the proliferation of   mice,  the  inflammatory  response,  including  NF-κB
           medial smooth muscle cells were more frequently and   activation as well as iNOS and MMP-9 induction, was
           robustly observed in ruptured IAs than in unruptured   remarkably  ameliorated  compared  with  that  of  wild
           IAs, suggesting a role for macrophages in the rupture   type mice,  supporting the role of macrophages as
           of  IAs.  Furthermore,  as  macrophage  infiltration  was   an inducer of inflammation in lesions. The importance
           correlated with the proliferation of medial smooth   of  macrophages in  the  pathogenesis  of  IAs  is  also
           muscle cells and both were increased in ruptured IAs   supported by Kanematsu  et al. [45]  in which the
           collected within 12 h after rupture, the authors proposed   pharmacological  depletion  of  macrophages  using
           an additional role of macrophages in the repair of the   clodronate  liposome  remarkably  suppressed  IA
           arterial walls of IA lesions.  Hasan et al.  examined   formation in mice. MCP-1  expression overlaps with
           macrophage subsets (M1 and M2) in  IA  walls.  M1   NF-κB  in  endothelial  cells  during  the  early  stage  of
           and M2 are defined according to the expression of   IA formation,   indicating  that  NF-κB-dependent
           several markers with inducible nitric oxide synthase   MCP-1 expression and trans-endothelial migration
           (iNOS) expressed in M1 and CD163 expressed         of macrophages occurs via MCP-1. Indeed, mice
           in  M2  macrophages.   Traditionally,  M1  and  M2   deficient in the NF-κB p50 subunit show significantly
           macrophages are believed to function oppositely    less induction of MCP-1 in lesions, supporting the
           in  inflammatory  settings  with  M1  exacerbating  and   dependency  of  NF-κB  on  MCP-1  expression  in
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