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Koseki et al.                                                                                                                                                             Inflammatory cells in intracranial aneurysm

           lesions.  Given that the high wall shear stress loaded   rich lesions from ferumoxytol-MRI.  Intriguingly, anti-
           on bifurcation sites of intracranial arteries where IA   inflammatory  drugs  (non-steroidal  anti-inflammatory
           forms  is  considered  to  be  a  trigger  of  IA  formation   drugs) decreased signals in this imaging method, which
           through extensive studies conducted in mainly      was accompanied with a decrease in the macrophage
           3D-computational fluid dynamics analyses of human   count within lesions,  suggesting that macrophage-
           IA lesions, [10,46-48]  one potential factor triggering NF-κB-  imaging  using  ferumoxytol-MRI  can  positively  reflect
           dependent MCP-1 expression in endothelial cells is   macrophage-rich  or  poor lesions. Importantly,  these
           presumably this hemodynamic force. However, further   findings suggest the potential of this imaging method as
           studies  are  needed in order to corroborate whether   a surrogate marker to non-invasively monitor disease
           macrophages indeed migrate across endothelial cells   activity. Unfortunately, ferumoxytol has a risk of a fatal
           during  IA  formation  and  progression.  Given  these   allergic reaction and the  FDA  has strengthened the
           findings, IA is now considered to be a macrophage-  warning concerning usage of this drug as a contrast
           mediated  inflammatory  disease  of  the  intracranial   agent  for diagnostic  purposes.  Therefore, a novel
           arteries. Therefore, macrophages could be a target in   contrast agent for macrophage imaging with excellent
           the development of a novel diagnostic method and in   biocompatibility  and adequate  safety is needed.  In
           the development of a therapeutic drug.             addition,  because  red blood cells contain  a large
                                                              amount of iron in the hemoglobin,  macrophage-
           MACROPHAGE IMAGING                                 imaging  using  iron-containing  particles  need  to be
                                                              evaluated after the subtraction of signals derived from
           Given the devastating consequences of an aneurysmal   red blood cells in the vasculature. Unfortunately, these
           subarachnoid hemorrhage as well as the relatively low   subtraction procedures are often time-consuming and
           annual  risk of  rupture,   it  is  crucial to  appropriately   make interpretation quite difficult. Hence, to overcome
           select rupture-prone IAs  among many unruptured    the technical limitations related to iron-particle-based
           IAs  while avoiding unnecessary  surgical intervention   macrophage-imaging  methods, positive contrast
           through  the proper  estimation  of the rupture risk for   agents such as nano-particles containing gadolinium
           each lesion. For example, a qualitative  evaluation   may  be  beneficial.  Furthermore,  with  the  use  of  a
           using non- or minimally-invasive magnetic resonance   nano-particle based technique, a novel drug delivery
           imaging  (MRI) of IA lesions could  be a candidate   system targeting  macrophages  may be possible.  If
           diagnostic  method. Given the crucial contribution   so, IAs with abundant macrophage infiltration can be
           of  macrophage-mediated  inflammatory  responses   selectively targeted and treated by a cytotoxic agent in
           to the pathogenesis  of IAs, [10,36,45,49]  macrophages   order to reduce macrophage-mediated inflammation in
           as well as factors secreted from or factors recruiting   IA lesions.
           macrophages can be considered potential targets for
           imaging. Macrophages are an antigen-presenting cell;   As described above, macrophages have a wide range
           thus, macrophages actively search for and engulf   of subpopulations  with  different characteristics.
           foreign bodies by nature.  Through their phagocytic   In human IA lesions, the M1 and M2 subpopulations
           activity,  contrast  agent-engulfing  macrophages  can   are detected using  immunostaining.  Further, as
           be theoretically  visualized  using MRI.  Indeed, many   indicated in the  previous report demonstrating a
           studies have demonstrated the application  of this   marked predominance of M1 over M2 in ruptured IAs
           type  of  imaging  technique for  macrophage-mediated   compared to that in unruptured lesions,  a particular
           pathological conditions or diseases, including infection   subpopulation of macrophages may alone contribute
           and atherosclerosis. [50,51]  In these studies, ferumoxytol,   to the rupture of IAs. If so, the detection of this specific
           which is an ultra-small superparamagnetic particle of   subpopulation  would be helpful in discriminating
           iron oxide approved by the Food and Drug Administration   rupture-prone  IAs from stable lesions.  Thus, next-
           (FDA) for the treatment of Iron Deficiency Anemia due   generation  imaging  modalities for subpopulation-
           to chronic renal failure, was applied as a contrast agent.   specific  visualization  of  macrophages  are  desired.
           Recently, the use of macrophage imaging for IAs has   In addition, MRI contrast agents that target enzymes
           been reported. [52-55]  In a series of reports, Ferumoxytol   produced  by  inflammatory  cells  may  be  useful  in
           was intravenously administered to patients with pre-  diagnosing  rupture-prone ‘dangerous’  lesions as
           diagnosed  unruptured  IAs  and  ferumoxytol-engulfing   suggested in a recent review article.  For example,
           macrophages were visualized using a T2 star weighted   myeloperoxidase is an enzyme produced by myeloid-
           image. In addition, in order to validate the MRI findings,   linage cells such as neutrophils. Enzymatic activity of
           the presence of iron particles was histologically   this protein can be monitored by MRI using gadolinium-
           confirmed  using  Prussian  blue  staining  of  CD68    chelating  bis (5-hydroxytrytamide)  derivatives  of
           macrophages in the IA walls identified as macrophage-  diethylenetetraamine  pentaacetic acid  as a contrast
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