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Koseki et al.                                                                                                                                                             Inflammatory cells in intracranial aneurysm

           cells as well as T helper 1, 2, and 17 cells (Th1, Th2,   the presence of mast cells and IA progression, the
           and Th17). Some T cells function as a node of acquired   researchers treated rats with emedastine difumarate
           immunity  and  regulate  inflammatory  responses  in   (1-(2-ethoxyethyl)-2-(hexahydro-4-methyl-1H-
           a coordinated  manner  with other cell types in the   1,4-diazepin-1-yl)-benzimidazole difumarate) and
           microenvironment. As expected, T cells play a crucial   tranilast  (N-(3,4-dimethoxycinnamoyl)  anthranilic
           role  in  various  diseases,  including  inflammatory   acid), two widely-used inhibitors for limiting mast cell
           and autoimmune diseases.   The accumulation  of    degranulation. Inhibition of mast cell degranulation
           T cells  in human IA lesions  has been  pathologically   effectively reduced lesion size and degenerative
           demonstrated, suggesting the contribution of this cell   changes of the media through the inhibition of
           type to the rupture of IAs. [14,15]  Although a recent study   inflammatory  responses,  including  reduced  NF-
           has demonstrated the predominance of Th1 and Th17   κB  activation,  monocyte  chemoattractant  protein-1
           subsets over Th2 in ruptured IAs,  the detailed role   (MCP-1)  expression,  macrophage  infiltration,  matrix
           of T cells in the pathogenesis of IAs, including which   metalloproteinases  (MMPs)  and  IL-1β  expression,
           subset/subtype of  T cells regulates IA formation and   which  facilitate  pathogenesis. [10,13,36-39]   Moreover,
           rupture, remains to be elucidated.                 in vitro experiments using a primary culture in
                                                              which vascular smooth muscle cells and mast cells
           Mast cells                                         prone  to  degranulation  are  co-cultured,  confirmed
           Mast  cells  are characterized by  a large  number of   the contribution of mast cell degranulation to the
           cytoplasmic  granules  and  are  well  recognized  as   activation of medial smooth muscle cells.  Given
           mediators  of  certain  types  of  inflammation  including   that factors suppressed by the administration of
           allergic  inflammation. [22,23]  Mast cells play a role in   degranulation inhibitors are known to facilitate IA
           inflammation  through  degranulation  of  cytoplasmic   formation and progression, [10,13,36-39]  mast cells or mast
           granules, which contain a variety of cytokines and   cell  degranulation inhibitors may be  a  therapeutic
           pro-inflammatory  factors  such  as  tumor  necrosis   target for IA treatment. It is encouraging that mast
           factor-alpha  (TNF-α),  interleukin  (IL)-1β,  IL-3,  IL-4,   cell degranulation-inhibitors are already widely used
           IL-6, IL-8, IL-13, and transforming growth factor-beta   as anti-allergic drugs; thus, medical therapy targeting
           (TGF-β). [24-29]  Once mast cells are activated, they   mast cells may be possible in near future.
           release  large  amounts  of  pro-inflammatory  factors
           from the granules into the extracellular space, resulting   Neutrophils
           in the induction of inflammatory responses within the   Neutrophils,  defined  using  surface  markers  such  as
           microenvironment. Mast cells significantly participate   CD11b, Ly-6G and Ly-6C, are antigen-presenting
           in  the  pathogenesis  of  various  inflammation-  cells.  This  cell  type  is  recruited  by  chemoattractant
           related diseases, including vascular diseases such   factors  such  as  chemokine  (C-X-C  motif)  ligand
           as atherosclerosis, [24,30-33]  via the release of pro-  1 (CXCL1)   and  is  present  in  the  inflammatory
           inflammatory factors from granules.                microenvironment, migrating to inflammation sites and
                                                              exacerbating  inflammatory  responses  by  secreting
           In the case of IA, the presence of mast cells in human   various  pro-inflammatory  factors  in  response  to
           IA lesions has been demonstrated. [16,19]  Hasan et al.    cytokines present  in situ. Factors released from
           further demonstrated that the number of mast cells   neutrophils include proteases and digestive enzymes
           located in IA lesions is larger for ruptured compared   such as myeloperoxidase, collagenase, elastase, and
           to unruptured IAs, suggesting a role for mast cells   cathepsin.  Neutrophil turnover during inflammation
           in the rupture of IAs. In addition, Ollikainen  et al.    is usually rapid; therefore, this cell type is traditionally
           demonstrated  a  positive  correlation  between  the   believed to be a mediator of the acute inflammatory
           number of mast cells present in IA lesions and     response. However, recent studies have revealed
           neovascularization and iron deposition (presumably   the contribution of  neutrophils to the pathogenesis
           due to microhemorrhage), suggesting the contribution   of  diseases  with  long-lasting  inflammation,  referred
           of mast cells to degenerative changes in the media.   to  as  chronic  inflammatory  diseases.  For  example,
           However, the exact contribution of mast cells to the   neutrophils are the most abundant cell type in colitis-
           pathogenesis of IAs is difficult to discern from studies   associated colon cancer induced in mice and have been
           using human specimens; thus, the pivotal role of mast   shown to be as a major source of cytokines regulating
           cells  to  the  pathogenesis  of  IA  has  been  clarified   inflammatory  responses,  including  TNF-α  and  IL-6,
           using  animal  IA  models. [34,35]   These  studies  have   which contribute to the transformation/proliferation of
           demonstrated an increase in the number of mast cells   cancer cells. [41,42]  The crucial contribution of neutrophils
           in IA lesions during progression of the disease. In   to  the  pathogenesis  of  cancer  has  been  clarified  in
           order to demonstrate a causal relationship between   a  study  demonstrating  that  the  genetic  depletion  of
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