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Koseki et al.                                                                                                                                                             Inflammatory cells in intracranial aneurysm

           INTRODUCTION                                       medical IA treatment should be established for patients
                                                              without  surgical  indications,  or as an alternative  to
           Despite the existence of intensive treatments and   surgical procedures. Currently, statin is considered to
           modern technical advancements in medical care,     be a candidate therapeutic drug for IAs as our previous
           subarachnoid  hemorrhage  caused  by  the  rupture  of   case-control study demonstrated that statin usage
           an intracranial aneurysm (IA) has a poor prognosis   reduced the incidence of subarachnoid  hemorrhage
           with a mortality rate of up to 50%.  In addition,   due to the rupture of IAs.  In addition, a prospective
           subarachnoid hemorrhage can cause sudden death,    randomized  trial examining  the inhibitory  effect of
           even in the productive population, making this disease   statins on the progression and rupture of human IAs,
           socially important. Given such a devastating outcome   known as the Small Unruptured Aneurysm Verification
           and  difficulty  in  treatment  once  the  subarachnoid   Prevention Effect against Growth of cerebral Aneurysm
           hemorrhage develops, rupture-preventing treatment   Study Using Statin study (Japan), is in progress.
           of IAs is essential. Currently, many IAs are incidentally   However, the mechanisms underlying the pathogenesis
           found before rupture through a medical checkup of the   of IAs need to be further examined in order to develop
           brain, particularly in developed countries. Indeed, in a   effective and safe medical treatments. Thus, knowledge
           Japanese cohort, the majority of unruptured IAs were   regarding  the cell types regulating the pathogenesis
           found incidentally.  The detection of unruptured IAs   of  IAs  is  essential  to  the  identification  of  diagnostic
           enables prophylactic interventions for the prevention   or therapeutic targets. Although the histopathological
           of rupture and the subsequent onset of subarachnoid   examination of human IAs demonstrated the presence
           hemorrhage. Currently, IAs with a high probability of   of hyaline deposits, sub-intimal fibrin deposition, and
           rupture are holistically selected using morphological   laminar thrombosis in lesions, particularly in ruptured
           aspects such as size and shape, anatomical aspects   IAs, [4,8,9]  thereby implicating endothelial dysfunction as
           such as location, and other confounding factors which,   a potential target for medical therapy, we focus on the
           according to some guidelines and previous cohort   inflammatory infiltrates found in IA walls in this short
           studies, increase the likelihood of rupture, such as a   review  given  previous  findings  that  the  inflammatory
           previous or family history of subarachnoid hemorrhage,   response is crucial in the pathogenesis of IAs. [10-13]
           race  (Japanese  or  Finnish),  current  smoking  status,
           or the presence of hypertension. IAs with a high risk   INFLAMMATORY CELLS IN IA LESIONS
           for rupture are surgically treated using microsurgical
           or endovascular procedures. [3-5]  In order to predict   Histopathological analysis of surgically dissected
           the risk of IA rupture more objectively and accurately,   or autopsy-harvested IA specimens has revealed
           a scoring system has been established based on a   the  presence  of  inflammatory  cells  in  IA  lesions.
           meta-analysis of 6 prospective cohort studies on the   Kataoka et al.  demonstrated an increased presence
           annual rupture risk of IAs. [3,6]  However, the lack of a   of  inflammatory  infiltrating  immune  cells  in  ruptured
           diagnostic method to qualitatively estimate the rupture   human IAs compared to that in unruptured IAs
           risk for each IA is currently a major concern in IA   with  a  positive  correlation  between  inflammatory
           treatment. The natural consequence is that IAs with a   infiltrates  and  degenerative  changes  in  the  arterial
           lower probability of rupture are sometimes surgically   walls, suggesting a role for inflammatory cells in the
           treated with a considerable risk for complications, or   rupture  of  IAs.  Inflammatory  cells  found  in  human
           lesions on the verge of rupture are simply observed,   IA  lesions  include  macrophages, [14-16]   neutrophils,
           resulting in a devastating outcome. Therefore, a novel   T lymphocytes [14,15]  and mast cells. [16,18,19]  Among
           qualitative diagnostic method should be established   these  types  of  inflammatory  cells,  the  contribution
           in order to reduce inappropriate decisions regarding   of macrophages, neutrophils, and mast cells to
           surgical intervention.                             the pathogenesis of IAs has been supported by
                                                              experimental studies using animal IA models. Below,
           Another important concern regarding  current IA    we review the evidence for each cell type.
           treatment for rupture prevention is the lack of medical
           treatment (expect for medical care targeting risk   T cells
           factors  such as  hypertension)  for  patients with IAs   T cells are a major cell type participating in acquired
           ill-suited  for surgery,  including  patients with small   immunity. T cells are differentiated in the thymus from
           IAs  or  elderly  patients  with  significant  comorbidity.    their precursors mainly into CD4-positive and CD8-
           Considering  the poor outcome associated  with     positive T cells. These differentiated T cell subsets are
           subarachnoid hemorrhage after onset, the intrinsic risk   then distributed throughout the body and are further
           of complications related to surgical manipulations, and   differentiated into effective subtypes according to the
           the nature of unruptured IAs as asymptomatic lesions,   microenvironment  in situ, including  CD8-positive  T
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