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Feng et al.                                                                                                                                                         Growth cone collapse in adult sensory neurons

           The EG were bathed in DMEM/F12 medium (Invitrogen   EG-conditioned medium or normal supplemented
           11330-032) supplemented with 20% FBS and 1% P/S.   neurobasal medium for the comparison groups
           EG from passages 6-10 were acclimated to DMEM/     containing 200 ng/mL SEMA3A to obtain a bath
           F12 containing 2% FBS and 1% P/S.  Twenty-four     concentration of 100 ng/mL.  The medium in the
           hours later, cells were rinsed in phosphate buffered   treatment groups also contained either anti-NGF, anti-
           saline  (PBS,  pH  7.35)  and  subsequently  bathed  in   BDNF, anti-GDNF, anti-NT-3 added in PBS to achieve
           supplemented neurobasal medium. After another 24 h,   a well concentration of 2.5 µg/mL. Equal volumes of
           the medium was conditioned and centrifuged for 5 min   PBS were added to control wells. The cultures were
           at 4,000 g to remove any particulates.             incubated for 1 h and then fixed and stained.

           Collapse assay                                     Post-treatment
           A  collapse  assay  was  adapted  from  Reza  et  al.    Similar to the previous experiments, half of the
           and  experimental  conditions  were  modified  from   medium in each well was replaced with fresh
           Hansebout  et al.  EG-conditioned medium was       neurobasal medium containing 200 ng/mL SEMA3A
           administered before,  during  or  after SEMA3A  (R&D   to  obtain  a  bath  concentration  of  100  ng/mL.  After
           System 1250-S3) mediated collapse (pre-treatment,   a  40-min  incubation,  2.5  mL  of  the  bathing  medium
           co-treatment, post-treatment). Each time setting was   was replaced with either EG-conditioned medium
           assessed using serial assays. To test individual growth   with SEMA3A or supplemented neurobasal medium
           factor involvement, antibodies to one of NGF, BDNF,   with SEMA3A. Pilot studies revealed that 1.5 mL of
           GDNF or NT-3 were added to select wells. Each      EG medium was inadequate to prevent collapse after
           neurotrophic factor was investigated with or without   SEMA3A administration in our model.  Also added
           conditioning  media  (+/-CDN)  and  with  or  without   was either anti-NGF, anti-BDNF, anti-GDNF, anti-
           antibody (+/-aB). The negative (model; -CDN/-aB) and   NT-3 in PBS for a final concentration of 2.5 ng/mL or
           positive (+CDN/-aB) control groups show the effect of   equal volumes of PBS for controls. These cells were
           enteric glia on SEMA3A-mediated collapse before the   incubated for another 20 min for a total 1-h incubation
           addition of the antibodies. Cells were incubated at 37°C   period before fixing and staining.
           and PBS was used as a vector control for antibodies in
           each experiment arm. The final working concentration   Staining
           of SEMA3A in all of the wells was 100 ng/mL. The final   Phalloidin staining, which specifically binds to F-actin,
           antibody concentration in each well was 2.5 µg/mL. All   was used to visualize the actin-dense cytoskeleton of
           cells  were  later  fixed  in  4%  perfluoroalkoxy  alkanes   the growth cones. [31,32]  Specific methods were modified
           (PFA) containing 10% sucrose and subsequently      from Hansebout et al.  After a 10-min fixation in a 4%
           stained. The detailed procedures are as follows:   PFA and 10% sucrose solution, the cells were washed
                                                              in PBS, permeabilized with 0.05% Triton X-100 for 5
           Pre-treatment                                      min, and then treated with 1% bovine serum albumin
           Half of the medium in each well was replaced with   for 30 min to reduce background staining. The cells
           EG-conditioned medium or normal supplemented       were then stained for 1 h with Alexa-488 phalloidin
           neurobasal medium for positive and negative controls   (Invitrogen  A12379) to visualize the growth cones
           respectively. Each EG-conditioned and control      and  cell  morphology  and  then  counter-stained  with
           neurobasal group also received either anti-NGF     Propidium iodide (Sigma) to visualize the nuclei. After
           (RD System  AMK0208091), anti-BDNF (Millipore      a  double  wash  in  PBS  and  a  final  wash  in  double-
           AB15130P), anti-GDNF (RD System  AFW0408071),      distilled water, coverslips were mounted onto glass
           or anti-NT-3 (Chemicon AB1780SP) dissolved in PBS   slides using VectaShield mounting medium (Vector
           to reach a working concentration of 2.5 µg/mL while   Laboratories H-1,000), and edges of the coverslips
           controls were given PBS in equal volumes. After a   were sealed with clear nail polish.
           1-h incubation, all cultures were then treated with
           100 µg/mL SEMA3A in PBS (R&D Systems 1250-S3-      Data gathering
           025) to obtain a bath concentration of 100 ng/mL as   The ratio of collapsed to uncollapsed growth cones
           per Wanigasekara et al.  and Reza et al.  One hour   was measured as per Kapfhammer  et al. [33]  and
           later, cells were fixed and stained.               Brown et al. [34]  noting the approximate cell body size
                                                              of each neurite, so as to exclude large-diameter DRG
           Co-treatment                                       neurons that have been shown to be unresponsive
           This experiment was almost identical to the previous   to SEMA3A. [16]  Since the study used isolated DRG
           one with the exception of the timing of the treatment.   from adult rats rather than explanted embryonic DRG
           Half of the medium in each well was replaced with   as used in the study by Kapfhammer et al. [33]  growth
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