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Feng et al.                                                                                                                                                         Growth cone collapse in adult sensory neurons

           cone morphology was not as obvious; therefore, we
           examined the stained neurons under the 40× objective
           of a Leica fluorescent microscope. A minimum of 20
           neurite-containing photographs were taken per slide
           and the first 50 different neurons were counted per
           slide in a horizontal strip manner. Growth cones were
           scored  as  “uncollapsed”  (any  flattened  lamellipodia
           and  2  or  more  filopodia)  or  “collapsed”  (bullet-
           shaped neurite tip sometimes with a single filopodium
           originating at the neurite tip and no lamellipodium),
           as previously described. [16]  Only axons that were
           longer than the majority of other axons were scored;
           axons that were in contact with another cell surface
           were ignored.  The results are represented as the
           percentage of collapsed growth cones out of the total
           number of growth cones counted.
           Statistical analysis
           Analyses were performed  on combined data from
           at least 3 separate experiments (n = 150) using
           Graphpad  6.0,  with  95%  confidence  intervals.  Data   Figure 1: Pre-treatment experiment results. *P < 0.05; ***P < 0.001;
           were plotted as the mean ± the standard error of   ****P < 0.0001
           the mean and were compared by a two-way ANOVA      comparison  [Figure 1, grey bars] was included to
           followed by a Dunnett’s post hoc test, comparing the   ensure that antibodies alone would not have an effect
           means to the positive control (+CDN/-aB). Differences   on growth cone collapse.
           were significant if P < 0.05.
                                                              This  experiment  also  tested  the  hypothesis  that  by
           RESULTS                                            inhibiting a specific neurotrophic factor, the ability of
                                                              EG-conditioned medium to prevent SEMA3A-induced
           Pre-treatment                                      collapse would be decreased. In all of the groups
           Will  inhibition  of  NGF,  BDNF,  GDNF,  and  NT-3   treated with EG-conditioned medium and an inhibitory
           significantly decrease the effect of the EG-conditioned   antibody (blue bars), the percentage of growth cone
           medium on growth cones in a SEMA3A-mediated        collapse  was  significantly  higher  when  compared
           collapse model when the conditioned medium is      with the EG-conditioned medium alone (orange bar)
           administered to DRG neurons prior to SEMA3A        (anti-NGF,  P  <  0.05;  anti-BDNF,  P  <  0.0001;  anti-
                                                              GDNF, P < 0.001; anti-NT3, P < 0.0001) [Figure 1].
           In this collapse assay, DRG were incubated in either   Representative DRG neuron images from each sub-
           EG-conditioned medium or supplemented neurobasal   group in the pre-treatment group appear in Figure 2.
           medium for 1 h. Antibodies or PBS (for controls) were
           also added at this time. One hour later, SEMA3A was   Co-treatment
           applied. This is the first study to test the hypothesis   Will  inhibition  of  NGF,  BDNF,  GDNF,  and  NT-3
           that  pre-treatment  with  EG-conditioned  medium  can   significantly decrease the effect of the EG-conditioned
           prevent SEMA3A-induced growth cone collapse, as    medium on growth cones in a SEMA3A-mediated
           shown in Figure 1. The red bar represents the SEMA3A   collapse model when the conditioned medium is
           model (-CDN/-aB)  and demonstrates that normal     administered to DRG  neurons  concurrently with
           ranges of collapse were observed.  The orange bar   SEMA3A?
           represents the percentage of collapse when DRG were
           treated with EG-conditioned medium only (+CDN/-aB).   In this collapse assay, SEMA3A and EG-conditioned
           Comparing the SEMA3A model with the cultured DRG   medium were added concurrently to the DRG cultures.
           in the EG-conditioned medium demonstrates that the   Antibodies or PBS (for controls) were also added
           EG-conditioned medium (orange bar) had a positive   at  this  time.  The  supplemental  neurobasal  medium
           effect on growth cones, significantly preventing their   with antibody comparison  [Figure 3, grey bars] was
           collapse in a pre-treatment setting (P < 0.0001).   included to ensure that antibodies alone would not
           The supplemental neurobasal medium with antibody   have an effect on growth cone collapse.
                           Neuroimmunology and Neuroinflammation ¦ Volume 3 ¦ August 31, 2016             183
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