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Protein carbonyl content                           the toxin in corn oil  (CPO) or corn oil alone. For
           Protein carbonyl content was determined by the     these studies, three experimental paradigms were
           OxiSelect Protein Carbonyl Kit  (Cell Biolabs, Inc.)   employed [Figure 1]. (1) Pregnant APP female mice
           and ELISA. Briefly, bovine serum albumin  (BSA)    were fed CPO daily for 3-week from the beginning of
           standards or protein samples  (10  μg/mL) were     gestation; (2) female APP mice were fed CPO daily for
           adsorbed onto a 96-well plate for 2 h at 37 °C. The   3-week from the beginning of lactation; and (3) weaned
           protein carbonyls present in the sample or standard   APP offspring were fed CPO daily for up to 6 months
           were derivatized to dinitrophenyl (DNP) hydrazone   of age. CPO has been shown to cross the placental
           and probed with an anti-DNP antibody, followed     and is secreted into the milk following treatment of
           by an HRP conjugated secondary antibody. The       rodents. [34,35]
           protein carbonyl content in an unknown sample
           was determined by comparing with a standard curve   Administration of chlorpyrifos oxon exacerbates memory
           that was prepared from predetermined reduced and   deficits in the amyloid precursor protein mice
           oxidized BSA standards.                            The effect of the CPO  (1  mg/kg) on the various
                                                              paradigms was assessed for nonspatial pretraining for
           Statistical evaluation                             four consecutive days to learn the location of the hidden
           Experiments consisted  of 10 mice in each group.   platform. Analyzes by the Morris water maze test on
           Each biochemical analysis consisted of two or three   each day of the training period showed that the mice
           replicates. Statistical analyzes and data display were   do learn, indicated by the reduced latency time for the
           conducted utilizing computer software designed for   mice to reach the hidden platform during the training
           scientific data analysis (Prism 4 GraphPad, Prism, La   period  [Figure  2]. By the 4th  day of training, the
           Jolla, CA). Quantitative data are displayed as the mean   control APP in all groups showed the shortest latency
           and standard error of the mean. Differences between   period, representing enhanced learning, compared
           groups were determined by ANOVA  analysis and      to the CPO APP mice. Mice administered CPO under
           Dunnett’s multiple comparison tests used to determine   each paradigm showed a worsening of the latency time
           differences between transgenic control mice and treated   suggesting that the treatment with CPO perturbs the
           animals.                                           learning process.

           RESULTS                                            Two days following training, mice were subjected
                                                              to the final behavioral Morris water maze test to
           Experimental protocol                              determine  the  memory  deficits.  CPO-treated  mice
           To investigate the influence of environmental toxins   exhibited substantial worsening of memory deficits,
           on AD, we used the APP transgenic mice expressing   assessed by the latency period and distance traveled,
           the mutant form of human presenilin-1 (DeltaE9) and   which is the time  and distance, respectively,
           the mutant chimeric mouse/human APP695 residue     that it took the animal to swim to the submerged
           form (51). The mouse prion protein promoter directs   platform [Figure 3]. The shorter time and distance
           the expression of both transgenes. APP mice start   traveled indicates better memory. The CPO treatment
           developing amyloid plaques around 3-4 months of age.
           This will allowed us to study the process in a relatively
           short period and to allow for the generation of sufficient
           animals for the studies. APP mice were exposed to
           either 1  mg/kg CPO via ingestion by suspending

                                                              Figure 2: Treatment of amyloid precursor protein (APP) mice with chlorpyrifos
           Figure 1: Experimental protocol for treatment of mice with chlorpyrifos oxon.   oxon (CPO) results in diminished memory acquisition. APP mice (control, corn
           This figure illustrates the protocol for the treatment of transgenic Alzheimer’s   oil alone) and APP mice treated with CPO (CPO) from the different groups at 6
           disease mouse model utilized in this study. (a) Treatment of pregnant female   months of age were trained in the Morris water maze test on each of 4 consecutive
           amyloid precursor protein (APP) mice for 3‑week during gestation; (b) treatment   days to learn the location of a submerged, invisible platform in a pool of water.
           of female APP mice after birth and for 3‑week during lactation; (c) treatment   The time that it took the mice to swim to the platform was recorded each day,
           of APP mice following weaning until termination of the study at 6 months. All   measured as the latency period (in seconds, s), with shorter latency times
           animals were assessed behaviorally prior to sacrifice. -3w, indicates time of plug   indicating better memory acquisition. Latency (s) is shown as mean ± standard
           following when male and female APP mice were placed together; 0, indicates   error of the mean (statistical significance, *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, compared to
           time at birth; +3w, indicates time of weaning of APP mice  APP control group; n = 12 per group)

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