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which prepared the animals for the final behavioral test to   C-terminal fragment-β and soluble amyloid precursor
           determine the retention of memory to find the platform.   protein α analysis
           Two days following the nonspatial pretraining, the hidden   C-terminal fragment-β  (CTF-β) is generated from
           platform was placed in the center of one quadrant of the   APP by  β-secretase in the amyloidogenic pathway,
           pool, the animal was released facing the pool wall in a   and soluble APP  (soluble amyloid precursor
           random fashion, the time was recorded (latency period),   protein) is generated from APP by α-secretase in the
           and the distance traveled to reach the platform was   nonamyloidogenic pathway. Western blots measured
           measured using video recording (Smart Video Tracking   CTF-β and sAPPα brains of transgenic mice, using the
           System; SD Instruments).                           same amount of protein per gel lane, performed as
                                                              previously described. [27,28]  CTF-β was determined in the
           On the day after the last training session, the platform   pellet fraction from the brain extract (antibody 8717,
           was  removed,  and  a  spatial  probe  test  conducted.   sigma) and sAPPα was assessed in the supernatant
           Each mouse was allowed to search for the platform   fraction  from  the  brain  extract  (antibody  6E10,
           for  60  s  (memory retention)  and  the  percent   signet laboratories). Relative amounts of CTF-β and
           time spent in quadrant where the platform was      sAPPα were measured by densitometry and results
           located (northeast (NE) quadrant) and in the outer   were expressed as a percentage of the mean levels
           annular area were determined.                      of CTF-β and sAPPα of the control groups (without
                                                              protease gene knockouts). Control β-actin western
           Brain amyloid plaque                               blots  (antiβ-actin  from  Cell  Signaling Technology)
           Amyloid plaque load was assessed in brain sections (10   was conducted to monitor equal loading of the same
           from each mouse) as we have described previously,   amounts of samples (20 μg protein) in each gel lane.
           achieved by immunohistochemical staining for Aβ (Aβ
           antibody 10D5, Elan pharmaceuticals). [27,28]  Brain   Immunohistochemistry staining
           tissues were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde and then   Cryosections  of  the  right  brain  hemispheres  were
           in 4% parformaldehyde and 30% sucrose for 24 h and   washed 3  times  (5  min/wash) with Tris-buffered
           each at 4 °C. Tissues were washed in buffered saline   saline  (TBS)  (pH  7.4) buffer, followed by washing
           and transferred to an optimum cutting temperature   1 time with 0.1% Triton X-100-TBS buffer for 5 min.
           medium. Cryosections were cut and blocked with     Sections were then incubated in 3% H O  and TBS
           normal serum, incubated with anti-Aβ and stained   buffer for 30 min at room temperature to eliminate
           with diaminobenzoic acid (vector ABC Elite kit, vector   endogenous peroxidase activity. After 1 h of blocking
           laboratories). Bright field light microscopy imaged   with 5.0% serum (horse or goat), the sections were
           brain areas from which stained amyloid areas were   incubated overnight with primary antibodies. Primary
           quantitated using image analysis (NIH Image software,   antibody and dilutions were: glial fibrillary acidic
           NIH, Washington, DC).                              protein  (GFAP)-positive astrocytes  (1:200 dilution,
                                                              2E1; BD Biosciences, San Jose, CA). The next day,
           Brain amyloid β analysis                           sections were washed 3 times (5 min/wash) with 0.1%
           Brain Aβ analysis was conducted as previously      Triton X-100 and TBS buffer to remove excess primary
           described for transgenic AD mice.  [27,28]  Briefly,   antibody. Thereafter, primary antibodies were detected
           animals were sacrificed and brain extracts were    using horseradish peroxidase  (HRP)-conjugated
           homogenized  (1:3 weight/volume  of  buffer)  in   mouse immunoglobulin G Vectastain ABC kit
           buffer of 5 mol/L guanidine HCl in 50 mmol/L       and DAB/substrate reagents  (vector laboratories,
           Tris-HCl, pH  7.6, 150 mmol/L NaCl, plus protease   Burlingame, CA) according to the manufacturer’s
           inhibitors  (Sigma). Homogenates were diluted to   instructions.
           0.5 mol/L guanidine and centrifuged  (200,000  g
           for 20  min), and supernatant and pellet fractions   Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays for inflammatory
           were collected. The pellet from the brain extract   markers
           procedure was sonicated in 6 mol/L guanidine and   Brain hemispheres were weighted and homogenized
           centrifuged at 200,000  g for 20  min at 4 °C, and   with 4 volumes of phosphate buffered saline
           the supernatant was diluted to 0.5 mol/L guanidine.   buffer  (125  mg/mL) containing complete protease
           The two supernatants were combined, and Aβ (40)    inhibitor cocktail (Sigma-Aldrich, Saint Louis, MO,
           and Aβ  (42)  (Aβ 1-40  and Aβ 1-42 , respectively) were   USA). The supernatant was then collected, and total
           determined using  enzyme-linked immunosorbent      protein was determined by the BCA method (Pierce
           assays (ELISAs) kits specific for each peptide (IBL,   Biotechnology, Rockford, IL, USA). Tumor necrosis
           JP27718 and JP27711). ELISAs measured Aβ peptides   factor  (TNF)-α, interleukin  (IL)-1β and IL-6  levels
           by methods previously described. [29-33]  Protein content   were measured with a mouse TNF-α, IL-1β and IL-6
           was determined by the Bradford method.             ELISA kits (R and D Systems, Minneapolis, MN, USA).

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