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agents appear to contribute to diseases that occur later   Polymerase chain reaction analysis was utilized to
           in life. [15-18]  Osmond and Barker have suggested (and   determine the genotype of the animals as previously
           this has been supported by others) that there are critical   described. [27]  All experimental mice were male. Mice
           periods during fetal development where programming   were given free access to food and water before and
           by a stimulus or insult has a lasting or lifelong effect. [19]    during the experiment.
           We know that various tissues, including the brain, go
           through developmental programming to determine     Treatment of mice
           the number of cells (programmed cell death), types   Amyloid precursor protein transgenic mice were
           of cells, that participate to the final development   treated with CPO administered orally, dissolved in
           of the brain. [20]  It has been suggested that exposure   corn oil. During a preexperimental phase, all females
           of tissues to insults at critical times could result in   were trained to drink corn oil from a syringe, to ensure
           reprogramming to give rise to diseases later in life. [18]  It   proper administration of the vehicle and also to reduce
           has been suggested that exposure of the brain to toxic   stress associated with handling and exposure to a new
           agents triggers a process that will elicit the onset of   stimulus. Following this training period, the females
           AD, reprogram the brain to have AD start at an earlier   were paired with APP males in segregated cages, for up
           age, or to exacerbate the process of AD. [21]  This can be   to a week, in order for mating to occur. The appearance
           achieved by a number of ways. Metabolic, blood flow,   of vaginal plugs was taken as evidence of successful
           endocrine, nutritional changes can affect blood lipids,   insemination, at which time the females were separated
           plasma insulin, obesity, atherosclerosis, behavior and   from the males and placed in single housing in cages.
           learning in small mammals and primates. [21-23]  The   Each  female  was  randomly  assigned  to  one  of  six
           application of this process to AD has been recently   CPO (Chem Service, West Chester, PA; 99.1% pure)
           suggested and demonstrated in the latent early-life   dose groups: oil vehicle (at each time), 1 mg/kg bw/
           associated regulation model. [24,25]               day for 3-week during gestation, 1  mg/kg bw/day
                                                              for 3-week during lactation, and 1  mg/kg bw/day
           This study evaluated the effects of the pesticide   starting at 2  months of age. For the gestation and
           chlorpyrifos oxon (CPO) on the development of AD   lactation groups there were 6 females in each group;
           later in life. To test this hypothesis, we determined the   this was done to ensure that potential dose effects
           influence of CPO on AD by treating APP transgenic   could not be confounded with individual variation
           mice during gestation, during lactation and after   associated with a single dam and to provide sufficient
           weaning. Our data showed that CPO exacerbated the   numbers of offspring for statistical analysis. There
           pathogenesis of AD in the mouse model and that this   were no differences in weight or reduced locomotor
           process may be partially mediated by inflammation and   activity following treatment (data not shown). Animal
           by the effects of CPO on acetylcholinesterase (AChE)   studies were conducted according to regulations by the
           inhibition. These findings validate the influence   National Institutes of Health and as approved by the
           of environmental toxins on the development and     Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee at the
           progression of AD.                                 Medical University of South Carolina and Ralph H.
                                                              Johnson VA Medical Center.
                                                              Age of mice for analysis of memory deficits and biomarkers
           Transgenic Alzheimer’s disease mice                Memory function, amyloid plaque and brain biomarkers
           The mice used for these studies expressed the mutant   were evaluated after significant memory deficits
           form of human presenilin-1 (DeltaE9) and the mutant   developed in the AβPP mice.
           form of the chimeric mouse/human APP695. [26]  The
           mouse prion protein promoter directed the expression   Spatial memory deficit
           of both transgenes. The DeltaE9 mutation of the human   The memory deficit in the animals was measured
           presenilin-1 gene is a deletion of exon nine and   by the Morris water maze test as we have described
           corresponds to a form associated with early-onset AD.   previously. [27,28]  Briefly, the spatial memory capability
           The APP695 gene harbors the K595N/M596L (Swedish)   of each animal was assessed with the Morris water
           AD-causing mutations. The coding sequence of mouse   maze test (700-0718-4 W San Diego (SD) instruments)
           Aβ peptide domain was humanized by replacing the   which evaluates memory in a swimming test. Mice were
           three amino acids that differ between the two species   individually trained in a 1.2 m open field water maze in a
           with the human residues. These APP/ΔPS1-Tg (referred   pool filled with water to a depth of 30 cm and maintained
           to as APP) mice start developing amyloid plaques   at 25 °C. An escape platform (10 cm square) was placed
           at about 3-4 months of age. These mice were on a   1  cm below the surface of the water. All animals
           C57BL/6J background.                               underwent nonspatial pretraining for 4 consecutive days,

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