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than eHcy, such as deficiency of vitamin B12 and/or   from 4000 responses from Cz referenced to ipsilateral
           folic acid, metabolic, toxic, endocrinologic, infectious,   and contralateral ears (Cz-A2 and Cz-A1). The peak
           inflammatory, renal or liver diseases were excluded.   latency of waves I, III and V; interpeak latency of
           Additionally, subjects with history of degenerative or   waves I-III, III-V and I-V; the amplitudes of wave I and
           inflammatory disorders, such as dementia, Parkinson’s,   V; and the ratios of the amplitudes of waves V and
           amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, lupus,   I (V/I) were measured. The generators for waves I, III,
           sarcoidosis, seizures/epilepsies, cervical spondylosis   and V of BAEP are believed to involve the structures of
           or traumatic injury, were excluded. This study was   the cochlear nerve, superior olive complex, and lateral
           approved  by  the  Temple  University  Institutional   lemniscus nuclei the mesencephalon, respectively. [9]
           Review Board.
           Recording conditions and data acquisition
           Conventional evoked potential studies, including   From 507 records, 9 subjects who fulfilled the inclusion
           somatosensory, visual, and brainstem auditory evoked   criteria were included  (age: 63.3  ±  7.5  years
           potentials (SSEP, VEP, and BAEP, respectively), were   old, mean  ±  standard deviation, range: 51-75,
           performed using Viking Select 10.0.0 (Nicolet, Madison,   male/female: 4/5). Of these 9 subjects, 9 SSEP, 7 VEP,
           Wisconsin). Individual peak latency, interpeak latency,   and 6 BAEP that were simultaneously performed, were
           interlateral latency and amplitude were analyzed.  included. Their plasma level of homocysteine was
                                                              elevated (16.3 ± 2.3 μmol/L, normal: < 11.4) but with
           Somatosensory evoked potential (median nerve)      normal plasma levels of B12 (621.4 ± 322.0 pg/mL;
           Each median nerve was stimulated at the wrist with   normal: 200-1100), folic acid  (15.7  ±  5.2  ng/mL;
           square pulses above the motor threshold using 0.2 ms   normal: > 5.4), methylmalonic acid  (165.1  ±  72.8
           stimuli. Two independent trials were performed on   nmoI/L; normal: 73-376), and a normal mean
           either nerve. The stimulus frequency was 5.1 Hz and   corpuscular volume of red blood cells (90.6 ± 7.8 fl;
           recording time 50 ms. Filters were set at LFF 10 Hz and   normal: 80-100).
           HFF 3 kHz. Resultants were recorded and averaged from
           2,000 responses from the montage of CPc-CPi, CPi-Epc,   With respect to the recordings, delayed SSEP was
           C5s-Epc and Epi-Epc. The generators for the waveforms   observed in peak latency of N9 (5/9/55.6%, abnormal/
           of N9, N13, and N20 are believed to be ipsilateral   studied subjects/percentage), N13  (7/9/77.8%),
           brachial plexus at the Erb’s point, dorsal column   N20  (6/9/66.7%) and in interpeak latency of
           and contralateral nucleus cuneatus, and contralateral   N9-N13  (5/9/55.6%), N13-N20  (5/9/55.6%), and
           parietal somatosensory cortex, respectively. Alteration   N9-N20  (4/9/44.4%). No significant difference in
           in interpeak latency of N13-N20 reflects central   interlateral latency was noted. There was only one
           conduction abnormality.                            delayed VEP observed (1/7/14.3%). BAEP was within
                                                              normal limits in all the 6 subjects studied [Tables 1-4].
           Visual evoked potential
           Two modalities were used in VEP study: pattern reversal   DISCUSSION
           full field VEP’s performed monocularly utilizing
           28-inch checkerboard stimuli, and goggles fitted with   In this study, we observed central conduction slowness
           a mosaic of light-emitting diodes. The stimulating   in approximately half of the adult patients with an
           reversal frequency was 1.1 Hz in 25 ms with a filter   isolated  eHcy.  The  central  conduction  slowness
           setting at LFF 0.5 Hz and HFF 100 Hz. Two separate   preferentially affected the somatosensory, but not
           trials were performed on each eye. The resultants were
           recorded for 250 ms and averaged from 150 recordings   Table 1: Evoked potentials
           from LO-MF, MO-MF, RO-MF and MF-A1 derivations.                         Abnormal           Percentage
           P100 latency was obtained and analyzed.            SSEP (n = 9)
                                                               N9                     5                 55.6
                                                               N13                    7                 77.8
           Brainstem auditory evoked potential                 N20                    6                 66.7
           Each ear was stimulated independently utilizing     N9‑N13                 5                 55.6
           broad rarefaction and alternating clicks in a frequency   N13‑N20          5                 55.6
           of 9.7 Hz in 100 ms with a filter setting of LFF 30 Hz   VEP (n = 7)       4                 44.4
           and HFF 3 kHz. Masking noise was delivered to the   Delayed                1                 14.3
           contralateral ear. For each series of responses, two   BAEP (n = 6)
                                                               All normal
           trials were performed separately from each ear and   SSEP: somatosensory evoked potentials; VEP: visual evoked potentials;
           resultants  were  recorded  for  10  ms  and  averaged   BAEP: brainstem auditory evoked potentials

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