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cramps, early satiety and nausea) in an adult with   studies have indicated that pyridostigmine decreases
           MG associated with thymoma. These manifestations   the resting heart-rate by about 5-7 beats/min and
           improved  by  AChE-Is  and  thymectomy.  Previous   increases the R-R interval and long-term time-domain
           studies rarely reported other autonomic nervous system   indices of HRV in normal subjects [38]  and patients
           dysfunctions  (sympathetic and parasympathetic)    with heart failure. [39]  However, none of these studies
           in patients with MG [19-22]  including gastrointestinal,   reported marked reduction of SDNN below 50 ms or
           intestinal pseudo-obstruction, [21,23]  acute autonomic   presence of VEs, SVEs or depresses ST-T as observed in
           and sensory neuropathy and severe panautonomic     this study. We suggested that although pyridostigmine
           failure. [19,22]  These studies reported increase in the   could reduce HRV indices but the marked reduction
           autonomic nervous system dysfunction with the severity   observed in this study is attributed to the autonomic
           of MG. Meanwhile improvement of both neuromuscular   nervous system involvement by the disease process.
           and autonomic symptoms was observed with AChE-Is
           and after thymectomy. Furthermore, neurophysiological   The results of this study indicate that patients with
           tests and laboratory studies also confirm the presence of   MG are considered at high risk due to the presence
           autonomic dysfunction in patients with MG. For instance,   of autonomic nervous system dysfunction and are
           augmentation in epinephrine excretion, although the   candidates for earlier considerations of cardioprotective
           nor-epinephrine excretion remains unchanged or even   medications. Thus, caution has to be considered for
           undergoes reduction in response to forearm ischemia   prescribing  drugs  that  disturb  the  cardiovascular
           or orthostasis (a sign of sympathetic deficiency), was   autonomic nervous system and preanesthetic evaluation
           reported in patients with MG,  while both stimuli in   before surgery. [40,41]
           normal subjects induce a rise in norepinephrine urinary
           excretion without significant changes in epinephrine   Despite the strength of our findings, the main limitation
           excretion.                                         of this study is the small sample size. Longitudinal and
                                                              prospective studies are needed.
           The exact mechanisms of the autonomic nervous
           system dysfunction in patients with MG could rely   In conclusion, patients with MG may have specific ECG
           on the involvement of autonomic neuronal nAChRs    abnormalities indicating subclinical cardiac autonomic
           by an immune mediated processes of MG.  [25,26]  The   dysfunction even in milder stages of the disease.
           structural identities between different muscle and   Depressed SDNN of HRV is an early warning sign
           autonomic nAChRs subunits with the possibility of   of autonomic neuropathy. These results indicate the
           cross-reactivity between different nAChRs antibodies   need for routine evaluation of autonomic functions
           may be contributed as a cause of immune-mediated   in patients with MG both to identify patients at high
           autonomic neuropathy with MG. Additionally, a few   risk for earlier consideration of cardio-protection and
           studies reported myocarditis in patients with MG and   long-term follow up studies.
           suggested that cardiac involvement with MG could
           be due to the immune responses driven by muscle    REFERENCES
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