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In the present ongoing study, we determined and    We presented the preliminary analysis of our ongoing
           correlated DC subpopulations as well as expression of   study on the immunity of patients with glioblastomas.
           KPNA2 in patients with glioblastomas. Since KPNA2   Our first results comprise a limited studied population;
           is thought to mediate the nuclear import of certain   therefore, far reaching conclusions may not be drawn.
           transcription factors, which may induce the maturation   However, our data may be taken into consideration
           of DCs, a certain correlation has been expected. Indeed,   in order to design future larger relevant studies, in
           our  preliminary  analysis  suggests an association   particular animal models with knock out techniques
           between low KPNA2 nuclear expression and increased   that may further clarify the role of importins in the
           numbers of mature DCs. However, this correlation did   maturation of DCs and in general in the immunological
           not reach statistical significance so far (Fisher exact   abnormalities observed in patients with glioblastomas.
           test, P = 0.077) probably due to the limited studied
           population. The observed inverse correlation between   ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
           KPNA2 expression and counts of mature DCs is not
           surprising, since higher KPNA2 expression [14]  and   We thank Alexandra Breuer for her excellent assistance and
           decreased counts of mature DCs  have been both found   technical support.
           to characterize patients with malignant gliomas, The
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