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who were still alive at last contact were treated as   37.6 vs. 199 U/mL, P = 0.01). There was no significant
           censored events in the analysis. A two-sided P < 0.05   difference between gliomas and meningiomas with
           was considered to be statistically significant.    respect to IgE levels (P = 0.8).

           RESULTS                                            Survival analysis in glioblastoma
                                                              Two patients died in the immediate postoperative period
           Tables 1 and 2 summarize the patient data. Eighty-four   whereas another two patients were lost to follow-up.
           patients (44 males, 40 females, mean age 59.3 ± 13.3)   After a mean follow-up period of 12.4 months, 10 patients
           met the inclusion criteria for the study. All patients had   were alive. Using receiver operator characteristic curve
           a single space-occupying lesion and were operated. The   analysis a cut-off IgE value of 24 U/mL was identified
           histological diagnosis were 42 gliomas (31 glioblastomas,   as the best predicting survival with 72.2% sensitivity
           4 gliosarcomas, 3 anaplastic astrocytomas, 1 Grade II   and 100% specificity. Patients with IgE value exceeding
           astrocytoma, 1 pilocytic astrocytoma, 1 oligodendroglioma   24 U/mL lived longer (P = 0.01).
           and 1 oligoastrocytoma), 23 meningiomas (20 benign and
           3 atypical meningiomas), 16 metastases (10 lung cancer,   DISCUSSION
           1 ovarian cancer, 2 colon cancer, 1 melanoma and 2 of
           unknown primary origin) and 3 primary central nervous   The present study investigated serum IgE levels in
           system lymphomas (PCNSL). Among gliomas, 5 patients   patients with intracranial tumors. The results showed
           reported an allergic condition. In meningiomas, there   that glioma and meningioma patients had lower serum
           were 5 patients with an allergic condition and 4 cases   IgE levels than patients with a metastatic brain lesion.
           in patients with a metastatic lesion. The difference   Patients with high-grade gliomas had lower serum
           was not statistically significant. No difference in IgE   IgE levels than patients with low-grade gliomas. In
           levels was found between men and women (P = 0.7).   glioblastomas, patients with serum IgE levels exceeding
           In gliomas the mean IgE levels were 58.9 ± 87.9 U/mL.   24 U/mL had a better survival.
           Patients with high-grade gliomas had lower IgE levels
           than patients with low-grade gliomas. However the   A large body of research showed that allergies may
           difference was not statistically significant (median   play a role in a diverse group of cancers including
           24 vs. 74.6 U/mL, P = 0.067). In meningiomas, the   brain tumors, leukemia, pancreatic cancer, and other
           mean IgE levels were 65.8 ± 77.7 U/mL. No significant   tumors.  An inverse association has been reported
           difference was found between benign and atypical   between allergy history and cancer risk.  Turner et al.
           meningiomas (P = 0.9). In metastatic lesions, the mean   studied 793 glioma, 832 meningioma, 394 acoustic
           IgE levels were 226.8 ± 203 U/mL. In PCNSL, the mean   neuroma, 84 parotid gland tumor cases and 2,520
           IgE levels were 150.8 ± 240.9 U/mL. Patients with   controls and found a significant inverse association
           gliomas had statistical significant lower IgE levels than   between a history of any allergy and glioma, meningioma
           patients with metastases (median 32.7 vs. 199 U/mL,   and acoustic neuroma.  Various hypotheses have
           P = 0.0022). Patients with meningiomas had statistical   been proposed to explain the associations between
           significant lower IgE levels than metastases (median   allergy and cancer. Single-nucleotide polymorphisms
                                                              of inflammatory-related genes, such as interleukin-4,
           Table 1: Patients data                             FCER1A and interleukin-10, have been associated with
           Patient characteristics                   n (%)    glioma risk.  In gliomas, a large nested case-control study
           Gender                                             showed that a positive test for increased concentrations
            Male                                    44 (52.3)  of total IgE (> 100 kU/L) was statistically significantly
            Female                                  40 (47.7)  associated with decreased risk of glioma compared with
            > 65                                    51 (60.7)  a negative test. A lower risk for glioblastoma and glioma
            < 65                                    33 (39.3)  at least 20 years before diagnosis was found for those that
           Reported allergy asthma                            tested positive for total IgE.  Wiemels et al. found that IgE
            Yes                                     14 (16.7)
            No                                      70 (83.3)  levels were strongly inversely associated with glioma and
                                                              in particular, IgE to dietary allergens. A weaker association
           Table 2: IgE levels according to diagnosis         was found for respiratory allergens.  Antihistamine use
           Histology                         IgE levels (U/mL)  was strongly associated with glioma risk when allergy
           Glioma                                             or asthma history existed, but not among those with a
            High‑grade                          42.7 ± 47.6   negative history.  In the present study, we found that
            Low‑grade                          117.8 ± 119    glioma patients had the lowest IgE levels. High-grade
            Benign                              68.2 ± 81.6   tumors had lower serum IgE levels than low-grade
            Atypical                            54.3 ± 33.3   tumors. IgE levels should be measured at presentation
           Metastases                          150.8 ± 240.9  since dexamethasone, which is, usually, administered

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