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have been linked to signal transduction pathways and   All tumors were located in the supratentorial
           cell cycle control mechanisms. [10-13]  KPNA2 mediates   compartment. Three (17.6%) patients had a diagnostic
           the nuclear import of large molecules (> 40  kDa,   biopsy only due to the eloquent location of the tumor
           most of the proteins and RNAs) by binding to a     and 35.3% of resections were gross total. All patients
           specific recognition sequence called the nuclear   underwent chemo-  and radiotherapy after surgery.
           localization signal (NLS). After entering the nucleus,   The demographics of our study population are shown
           the NLS-containing macromolecule is dissociated by   in Table 1. Patients with a history of previous brain
           RanGTP and KPNA2 recycles back to the cytoplasm.   tumor or  other cancer,  radio-  or  chemotherapy or
                                                              of an immunological or hematological disease were
           Recent data suggests a role for the nucleocytoplasmic   excluded from the study. The patients’ samples were
           transport, in particular for KPNA2, in gliomagenesis.   collected after their informed consents were obtained in
           We have previously identified low expression of KPNA2   accordance with the tenets of the declaration of Helsinki
           as an independent prognostic factor for better overall   and approval of the study by the Ethics Committee of
           survival (OS) and progression-free survival (PFS) in   the Medical Faculty of the University of Bonn.
           patients with infiltrative gliomas. [14,15]  KPNA2 has been
           also recognized as a prognostic factor in patients with   Flow cytometry
           meningiomas [16]  as well as in patients with other solid   Dendritic cell and T-lymphocyte subpopulations
           tumors. [17-20]                                    values were determined by flow cytometry
                                                              using six different fluorochromes: fluorescein
           The aim of our work is to investigate the role of   isothiocyanate  (FITC), phycoerythrin  (PE),
           nucleocytoplasmic import and of other known biomarkers   peridininchlorophyllprotein (PerCP), allophycocyanin
           in the maturation procedure of DCs. In a recent work,   (APC), PE-Cy7 (PE-Cy7) and APC-Cy7. The following
           we analyzed the preoperative phenotype of DCs in   surface and intracellular anti-human monoclonal
           patients with gliomas.  In the present ongoing study   antibodies were used: CD45-APC Cy7  (clone
           we determined also parameters of nucleocytoplasmic   2D1), CD4-PE  (clone RPA-T4), CD3-PerCP  (clone
           import (KPNA2) as well as other glioma-associated   SK7), HLA-DR-PerCP  (clone L243), CD11c-APC
                                                              clone  (S-HCL-3), lineage-FITC  (lin-1 cocktail),
           molecular markers such as O -methylguanine DNA     CD34-FITC (clone 8G12), CD123-PE-Cy7 (clone 6H6,
           methyltransferase (MGMT) promoter hypermethylation,   ebioscience, San Diego, CA) as well as isotype controls.
           isocitrate dehydrogenase-1-R132H (IDH-1-R132H) gene
           mutation status and nuclear accumulation of p53    Cells were surface stained according to the manufacturers’
           within the tissue specimens and analyzed a putative   protocols. DCs were isolated as previously described.
           correlation between them. [21-23]  Our preliminary results   Briefly, DCs were gated as HLA-DR (MCH class II)
           imply a possible role of KPNA2 in the known impaired   positive, lineage-negative, CD34 negative, and CD45
           maturation of DCs in patients with glioblastomas.  positive  (HLA DR+/lin-/CD34-/CD45+). DCs were
                                                              further subclassified as myeloid DCs  (mDCs) or
           METHODS                                            plasmacytoid DCs (pDCs) based on their reciprocal

           Patients and clinical characteristics
           We analyzed preoperatively collected fasting morning   Table 1: Patient demographics and tumor characteristics
           serum  from  17 consecutive adult  (median  age:    Variable                      Absolute numbers (%)
           54 years, range: 33-78 years; 58.8% male) patients   Number of patients              54 (33‑78) years
                                                               Median age (range)
           with subsequently histologically confirmed de novo   Males                             10 (58.8)
           glioblastomas operated at the Department of Neurosurgery   Maximum tumor diameter* ≤ 3 cm  7 (41.1)
           of the University Hospital of Bonn between November   Resection**                       6 (35.3)
           of 2010 and February of 2011 for DC subpopulations.   STR                               8 (47.0)
           In addition, surgical specimens from our patients    Biopsy                             3 (17.6)
           were analyzed for expression of KPNA2 (n = 16) and   Preoperative KPS: 90‑100%         12 (70.5)
                                                               Postoperative KPS: 90‑100%
                                                                                                  11 (64.7)
           nuclear accumulation p53  (n  =  17) as well as for   Preoperative seizures: yes        6 (35.3)
           IDH-1-R132H mutation status (n = 16) and MGMT       Eloquence***: Yes                  10 (58.8)
                                                               Radiotherapy: Yes
                                                                                                  17 (100)
           promoter hypermethylation (n = 9). Nonneoplastic    Chemotherapy: Yes                  17 (100)
           brain tissues from two patients who underwent surgery   *Maximum tumor diameter has been defined as the longest (any) diameter of
           for epilepsy served as controls. The circadian rhythm of   contrast enhancing mass area in postcontrast T1‑weighted MRI datasets; **Extent
                                                              of resection was classified according to the postoperative MRI (2‑3 days after
           the immunological parameters and the possible effect of   surgery); ***Tumors were categorized as eloquent if they were growing into the
           dexamethasone administration were considered at the   primary sensorimotor or visual cortex, Broca’s or Wernicke’s area/the dominant
                                                              angular gyrus area, the basal ganglia, thalamus or internal capsule. MRI: magnetic
           blood collection as previously described. [4]      resonance imaging; KPS: karnofsky performance score

          Neuroimmunol Neuroinflammation | Volume 2 | Issue 1 | January 15, 2015                            9
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