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CASE REPORT                                        simultaneous amplification of the “syndrome specific
                                                              signature genes” of all the probable causative agents,
           A 32-year-old male presented with headache, vomiting,   followed by “syndrome specific hybridization”.
           fever, and focal seizures involving the right upper
           limb of 1-week duration. There was no significant   Based on a presumptive diagnosis of HSE, the patient was
           past history. There was no history suggestive of any   started on intravenous acyclovir (500  mg 8th hourly).
           immunodeficiency. On examination, the patient was   He was also started on anti-cerebral edema medications,
           hemodynamically stable and conscious but febrile   intravenous 20% mannitol 150 mL 6th hourly, and
           and irritable. He had no focal neurological deficits   steroids  (dexamethasone) 8  mg 8th  hourly. His
           but had signs of meningeal irritation. The pupils were   sensorium deteriorated soon after admission, being
           equal in size and reactive. Magnetic resonance imaging   unresponsive (Glasgow coma scale: 5/15) (eye response
           of brain (MRI-brain) [Figure 1] showed swollen and   1, verbal response 1, motor response 3) and the right
           edematous right temporal lobe (a) with increased signal in   pupil dilated. The patient was emergently intubated and
           gray matter and subcortical white matter with loss of gray   connected to ventilator. Since the patient was already
           white differentiation in T2-weighted sequences. There   on full-fledged anti-cerebral edema medications,
           was a signal change in the right insula and sub frontal   surgical options were then considered as the second
           cortex bilaterally. Restricted diffusion and abnormal   measure. A decompressive surgery was immediately
           leptomeningeal enhancement were also noted. There was   performed by a large right frontotemporoparietal
           mass effect with partial effacement of the body of the right   craniectomy. The dura was widely opened and lesional
           lateral ventricle and midline shift (b). A guarded lumbar   tissue of the right temporal was harvested for biopsy. No
           puncture was done and CSF study [Table 1] showed   parenchymal resection was necessary since the brain
           protein: 60 mg/dL, sugar: 87 mg/dL, and 200 cells/mm    was adequately decompressed. Dura was closed with an
           with lymphocytic pleocytosis. CSF meningoencephalitic   expansive duroplasty. The bone flap was not replaced;
           profile was positive for herpes simplex 1 virus.   instead was preserved in the anterior abdominal wall.
                                                              Anti-cerebral edema medications were tapered and
           Cerebrospinal fluid meningoencephalitis profile    stopped postoperatively.
           [Table  1] is a polymerase chain reaction  (PCR)
           equivalent. This is a molecular diagnostic screening   Postoperatively, his neurological status stabilized and
           technology involving isolation of the genetic material   was weaned off ventilator gradually. Postoperative
           of the causative agent from the given specimen and
                                                              computed tomography (CT) of brain [Figure 2] after
                                                              3  days showed resolution of the mass effect with
           Table 1: CSF study                                 no midline shift. However, the right temporal lobe
           Parameters              Results                    remained hypodense. Basal ganglia, thalamus, internal
           CSF protein             60 mg/dL                   capsule, and caudate nucleus appeared normal.
           CSF sugar               87 mg/dL
           CSF cells               200 cells/mm  with predominantly
                                   polymorphs (P64, L28)      Electroencephalography (EEG) in the postoperative
           CSF meningo‑            Positive for herpes simplex‑1  period showed diffuse right hemispherical slowing in
           encephalitic profile                               theta to delta range [Figure 3]. Histopathology of the
           CSF: cerebrospinal fluid
                                                              right temporal lesion [Table 2] revealed infiltration

             a                      b
           Figure 1: Magnetic resonance imaging of brain: T2‑weighted sequence showing
           swollen and edematous right temporal lobe (a) with mass effect (b) and midline   Figure 2: Postoperative computed tomography of brain after 3 days showing
           shift as indicated by the arrow                    resolution of the mass effect with no midline shift

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