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a                       b

           Figure 3: Brain magnetic resonance imaging after 6 weeks from surgery depicts
           a tumor bed cavity with complete resection. A slight gadolinium uptake was seen
           within the tumor cavity which represents remnant of fibrillary surgi‑cells packing
           (ethicon) from the second surgery                   c                       d
                                                              Figure 4: (a) Large neoplastic ganglionic cell with prominent nucleoli and
           scale (KPS) of 30, the radiation treatment was deferred   cytoplasmic  vacuolation  HE;  (b)  strong  chromogranin  immunoreactivity in
                                                              epitheliod tumor cells; (c) cytoplasmic synaptophysin immunoreactivity in a large
           until the patient gains more functional strength. She   ganglionic cell and the processes of the adjacent tumor cells; (d) glial fibrillary
           remained stable along with no tumor recurrence on   acidic protein immunoreaction accentuated at the periphery of the tumor nest
           serial follow-up magnetic resonance imaging.       characteristically seen in sustentacular paraganglioma cells

           Unfortunately, 12  months postoperatively she      There have been only 37 reported cases of primary
           presented with a 5 cm × 5 cm ipsilateral enhancing   intracranial supratentorial paragangliomas
           lesion associated with mass effect. Although she was   since 1960, and they all harbor benign growth
           asymptomatic, we opted for surgical resection given   features [Table 2].
           the size of the mass that would interfere with radiation
           therapy. As expected, the pathological work up revealed   In this manuscript, we have excluded from our review
           similar findings to previously resected tumor. Although   all intracranial metastatic paragangliomas and lesions
           her surgical resection went uneventful, she continued   originated in the infratentorial compartment. We
           to decline her functions with lower KPS, which affected   found that the mean age of presentation is 47 with
           the delivery of radiation treatment. She was referred   1:1.3 female:male ratio. In around three-quarter of these
           eventually  into  palliative  care  unit  and  died  after   cases, the sellar/parasellar region was the most common
           2 months from her second surgery.                  location with symptoms of headache, opthalmoplegia,
                                                              and endocrinopathy. [43]  Again, the benign behavior
           DISCUSSION                                         was a character of all of them with few cases required
                                                              radiation therapy for incomplete resection.
           Paragangliomas are neural crest-derived tumors that
           originate in the paraganglia of the autonomic nervous   In term of intraparenchymal origin, only three cases had
           system. Although they are usually considered benign   been reported and were harboring benign pattern. Their
           growths, but occasionally malignant forms may      location within the brain represents a rare condition.
           occur. They can be functional lesions with active   Reithmeier et al.  had reported the first case of primary
           release of catecholamines upon manipulation to     paraganglioma in the insular region. This patient
           result in hemodynamic alterations. The incidence of   was successfully treated with a complete gross total
           paraganglioma is frequently reported in combination   resection, but dense left sided hemiplegia had occurred
           with pheochromocytoma owing to its rareness along   postoperatively secondary to cerebral vasospasm. In
           with analogous histological features. The combined   another case, a left temporal melanotic paraganglioma
           annual incidence in United States, for instance, is   had developed in a patient who was treated previously
           500-1600 cases per year with 50% of them present with   with chemotherapy and radiotherapy for langerhans
           hypertension.  Paragangliomas are usually sporadic   cell histiocytosis. [35]  The lesion was partially resected
           but genetic and syndromic associations have been   followed by postoperative radiation treatment. The
           described. In about 27-32% cases of paraganglioma,   third case had occurred in premotor region, and it was
           genetic mutations have been discovered among which   resected completely with the patient remaining stable
           the succinate dehydrogenase complex mutation is    at short-term follow-up. [38]
           considered one of the most commonly affected genes. [4,5]
           In addition, several recent works have also correlated   In this report, we presented a unique case of
           the SDHB gene mutation and the malignant behavior   paraganglioma in which primary intraparenchymal
           of paragangliomas. [6-9]                           growth with malignant features and ganglionic

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