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individuals compared to 13 healthy controls. Steiner   in which increased inflammatory cytokines were
           et al. [19]  observed increased microglial cell numbers in   observed. [24]  They cannot affect brain functions until
           the anterior cingulate cortex and mediodorsal thalamus   inflammatory mediators do alter the integrity of
           of two individuals who committed suicide during    blood-brain  barrier.  However,  when  a  blood-brain
           acute psychosis. However, no effect of diagnosis on   barrier alteration occurs, antibodies may presumably
           the microglial density but only significant microgliosis   cross-react with the subunits of NMDAR on glial
           was reported in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex,    cells inducing  the  abnormal  release of glutamate.
           anterior cingulate cortex, mediodorsal thalamus, and   This enhanced activation of glial cells is associated
           hippocampus of 16 schizophrenic and 14 depressed   with  glutamatergic  excitotoxicity,  apoptosis,  and
           subjects died by suicide. [20]  The authors hypothesized   clinically significant behavioral changes. [25,26]  Also, as
           that the link between microglial activation and suicidal   suggested by Santello et al., [27]  tumor necrosis factor
           behavior may be mediated by neuroendocrine factors   alpha (TNF-a) controls the neuromodulatory action of
           such as inflammatory cytokines and oxidative stress.   dentate granule cell synapses in astrocytes, through
           Finally, Dean et al. [21]  showed that CD11b (a potential   Ca -dependent glutamate release and pre-NMDAR
           microglia/macrophages marker) was not increased    activation. Therefore, gliotransmission together with
           in the cortex of ten subjects with MDD, and ten with   its synaptic effects seem to be controlled not only by
           bipolar disorder.                                  astrocyte Ca  elevations but also by homeostatic factors
                                                              such as TNF-a. Previous studies have shown that both
           To the best of our knowledge, there are no reports   the  excitatory  neurotransmitter  glutamate  and  the
           in the current literature concerning the association   proinflammatory cytokine TNF-a may be considered
           between microglial glutamatergic abnormalities     as effectors of microglial-stimulated death. [28]
           and MDD/suicidal behavior with the exception
           of  the  review  of  Niciu  et  al. [22]   suggesting  that   Recently, Schnieder et al. [29]  also found a 18% greater
           glial-mediated glutamatergic dysfunction is a common   density of perivascular cells in dorsal white matter
           neuropathological pathway in patients with substance   prefrontal cortex of 11 subjects died by suicide
           use disorders and MDD.                             suggesting the induction of important alterations in the
                                                              characteristics of blood-brain barrier in microglia cells of
           It is currently unclear whether microglial abnormal   these individuals. Autoimmune activity directed against
           activation may directly induce psychopathological   serotonin may directly compromise serotonergic axons
           conditions, should be considered an epiphenomenon   and their functioning with the final result of relevant
           of other related processes associated, in turn, with   deficits in serotonergic neurotrasmission. Serotonin
           psychopathological  conditions,  or  alternatively   may be disrupted by abnormal (e.g. hyperactivated)
           a nonspecific tissue reaction independent of       pathways such as that of kynurenine inside microglial
           psychopathology.  Another  controversial  issue    cells due to the enhanced metabolism of tryptophan to
           concerns the exact relationship between inflammatory   quinolinic acid. [30,31]
           stressful stimuli, autoimmunity, and abnormalities in
           glutamatergic activity.                            Elevated levels of kynurenic acid, an astrocyte-derived
                                                              metabolite of the kynurenine pathway has been reported
           The sequence of molecular events underlying MDD    to significantly reduce glutamate release in some brain
           and  suicidal  behavior  is  still  poorly  understood.   regions such as the hippocampus. [32,33]  Also, increased
           Microglia and monocytes are usually involved in the   micromolar levels of kynurenic acid have been suggested
           integration of sensory information within the peripheral   to  inhibit  a-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole
           sensory nerves and endocrine system. [23]  Stress and   proprionic acid and kainate receptors. [34,35]
           other signaling molecules (e.g. cytokines, oxidative
           free  radicals)  may  activate  the  oxidation  sensitive   Inflammatory cytokines may further induce the
           transcription factor nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB), which   abnormal release of quinolinic acid in microglia [36]
           is highly expressed in microglia with the final result   related to aberrant stimulation of neurons in the ventral
           of increased NF-κB-DNA binding and transcription   prefrontal cortex and altered connectivity between
           of  genes  encoding  for  chemokines, cytokines, and   cortical structures and limbic system.
           oxidases/proteases. As suggested by the same authors,
           microglia reported morphological changes in response   The critical role of quinolinic acid in microglia-abnormal
           to exposure to both environmental and internal stimuli.  activation has been also demonstrated by the elevated
                                                              levels of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase and kynurenine
           Furthermore, antibodies against serotonin have been   monooxygenase in the quinolinic acid biosynthesis
           commonly found in more than 50% of depressed       pathway in CX3CR1 knockout mice.     [37]  Notably,
           patients and importantly, in all those conditions   recent  compounds  with antidepressant  properties

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