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memory formation in the brain.  Lead exposure causes   glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). [49,50]  Therefore,
           morphological and functional changes in astrocytic   the response to lead in astrocytes may affect the BBB.
           mitochondria.  Creatine kinase and pyruvate kinase   It has been shown that lead in the brain accumulates
           are two key enzymes in astrocytes that are involved in   predominantly in astrocytes, as opposed to neurons. [51,52]
           the production of pyruvate and lactate, and lead can   Another culture experiment has shown that younger
           bind to their sulfhydryl groups and decrease activity,   astrocytes accumulate and retain more lead than older
           resulting in an insufficient supply of pyruvate and   astrocytes.  To protect neurons against lead, astrocytes
           lactate from astrocytes to neurons. [16]  Lead can also act   serve as a lead pool in the process of neurogenesis.
           on cytochrome C and adenosine triphosphate synthase   However, because astrocytes are not able to remove lead
           to cause dysfunction of the electron transport chain   from their own cytoplasm effectively, the accumulated
           in mitochondria and generation of free radicals. [14,43]    lead will finally cause progressive damage of astrocytes,
           Mitochondrial dysfunction in astrocytes affects the   the BBB, and nearby neurons.
           survival of motor neurons. [44]  Accumulation of free
           radicals and ROS might enhance the lack of energy and   The response of microglia and astrocytes to
           glutamine, eventually causing neuronal apoptosis. [15]  neuroinflammation
                                                              Liu et al.  has proposed that activation of microglia in
           Lead triggers inflammation through a collaboration   response to pathological conditions such as trauma, stroke,
           of astrocytes with microglia. The functional       or neurodegenerative disorders occurs before activation
           collaboration between astrocytes and microglia might   of astrocytes. For instance, the activation of astrocytes
           play an important role in neuroinflammation and    occurs subsequently to microglial activation in respect
           BBB dysfunction in the brain. [45]  Overexpression of   to the cytokine expression sequence in Alzheimer’s
           inflammatory stimuli in the neurovascular unit may   disease. [54,55]  A study with trimethyltin (TMT) treated rats,
           start a response to clear antigenic material, leading to   a model of neurodegenerative disease, revealed that GFAP
           destruction of the BBB as well as neuronal damage.   significantly increases following microglial activation and
           Following lead exposure, astrocytes secrete a number   that microglial activation requires lower concentrations
           of inflammatory cytokines such as TNF-a, IL-6, and   of TMT than activation of astrocytes. [56]  Considering
           IL-10 into surrounding tissues. [45]  These cytokines   that astrocytes are closer to the peripheral environment
           further mediate the immune response, including     anatomically and more easily store toxic substances like
           activation of microglia and macrophages, and induce   lead, it may also be an imperceptible inflammatory signal
           other adverse reactions, which might eventually result   released from astrocytes such as low amounts of TNF-a,
           in the destruction of BBB tight junctions. Matrix   free radicals, or ROS/NO that further initiates activation
           metalloproteinases (MMPs) are an important family   of microglial cells, leading to an inflammatory response.
           of proteins composed of a variety of zinc-dependent
           enzymes that are capable of degrading extracellular   The role of inflammatory cytokines and receptors in
           matrix  proteins  such  as  collagen,  gelatin,  viscous   microglial‑astrocytic interactions
           protein, fibronectin, and proteoglycans. [46]  It has been   Reciprocal activation of microglia and astrocytes mainly
           hypothesized that inflammatory cytokines induce    depends on inflammatory cytokines or their receptors.
           production of MMP-2 and MMP-9, two proteinases     Previous studies have shown that cytokines secreted
           that degrade the extracellular matrix and basement   from activated microglia also promote activation
           membrane,  in  astrocytes,  resulting  in  increased   of astrocytes. Among those cytokines, IL-1 is a key
           permeability of the BBB. [47]  Other studies have   mediator. IL-1β, mainly from microglia, can be rapidly
           shown that low concentrations of pro-inflammatory   expressed and may work to increase the secretion other
           cytokines (such as TNF-a or IL-1β) or lead did not   cytokines such as IL-6, mainly from astrocytes, in order
           influence MMP-9 expression when administered       to  promote  inflammation. [35]   Moreover,  IL-1  might
           separately, but combined administration of lead and   decrease the ability of astrocytes to reabsorb glutamic
           cytokines could induce a marked synergistic elevation   acid  and  promote  the  release  of  free  radicals. [58,59]
           in MMP-9 expression. [48]                          Experiments have shown that IL-1 receptor antagonists
                                                              prevent pathological damage to astrocytes,  indicating
           FUNCTIONAL CROSSTALK BETWEEN MICROGLIA             that microglia might indirectly affect the function
           AND ASTROCYTES IN NEUROINFLAMMATION                of astrocytes. In addition, microglial activation also
                                                              promotes astrocytes to secrete TGF-β1 and IL-10. [61]
           The start of an inflammatory reaction to lead exposure   When the severity of the immune response reaches
           depends on the interaction between the inflammatory   a certain extent, however, TGF-β initiates a feedback
           responses of astrocytes and microglial cells. Following   loop to reduce the level of IL-1, inhibiting microglial
           lead exposure, activation of astrocytes surrounding   activation and resulting in suppression of inflammation
           blood vessels is indicated by increased expression of   in the CNS. [62]

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