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involved in neuronal maintenance, injury, and repair   that neurons in the brain are vulnerable to excess
           in a manner similar to peripheral macrophages. [23]    ROS and RNS. Oxidative stress could result in the
           Microglial cells are a predominant source of various   death of newly-born neurons by disrupting signaling
           inflammatory cytokines, that is, interleukin-1 beta   processes, dysfunction of ion homeostasis, and protein
           (IL-1β), tumor necrosis factor-alpha  (TNF-a), and   misfolding. [29]
           interferon-gamma  (IFN-γ), which can then induce
           a broad spectrum of inflammatory reactions. The    The signaling pathways involved in lead-induced
           activation  of  microglia  and  astrocytes  in  response   microglial activation, however, need more investigation.
           to internal and external stimuli or insults might   In response to various environmental toxins including
           further increase the release of cytotoxic substances,   lead, microglia could enter the activated state and
           pro-inflammatory cytokines, ROS, and excitatory    release ROS. [31]  Pattern recognition receptors expressed
           amino acids, thus causing further neuronal injury in   on microglia might be one common signaling pathway.
           the brain. [22]                                    For example, toll-like receptors act as initiators of the
                                                              nuclear factor kappa B (NF-κB) pathway when exposed
           Lead‑induced inflammatory cytokines in microglial cells  to several toxins, such as lipopolysaccharide (LPS),
           Obvious morphological change and higher synthesis   resulting in the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines.
           of cytokines have been observed in activated       However, it is still not clear how lead could induce
           microglial cells after lead exposure. [10,11,24]  For   microglial activation and trigger inflammatory cytokine
           instance,  elevated  expression  of  IL-1β  and  TNF-a   production, which remains a critical question to be
           is found in the cerebral cortex after lead exposure,   answered.
           as well as increased expression of IL-1β and IL-6 in
           the hippocampus. [25,26]  In vitro experiments have also   ASTROCYTIC ACTIVATION AND THE
           confirmed the elevation of TNF-a expression after   NEUROINFLAMMATORY RESPONSE
           lead exposure. [27]  Gene expression analysis has shown
           that levels of the pro-inflammatory factors IL-6 and   The neurovascular unit in the brain comprises
           TNF-a are significantly perturbed by the lead insult   of neurons, blood vessels and their adjacent
           in multiple brain regions. [19,20]  These cytokines are   astrocytes. [33,34]  The concept of a functional unit is a
           co-expressed in glial cells in response to lead crossing   new one, and emphasizes the interaction between
           the blood-brain barrier (BBB) and might also represent   neurons and astrocytes under both normal and
           a mechanism for lead toxicity to the immature brain.   pathological physiological conditions. Astrocytes play
           Conversely, anti-inflammatory factors such as IL-10 and   a critical role in neuron function, including energy
           transforming growth factor beta (TGF-β) are decreased   support,  metabolism,  and  synapse  formation. [35,36]
           in the cortex in response to lead, as detected by real   Astrocytes maintain the trans-endothelial electric
           time-polymerase chain reaction.                    resistance (TEER) of the BBB. [37]  Under pathological
                                                              conditions, astrocytes might remove toxic substances
           Lead‑induced reactive oxygen species generation in   and balance electrolyte and water levels. [33]  It has been
           microglial cells                                   found that lead interferes with astrocyte functions such
           Lead exposure might destroy the glial support of   as energy metabolism, immune response, and ROS
           neuronal cells by increasing ROS and other toxins   removal. Furthermore, astrocytes could collaborate with
           in microglial cells. [28]  The microglial inflammatory   microglia to switch on neuroinflammatory reactions in
           response is also associated with the production of ROS   the brain, and each of these effects can result in BBB
           and nitric oxide  (NO)-dependent reactive nitrogen   dysfunction and injury to neurons.
           species (RNS). [19]  Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
           phosphate  (NADPH) oxidase  (NOX), which is        Lead exposure leads to the insufficient supply of
           ubiquitously expressed in microglia, contributes much   energy from astrocytes to neurons. Astrocytes contain
           to the production of superoxide and the induction   a large number of mitochondria for energy and
           of ROS. [29]  Furthermore, NOX could be activated in   glutamate metabolism. Neurons in the brain show
           monocytes and microglial cells by IL-1β, TNF-a, IFN-γ,   a preference for lactose and glutamine provided by
           and other pro-inflammatory cytokines.  The inducible   astrocytes via shuttle routes. [38]  Glycogen is exclusively
           NO synthase (iNOS) is also prevalent in microglia, and   localized in astrocytes in the adult brain [39]  and can
           microglial NO generation regulates vascular relaxation   be metabolized to pyruvate, which is converted to
           and initiates rapidly induced, transiently regulated   lactate by lactate dehydrogenase mainly in astrocytes
           signaling events. [30]  On the other hand, lead also   and  then  transported  to  neurons.  When  energy  is
           increases NOX, which causes superoxide production   insufficient, astrocytes can also use glycolysis from
           and inhibits antioxidant production, and increases the   stored glycogen for the use of neurons. [40,41]  Glycogen
           accumulation of ROS in the brain. [22]  It is well-known   metabolism in astrocytes is also required for long-term

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