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Case Report

           Primary supratentorial intracerebral malignant


           Ahmed A. Al Jishi, Boleslaw Lach, Ali Elgheriani, Edward Kachur, Aleksa Cenic
           Department of Surgery, Division of Neurosurgery, Hamilton General Hospital, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario L8L 2X2, Canada.

                                                   ABSTRA CT
            Paragangliomas are extra-adrenal neuroendocrine tumors that derive from neural crest. In general, they are benign tumors but
            few cases had shown a tendency to metastasize. Malignant forms have been reported previously with intracranial metastasis from
            duodenal origin, but primary intracranial origin represents a rare and unusual location for such tumors. Here, we report a rare case of
            a 48-year-old lady who presented with symptomatic right-sided insular mass with negative metastatic work up. A complete surgical
            resection had been done with an unexpected diagnosis of primary gangliocytic paraganglioma with malignant features.

            Key words: Brain, chemodectoma, gangliocytic paraganglioma, intracerebral, intracranial

           INTRODUCTION                                       intraparenchymal paraganglioma with malignant
                                                              features was encountered lately at our center. The
           Paragangliomas are rare neuroendocrine tumors.     case is considered to be the first of its kind, and it
           They arise from the paraganglia distributed along the   does reflect the potential risk for malignant primary
           paravertebral sympathetic chains and related ganglia,   growth of paraganglioma within the brain parenchyma.
           as well as from the parasympathetic paraganglia such   A review of the literature for intracranial supratentorial
           as aortic body, carotid body, and vagal nerve. As a result   paragangliomas along with the predisposing genetic
           of their neuroectodermal origin, few paragangliomas   mutation will be discussed.
           can be functional. Hence, autonomic dysfunctional
           symptoms may occur such as excessive sweating,     CASE REPORT
           hypertension, and tachycardia secondary to vasoactive
           substances release. They are known to be benign tumors   A 48-year-old healthy female presented to the
           with WHO Grade I. However, around 5-10% of them may   emergency department with 1-week history of
           transform malignant along the course of the disease. [1]  headache and slurred speech. She noticed that her
                                                              balance had got worse 3 days prior to presentation.
           Paraganglioma may also arise from intracranial or   On examination, she was noticed to be ataxic with left
           intra-spinal origin. Several explanations were proposed   sided pronator drift and left lower facial asymmetry.
           for their existence which include possible growth from   The initial computed tomography (CT) scan of her
           ganglionic cells, growth from paraganglia associated   brain showed an iso-dense mass in the right sub-insular
           with  blood  vessels  or  growth  from  embryonic   area  measuring  3.6  cm  ×  4.1  cm  ×  3.7  cm,  along
           neuroepithelial rest.  They have a tendency to     with perilesional vasogenic edema and mass effect
           grow in the sellar/parasellar region or cauda equina   over adjacent structures  [Figure  1]. There was no
           region. However, the intraparenchymal growth of    evidence of calcification or hemorrhagic foci within
           paraganglioma is uncommon with seldom reported     the lesion. It carried slightly low intensity signal in
           cases in the literature. An unusual case of primary   T1-weighted image with heterogenous signal intensity
                                                              in T2-weighted image. The lesion was well-demarcated
                          Access this article online          and had homogenous gadolinium uptake with restricted
               Quick Response Code:                           diffusion  in  diffusion-weighted  image/apparent
                                   diffusion coefficient map [Figure 2].

                                    DOI:                      The patient was admitted to the hospital for a right-sided
                                    10.4103/2347-8659.154431   fronto-parieto-temporal craniotomy for tumor resection
                                                              guided by neuronavigation. Intraoperatively, the tumor

           Corresponding Author: Dr. Ahmed A. Al Jishi, Department of Surgery, Division of Neurosurgery, Hamilton General Hospital,
           McMaster University, 237 Barton St East, Hamilton, Ontario L8L 2X2, Canada. E‑mail:

          Neuroimmunol Neuroinflammation | Volume 2 | Issue 2 | April 15, 2015                              121
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