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was firm in consistency and very vascular in nature but   and large atypical cells with prominent nuclei and
           eventually we were able to achieve gross total resection.   nucleoli  [Figure  4a]. Abnormal mitotic figures and
           The early postoperative course was unremarkable for   apoptotic nuclei were common. The tight collections of
           any neurological deficits until patient deteriorated   neoplastic cells were surrounded by rich fibrovascular
           few hours thereafter and had asymmetric blown      stroma forming the architectural patterns of “Zellballen”.
           pupils. Owing to the urgency of the case, the patient   The majority of the neoplastic cells were strongly
           was taken for surgery with a provisional diagnosis of   positive for chromogranin, synaptophysin  (SYN),
           postoperative bleeding. Surgical re-exploration was   and neuron-specific enolase, and focally for tyrosine
           done, and large intracerebral hematoma within the   hydroxylase [Figure 4b]. Ganglionic cells displayed
           tumor bed was evacuated. The patient, unfortunately,   strong cytoplasmic reaction for SYN and less often
           woke up postoperatively with dense left sided      tubulin [Figure 4c]. Glial fibrillary acidic protein showed
           hemiplegia [Figure 3].                             very strong reaction in the cells outlining the edges of the
                                                              neoplastic congregates, in a pattern seen in sustentacular
           Microscopic examination of the tumor revealed      cells of extracranial paragangliomas [Figure 4d]. The
           nests of highly pleomorphic, spindle, epithelioid,   rest of the immunohistochemistry is outlined in Table 1.

                                                              At this point, an extensive metastatic work up had
                                                              been done which included CT of her chest, abdomen,
                                                              and pelvis, as well as mammogram. Due to the fact
                                                              that this tumor has been frequently originating from
                                                              the duodenum, a duodenal scope was also performed.
                                                              The analysis resulted negative for any primary lesions.
                                                              As some paragangliomas can be functionally active,
                                                              serum and urine metanephrines, and catecholamines
                                                              were investigated and resulted also negative. Given
                                                              these results and the pathological features of the
                                                              resected tumor, the assumption was made being a
                                                              primary malignant gangliocytic paraganglioma. The
                                                              patient was approached in a multidisciplinary team
                                                              including the radiation oncology and offered local
           Figure 1: Preoperative plain computed tomography head shows a right-sided
           isodense lesion within the insular region          tumor bed radiation. Due to low karnofsky performance

           Figure 2: A well-circumscribed tumor that is hypointense in T1-weighted image with heterogeneous texture in T2-weighted image. The lesion was homogenously
           enhancing post-gadolinium with restricted diffusion

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