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characterization: F  = 23.86, P = 0.000; cell body   to cell size ratio as validated measure of microglial
           to cell size ration:  F 3,56  = 22.48, P  =  0.000). Both   activation.

           of these measures for microglial activation show a
           similar pattern, with both groups of old rats showing   In this study, we compare different analysis methods
           increased microglial activation when compared to   for IBA-1 stained brain sections of young and aged rats
           their young counterparts and further increase of   with or without surgery.  Surgery has been associated
           microglial activation observed only in operated old   with the development of postoperative cognitive
           rats.                                              dysfunction (POCD), including impairment of memory,
                                                              attention, and executive functions. [19-22]  Accumulating
           Additional morphological characteristics of microglia   evidence indicates that surgery-induced  (neuro)
           in the IBA-1 stained sections are presented in Figure 4.   inflammation plays an important role in POCD
           Total cell size [Figure 4a] does not differ significantly   development. [19,20,22-25]  Although patients of all ages can
           among groups (F 3,56  = 1.88, P = 0.144). The total cell   experience POCD, persisting and more severe problems

           body size  [Figure  4b] differs significantly among   are mainly seen in elderly surgical patients. [22,26]  Aging
           groups  (F 3,56  = 5.66,  P  =  0.002), with a  significant   itself is also associated with neuroinflammatory

           increase in cell body size only in old rats after surgery.   changes in several brain regions, which may contribute to
           The total size of the dendritic processes [Figure 4c]   the increased incidence of POCD in elderly patients. [1,19,27]
           differs significantly among groups  (F 3,56  = 4.33,   Hence, our study design allows us to investigate whether

           P = 0.008) with a significant decrease in the size of   different analysis methods can distinguish the effects
           dendritic processes only in old rats compared to their   of an intervention associated with pathophysiological
           young counterparts; however no effect of surgery was   changes,  and the  effects of aging, which  could  be
           observed.                                          considered to be a more physiological process.

           The number of cell bodies in the areas of interest did not   The cell body to cell size ratio shows a very strong
           differ significantly in our experiment (young control:   positive correlation with microglial activation
           14.0 [12.6-15.3]; young surgery: 13.9 [12.3-15.5]; old   determined by the visual characterization method.
           control: 12.5 [11.7-13.3]; old surgery: 12.8 [12.0-13.6];   Both visual characterization and the newly developed
           F  = 0.89, P = 0.454).                             method reveal similar alterations related to aging
                                                              and surgery, validating the cell body to cell size
           DISCUSSION                                         ratio as a marker for (classical) microglial activation.
                                                              However, no correlation was observed with
           The aim of the current study was to validate a newly   densitometry,  nor did densitometry measurements
           developed semi-automatic image analysis method     distinguish microglial changes related to aging and
           to analyze microglial morphology as marker for     surgery could be obtained. Seemingly densitometry
           microglia activation in IBA-1 stained brain sections   may have insufficient sensitivity to distinguish the
           of rat. For this purpose, we adapted a method      relatively modest changes in IBA-1 protein expression
           previously developed by Vinet et al., [10]  using image   that accompanies the microglial activity associated
           analysis with an intensity threshold and size filter,   with aging and surgery. [19,20,23]  In addition, our new
           to obtain the cell body size and the total cell size of   method provides outcome parameters that can be
           microglia. We used these parameters as a measure   used for a more detailed analysis of microglia in an
           for morphological changes and presented cell body   area of interest. Firstly, changes in the number of
                                                              microglia can be determined. Second, by studying

           a                 b              c
           Figure 3: Potential markers for microglial activation in young and old rats with   a  b  c
           or without surgery. (a) The corrected optical density as marker for microglia
           activation;  (b) The percentage of activated microglia (with an activation   Figure 4: Morphological characteristics of microglia in young and old rats with
           stage ≥ 3) based on visual characterization. (c) The cell body to cell size ratio (%)   or without surgery. (a) The total cell size (pixels) in the area of interest; (b) The
           as marker for microglia activation. YC: young control; YS: young surgery; OC:   total cell body size (pixels) in the area of interest; (c) The total size of the dendritic
           old control; OS: old surgery. **P < 0.01 and ***P < 0.001 compared to young   processes (pixels) in the area of interest. YC: young control; YS: young surgery;
           rats.  P < 0.05 and  P < 0.01 compared to age matched controls  OC: old control; OS: old surgery. *P < 0.05 and **P < 0.01 compared to young rats

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