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Statistical analysis                                Table 1: Outcome measures microglial analysis
           All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS (IBM                            n   Mean (95% CI)
           SPSS Statistics for Windows,, New York, USA).   Activated microglia (stages 3‑5) (%)  60  40.4 (37.0‑43.9)
           Means and confidence intervals are shown. Figures   Optical density                60  0.17 (0.16‑0.18)
                                                                                                  13.3 (12.7‑13.8)
           were prepared by using GraphPad Prism (version 5.00   Number of microglia          60  2341 (2227‑2454)
                                                               Average cell size (pixels)
           for Windows, GraphPad  Software,  San  Diego,       Average cell body size (pixels)  59  328 (302‑355)
           California, USA). Pearson’s correlation coefficients   Average size dendritic processes (pixels)  59  2013 (1910‑2116)
           were determined to examine the relationship between   Cell body to cell size ratio (%)  60  14.2 (13.2‑15.1)
           the various measures for microglial activation for all   Mean ± SEM of the outcome measures used to analyze microglial activation. Average
                                                              outcomes are representing an area of 0.06 mm × 0.06 mm in the CA1, dentate gyrus
           individual brain areas, and all brain areas combined.   inner blade and prefrontal cortex. The visual characterization outcomes and number of
           The significance level for the Pearson’s correlation   microglia have been previously published by Hovens et al.  CA1: cornu ammonis 1; CI:
                                                              confidence interval, SEM: standard error of the mean
           coefficients was corrected by using Bonferonni method.
           In addition, group comparisons were made for microglial   Table 2: Correlation between the percentages of
                                                               activated microglia based on visual characterization and
           activation in the CA1, DGib and PFC combined, using   the quantified morphological characteristics of microglia
           an analysis of variance with the experimental group                   Morphological characteristics
           as between subject factor followed by Tukey post-hoc            Number   Cell   Cell   Processes   Cell
           analysis. Outcomes were considered to be significant             of cells  size  body   size   body/
           when P < 0.05.                                                                  size            cell
           RESULTS                                             characterization  0.137  0‑0.449  0.625 #  0‑0.495  0.839*
                                                                CA1         0.001  0‑0.282  0.796*  0‑0.524  0.890*
           Table  1 shows the average values of the outcome     PFC         0‑0.390  0‑0.029  0.680*  0‑0.288  0.944*
           measures used to analyze microglia activation.      Total        0‑0.104  0‑0.170  0.619*  0‑0.343 #  0.855*
                                                              Correlation (Pearson’s R) between the percentage of activated microglia as
                                                              determined by visual characterization according to Kreutzberg and the quantified
           The image analysis by Image-Pro and ImageJ yielded   morphological characteristics of microglia in the DGib (n = 20), hippocampal CA1
           highly comparable results as indicated by a strong   region (n = 20), PFC (n = 20) and all three brain areas combined (total,
                                                              n = 60). The morphological characteristics are: the number of microglia (number
           correlation of the main outcome parameters cell    of cells), the average size of microglia (cell size), the average cell body size
           body size (r = 0.792, P = 0.000), size of dendritic   of microglia (cell body size), the average size of the dendritic processes of
           processes (r = 0.499, P = 0.029) and cell body to cell   microglia (processes size) and the cell body to cell size ratio (cell body/cell) in
                                                              the area of interest. *P < 0.0013,  P = 0.01. PFC: prefrontal cortex; CA1: cornu
           size ratio (r = 0.918, P = 0.000). Therefore, we have   ammonis 1; PFC: prefrontal cortex; DGib: dentate gyrus inner blade
           only used the outcomes of the analysis with Image-Pro
           for the rest of the study.

           There is no significant correlation between OD and
           the other parameters used to measure microglia
           activation. The Pearson’s correlations between the
           percentages of activated microglia based on visual
           characterization and the quantified morphological
           characteristics are shown in Table 2. In all separate
           brain area, the parameter of the cell body to cell size
           ratio is significantly and strongly correlated with
           microglial activation based on visual characterization.
           Therefore, this outcome may be a more accurate
           morphological characteristic to represent a marker
           of (classical) microglial activation.
                                                              Figure 2: Relation of the cell body tot cell size ratio (cell body size as percentage
                                                              of  total  cell  size)  with  the  percentage  of  activated  microglia  (activation
           Figure 2 shows a scatter plot of microglia activation   stages 3‑5) based on visual characterization for all rats in all analyzed brain
           based on morphological characterization and the cell   areas. A regression line with associated Pearson’s r is shown
           body to cell size ratio for the three analyzed brain areas
           combined.                                          and our novel measurement, cell body to cell size
                                                              ratio  [Figure  3c]. Whereas the OD does not differ
           A comparison of the study outcome using the different   significantly between experimental groups, both the
           analysis techniques is presented in Figure 3, which   percentages of activated microglia based on visual
           displays the average of densitometry measurements   characterization and the cell body to cell size ratio
           [Figure  3a], visual characterization  [Figure  3b]   shows a significant difference between groups (visual

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