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Figure 1: Relationship between neutrophil‑to‑lymphocyte ratio (NLR) index   Figure 2: Representative Kaplan‑Meier survival curve of patients grouped
           (cut‑off = 4.7%)  and survival  in  glioblastoma  patients.  NLR: neutrophil‑   according  to  the  extent  of  resection. GTR:  gross total  excision  (>  95%);
           to‑lymphocyte ratio                                STR: subtotal excision (75‑95%)

           had reduced median overall survival compared with   Table 2:  Tumor characteristics
           patients with gross total tumor excision. There was   Parameter                            Proportion
           a trend toward increased survival for patients with   Tumor location (%)
           KPS over 80 and tumors not related to the ventricular   Frontal                              15.7
           system.                                              Temporal                                37.2
                                                                Parietal                                13.7
                                                                Occipital                               27.5
           In addition to genetic factors, systemic inflammatory   Multifocal                            5.8
           response has also been implicated in carcinogenesis.   Laterality (%)
           Bambury et al. also studied the prognostic impact of   Right                                 41.1
           the NLR in a cohort of patients with glioblastoma.  The   Midline                              4
           authors studied 84 patients that had full blood count   Located near ventricle (%)           37.2
           results available at first presentation with symptoms of   Tumor volume (cm )              32.1 ± 27.3
           glioblastoma, and the NLR was calculated. The results
           of this study showed that age over 65 years, gender,   have reported that a high preoperative serum C‑reactive
           eastern cooperative oncology group performance     protein level is an independent predictor of poor
           status ≥ 2, frontal tumor, extent of surgical resection,   survival in patients with renal cell carcinoma. In the
           completion of the adjuvant chemoradiation protocol,   present study, we verified the prognostic significance
           and NLR > 4 were significantly correlated with overall   of gross total tumor excision. This is a well‑established
           survival. The present study verified the above findings.   prognostic factor. [18]  Karnofsky performance scale
           Furthermore, we found no correlation between NLR and   and age have been also associated with glioblastoma
           tumor volume. Patients with tumors not related to the   prognosis. [14,18]  In the present study, there was a trend
           ventricular system had a better prognosis.         towards increased survival for patients with KPS
                                                              over 80. Glioblastomas adjacent to the lateral ventricles
           In other cancer studies, a prognostic significance of   have been suggested to harbor a dismal prognosis. [19,20]
           NLR was found. A recent meta‑analysis of 26 studies   Neural and cancer stem cells have been found in the
           in primary liver cancer demonstrated that the high NLR   subventricular zone that lines the lateral ventricles. [20]
           can strongly predict poor survival in these patients,   Thus, tumors in this region may be more invasive
           indicating the predictive value of the NLR as a new   with higher potential to recruit migratory progenitor
           biomarker in primary  liver cancer.   Furthermore,   cells. [20]  In the present study, we verified the prognostic
           high NLR was associated with vascular invasion and   significance of tumors located adjacent to the ventricles.
           correlated with alpha‑fetoprotein levels. Proctor et al.
           studied 12,118 patients who had been sampled within   In conclusion, our results are in agreement with
           2 years of their cancer diagnosis and found that NLR   Bambury et al., as well as other reports of the prognostic
           was independently associated with survival in all   significance of NLR in a variety of cancers. [2,3]  NLR
           cancers studied.                                   is an inexpensive and widely available biomarker
                                                              of glioblastoma aggressiveness, and thus should be
           Apart from NLR, other inflammatory markers have also   used alongside current glioblastoma prognostic factors.
           been associated with patient prognosis. Steffens et al.    Nevertheless, there is obviously a need for future studies

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