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for up to 1‑year or until recurrence. Radiotherapy was   met the inclusion criteria for the study. The majority of
          administered as fractionated focal irradiation at a dose   glioblastomas were lateralized, with 28 (54.9%) on the
          of 2 Gy/fraction given once a day for 5  days/week   left and 21 (41.1%) on the right side. The most common
          over a period of 6 weeks up to a total dose of 60 Gy.   tumor site was the temporal lobe (37.2%), followed by
          Follow‑up MRIs were performed every 2  months.      the occipital lobe (27.5%). The mean tumor volume
          Recurrence was defined based on MRI and/or single   was 32.1 ± 27.3 cm . In 19 cases (37.2%), the tumor
          photon emission tomography findings. [16]  The study   was located close to a ventricle. Thirty‑four patients
          was approved by the Institutional Review Board.     had a KPS over 80. In 32 cases, gross total excision was
                                                              achieved, whereas in 19 cases there was subtotal tumor
          Statistical analysis                                resection. One patient was lost to follow‑up, and one
          Pearson’s correlation coefficient was used to assess   patient died in the immediate postoperative period.
          continuous variables. Progression‑free survival (PFS)   After a mean follow‑up period of 17 months (range:
          was defined as the time from the initial surgery to   3‑39 months), 14 patients were alive.
          demonstration of tumor progression on follow‑up MRI
          or to death. Survival time was defined as the time   Neutrophil‑to‑lymphocyte ratio
          between the date of diagnosis and the date of death for   The mean NLR was 6.7 ± 4.6. Using ROC curve analysis,
          deceased patients, or to the last follow‑up for surviving   a cut‑off NLR value of 4.7 was determined to best
          patients. The overall survival time was estimated using   predict survival. Patients with an NLR exceeding 4.7
          Kaplan‑Meier methods, and log‑rank analysis was     differed significantly from those with an NLR ≤ 4.7 and
          performed to compare survival curves between groups.   were associated with decreased survival time (11 vs.
          Patients who were still alive at last contact were treated   18.7 months, P = 0.01) [Figure 1]. There was a significant
          as censored events in the analysis. Multivariate Cox   increase in PFS for patients with an NLR lower than
          regression analysis of the data was used to analyze   4.73 (P = 0.03).
          possible prognostic factors. The forward step‑wise model
          selection procedure was used (P value of likelihood‑ratio   Extent of resection
          test < 0.05 as inclusion criteria; likelihood‑ratio test   Patients  with  gross  total  tumor  excision  had  a
          > 0.10 as exclusion criteria) to define the final model.   median survival of 18 months, whereas in patients
          The following variables were entered: gender, age at   with subtotal tumor excision, the median survival
          diagnosis, KPS, NLR, and the extent of resection. With   time was 11 months. The difference was statistically
          respect to NLR, receiving operating characteristics (ROC)   significant (P = 0.036) [Figure 2].
          curve analysis was performed in order to determine the
          cut‑off value for predicting survival. A 2‑sided P < 0.05   Karnofsky performance status score
          was considered as statistically significant.        The median survival for patients with KPS over 80
                                                              was 17 months, whereas survival for patients with
          RESULTS                                             KPS under or equal to 80 was 11 months. However,
                                                              the difference was marginally significant (P = 0.052).
          Study population                                    No significant difference in survival was observed with
          Table  1 summarizes the patient data. Fifty‑one     respect to patient age (P = 0.4) or gender (P = 0.3).
          patients (30 males, 21 females, mean age 59.2 ± 14.2)
                                                              Tumor characteristics
                                                              In 19 cases, the tumor was located close to a ventricle.
           Table 1: Patient data
           Patient characteristic      n (%)           OS     These patients were associated with reduced
                                                        P     survival (P = 0.052). No prognostic significance was
           Gender                                             found for tumor location or laterality [Table 2]. No
            Male                      30 (58.8)        0.3    correlation was found between NLR and tumor volume.
            Female                    21 (41.2)
            > 60                      20 (39.2)        0.4    Multivariate analysis
            < 60                      31 (60.8)               Using multivariate analysis, NLR  (P  =  0.011, 95%
           KPS                                                confidence intervals [CI]: 1.4‑17.3) and extent of tumor
            > 80                      34 (66.7)       0.052
            < 80                      17 (33.3)               resection (P = 0.025, 95% CI: 1.2‑8.7) were identified
           NLR                                                as factors with independent prognostic power.
            > 4.7                     29 (56.8)        0.01
            < 4.7                     22 (43.2)
           Extent of resection                                DISCUSSION
            GTR                       32 (62.7)       0.036
            STR                       19 (37.2)               In the present study, we found that patients with an
           KPS: Karnofsky performance status, GTR: gross total   NLR over 4.7 were associated with reduced median
           excision (> 95%), STR: subtotal excision (75-95%), OS: overall survival,
           NLR: neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio                overall survival. Patients with subtotal tumor excision

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