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Furthermore,  tumor‑infiltrating  lymphocytes  (TIL)   cases with > 10 metastases in one patient, the number
           which have been stimulated with agonistic TNFRSF9   of  metastases  was  set  to  10  for  statistical  analysis.
           antibodies show a stronger antitumor effect as well as   Patient age at surgery and overall survival after surgery
           prolonged survival.  Therefore, stimulating TNFRSF9   were registered.
           by the use of agonistic antibodies has been proposed
           as an additional immunotherapeutic approach in     Immunohistochemistry
           cancer treatment‑especially for melanoma, which    For immunohistochemistry, a mouse monoclonal
           represents one of the most immunogenic tumors‑and   antihuman TNFRSF9 antibody (dilution 1:40; clone S16,
           has already entered clinical trials. [5,6]  An alternative   Novocastra/Leica Microsystems, Germany) was used as
           approach  uses  genetically  modified  human  T‑cells   previously published.  Tissue labeling was performed
           to express higher TNFRSF9 levels.  TNFRSF9         using the Discovery XT immunohistochemistry
           stimulation  has  been  suggested  as  a  treatment  for   system  (Ventana Medical Systems, France). A  cell
           metastatic cancers.  However, to date there is     conditioning pretreatment was performed for 68 min
           only poor data about the distribution of TNFRSF9   followed  by  a  4  min blocking step with inhibitor
           in brain metastases, which still constitute one of   D. The primary antibody was applied for 32  min,
           the most deleterious clinical conditions in tumor   followed by secondary antibody (Discovery Universal
           patients. [9,10]  This data is of importance since   Secondary Antibody) for 32  min. After washing
           preliminary clinical studies targeting TNFRSF9     steps, a blocking step with blocker D for 4 min and a
           have already been stopped due to considerable side   16 min incubation with one drop of SA‑HRP D were
           effects. [11]  In a previous study, our group showed   performed. For diaminobenzidine (DAB) visualization,
           that TNFRSF9 was strongly upregulated by reactive   the sections were incubated with one drop of DAB D
           astrocytes (so‑called gemistocytes) in primary central   and one drop of DAB H O D for 8 min, followed by
           nervous system (CNS) tumors, whereas both brain    a copper enhancer (Copper D, all Ventana Medical
           tumor cells and TIL were mainly TNFRSF9‑negative. [12]    Systems, Tucson, AZ, USA) for 4  min. Specimens
           Since most studies have only focused on TNFRSF9    were washed, counterstained with hematoxylin and
           expression on hematopoietic cells, there is an urgent   bluing reagent, and mounted. In addition, our cohort
           need to decipher TNFRSF9 expression on other cell   was immunohistochemically assessed for BRAF V600E
           types and different microenvironmental conditions   mutations using mouse monoclonal IgG2a antihuman
           in vivo in more detail. Of note, a recent animal study   BRAF V600E  (dilution 1:100; clone VE1, Spring
           discovered that TNFRSF9 is also expressed in neural   Bioscience). Images were analyzed and recorded on
           stem  cells,  in  which  it  induced  cell  death. [13]   The   an Olympus BX‑50 microscope (Olympus, Germany).
           expression of TNFRSF9 on cell types other than
           hematopoietic cells might be at least partly responsible   Scoring
           for side effects in preliminary clinical trials targeting   Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member
           TNFRSF9. Therefore, the aim of our current study was   9 expression was separately assessed in both tumor
           to define the cellular source of TNFRSF9 expression   and endothelial cells by taking staining intensity and
           in melanoma brain metastasis, in order to assess   frequency into account, using a previously established
           the suitability of an anti‑TNFRSF9 treatment in this   protocol. [14,15]  The semi‑quantitative scores consist of
           detrimental clinical condition.                    a frequency score ranging from 0 to 4  (0  =  0‑1%,
                                                              1 = 2-10%, 2 = 11-25%, 3 = 26-50%, and 4 ≥ 50% of
           METHODS                                            all cells showing positive nuclear staining). Likewise,
                                                              intensity was recorded in a similar semi‑quantitative
           Patient data                                       approach as follows: 0 = no staining, 1 = weak staining,
           The  use of  human  tissue  from  cases  of  melanoma   2 = moderate staining, and 3 = strong staining. The
           brain metastasis and the respective clinical data was   scores for staining intensity and frequency were
           approved by the ethical committee of the Eberhard   multiplied together, so that the final expression cell
           Karls University of Tübingen and Tübingen University   score reflected both. The evaluation and photographic
           Hospital  (project  no.  408/2013BO2).  Our  cohort
           consisted of 78 patients suffering from melanoma brain   Table 1: Patient data
           metastases which underwent neurosurgical resection.   Characteristic                        Data
           A detailed overview of our patient cohort is provided   Patient age, median (range)       60 (20‑83)
           in Table 1. Tissue microarrays were constructed from   Sex, male/female                     47/31
           formalin‑fixed and paraffin‑embedded tumor samples   Number of brain metastases, median (range)  1 (1‑10)
           for immunohistochemical analysis of TNFRSF9         Tumor size in mm, median (range)       28 (5‑61)
                                                               BRAF V600E mutation assessed by IHC, yes/no
           expression. Brain magnetic resonance imaging data was   Survival in days, median (range)  177 (17‑4166)
           analyzed for metastasis size (diameter) and number. In   IHC: Immunohistochemistry, BRAF: proto-oncogene B-Raf

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