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Modified osserman classification is also commonly used   ocular muscle involvements, and generalization
           to distinguish subtype of MG patients and indicates   of symptoms occur in only 44% of patients within
           the different prognosis and treatment response. This   2  years. [37]  In a follow‑up study including 96 Thai
           classification has been frequently recommended and   patients with ocular MG, only 15  patients (15.6%)
           widely used over the past several decades in China.   developed generalized symptoms within 2 years from
           Although the modified Osserman classification is based   the initial diagnosis. [38]  It is to be noted that about
           on clinical symptoms, impact on work and daily life,   50% of Chinese MG patients present with pure ocular
           course of disease and treatment response, it is extremely   manifestations during their entire lifetime,  with a
           challenging to take into account the prognosis and   relatively lower rate of generalization. Recently, Jing
           disability of patients. Moreover, this classification   et al. [39]  have also reported that only 26% of Chinese
           does not contain MG‑associated auto‑antibodies and   patients with ocular MG develop into generalized MG
           low‑frequency repetitive nerve stimulation (RNS) tests.  during a 13‑year follow‑up period. These differences in
                                                              the rate of secondary generalization might be attributed
           In 1997, Wang  et al. [31]  proposed a new clinical   to the difference in race, severity of disease and early
           absolute and relative score system for MG in Chinese   treatment with immunosuppressive drugs, especially
           patients.The absolute scoring system consists of 8   corticosteroids. [38,40]
           items: ptosis, palpebra superior fatigability, disability
           of ocular motion, fatigability of the upper and lower   Given the poor prognosis of generalized MG, it is
           extremity muscles, disability of facial muscles, chewing   important to detect the risk factors of secondary
           difficulties, dysphagia and disability of respiratory   generalization in those MG patients with initial ocular
           muscles, with a score of each item ranging from    presentations. Previous studies have revealed that
           0 (normal) to 4 (severe dysfunction). The relative scores   onset age >  15  years, presence of thymoma, early
           are obtained by subtracting the pretreatment scores   corticosteroids therapy and abnormal RNS results
           from the posttreatment scores and then dividing the   on stimulating proximal limb muscles are predictors
           results by the pretreatment scores. Several studies have   for  the  development  of  generalized  MG. [39,41‑43]   Our
           proven that the clinical absolute and relative scoring   recent study has shown that disease onset during
           system has good reliability and sensitivity to evaluate   adulthood and RNS abnormality of the facial nerve
           the disabilities in MG patients [31,32]  and the clinical   predict the progression from ocular to generalized
           absolute and relative system is officially recommended   MG while course of the disease is inversely correlated
           by the Consensus of Chinese Experts in the Diagnosis   with secondary generalization  (unpublished data).
           and Treatment for Myasthenia Gravis. [33]          In a senior population, the ocular MG patients with
                                                              anti‑AChR antibodies, antistriated muscle antibodies,
           SECONDARY GENERALIZATION                           abnormal RNS findings and abnormal single fiber
                                                              electromyography tend to develop generalized MG. [44]
           Generalization of clinical symptoms is an important   However, other studies have demonstrated that none
           hallmark of MG patients. Ocular MG is termed when   of these factors significantly predict development
           weakness is only limited to the extra‑ocular muscles   of generalized MG in younger populations. [2,45,46]
           for > 2 years, [34,35]  while generalized MG is defined   Although similar results have been obtained in some
           as an extension of weakness beyond ocular muscles.   studies, there are also some limitations such as the
           The involvement of muscles is confirmed mainly by   use of retrospective methodology, incomplete clinical
           clinical presentations. Due to the different involvement   data, small sample size and single hospital or center.
           of muscle groups, clinical presentation varies from   Larger‑sample, multi‑center, prospective studies are
           fluctuating extra‑ocular muscular weakness to      needed to obtain more convincing risk factors for
           respiratory failure. Secondary generalization mainly   generalization of ocular MG.
           occurs during the first 2 years [16,36]  and sometimes leads
           to the deterioration of prognosis including death.  ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

           It is well‑known that ocular muscle weakness is the   This work was supported by the National Natural Science
           most common initial symptoms of MG, occurring in   Foundation  of  China  (Nos.  31200665,  31270952  and
           approximately 85% of patients. About 50% of these   81301069).
           ocular MG patients may progress to generalized MG
           within 6 months after onset, 80% of patients within   REFERENCES
           1‑year, and 90% of patients after 3 years. Only 10% of
           MG patients do not progress to secondary generalization   1.   Vincent A, Palace J, Hilton‑Jones D. Myasthenia gravis. Lancet
           throughout lifetime.  Another published study has   2.   Bever CT Jr, Aquino AV, Penn AS, Lovelace RE, Rowland LP.
           reported that up to 65% of MG patients initially show   Prognosis of ocular myasthenia. Ann Neurol 1983;14:516‑9.

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