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Review Article

           Current overview of myasthenia gravis and

           experience in China

           Jun Guo, Dan Dang, Hong-Zeng Li, Zhu-Yi Li
           Department of Neurology, Tangdu Hospital, Fourth Military Medical University, Xi’an 710038, Shaanxi, China.

                                                   ABSTRA CT
            Myasthenia gravis (MG) is an acquired autoimmune disease affecting synaptic transmission via the neuromuscular junction mainly
            due to the presence of auto‑antibodies targeting acetylcholine receptors. Ocular or generalized MG is clinically diagnosed when the
            extra‑ocular muscles or other muscle groups beyond the extra‑ocular muscles are involved. MG occurs in both sexes at any ages
            from all races but shows a wide variability in incidence and prevalence. Differences in clinical phenotypes of MG patients between
            West and East countries have been observed. Herein, we review the current concept on epidemiology, classification, and generalized
            progression in MG, mainly focusing on the differential features from mainland China.
            Key words: Classification, epidemiology, generalization, myasthenia gravis

           INTRODUCTION                                       EPIDEMIOLOGY

           Myasthenia gravis (MG) is known as an autoimmune   It is well known that MG occurs worldwide affecting
           disease mainly mediated by auto‑antibodies against   both males and females at any ages as shown in an
           the  acetylcholine  receptors  (AChR)  between  the   epidemiological study with a large sample size.
           synaptic space of the skeletal muscles, leading to an   However,  the  incidence  and  prevalence  of  MG  are
           impairment of the neuromuscular transmission and   characterized  by  marked  variation,  depending  on
           corresponding clinical symptoms such as fluctuating   the time and/or the location of studies. A national
           muscle weakness and fatigability.  According to    epidemiological study in Australia has shown that
           clinical symptoms, MG is divided into ocular MG    the annual crude incidence and prevalence rates of
           and generalized MG. Secondary generalization of    MG were 24.9 and 117.1/million, respectively.  Other
           clinical symptoms is common in MG, resulting in a   two population‑based studies have been conducted in
           poor prognosis for patients and a tremendous burden   Taiwan and Norway. The reported annual incidence
           for families and society.  Although epidemiological   and prevalence of MG were 21 and 84‑140/million
           studies have shown that all the races worldwide    in Taiwan,  and 16 and 131/million in Norway.
           can be affected, differences between Caucasian and   Moreover, the estimated annual incidence rate of MG
           Asian patients were found in relation to clinical   is 30/million in central London, [10]  24/million in Ferrara
           phenotypes. [3‑5]  In this mini‑review, we address the   province of Italy, [11]  and 21.3/1 million in Barcelona of
           current  concepts  of  MG,  including  epidemiology,   Spain. [12]  Unfortunately, no national population‑based
           classification of clinical subtypes, and secondary   epidemiological studies of MG have been conducted
           generalization. We also focus on the different clinical   in mainland China. To obtain pooled data from a larger
           features of MG in China.                           sample, Carr et al.  have collated 55 studies performed
                                                              between 1950 and 2007, representing 1.7  billion
                          Access this article online          population‑years.  By  utilizing  the  meta‑analysis,
               Quick Response Code:                           they have estimated that the annual incidence and
                                    Website:                  prevalence rates of MG were 5.3 (range: 1.7‑21.3) and
                                                              77.7/million (15‑179), respectively.
                                    10.4103/2347-8659.143664  The onset of MG may be influenced by sex and age.
                                                              Regardless of age, the crude incidences of females

           Corresponding Author: Dr. Zhu-Yi Li, Department of Neurology, Tangdu Hospital, Fourth Military Medical University,
           Xi’an 710038, Shaanxi, China. E-mail:

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