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Chiu                                                                                                                                                         Modified parasternal approach for aortic valve surgery

           Table 1: Demographic data of the parasternotomy    Table 2: Operative and hospital data
           patient group
                                                              Charecteristics       Para        Full      P
           Charecteristics       Total     Male    Female                         (n = 543)   (n = 2,991)
                               (n = 543)  (n = 339)  (n = 204)  Hospital stay (days)  14.18 ± 8.17  20.55 ± 19.58 < 0.001
           Age, years                                         Intensive care unit stay (h) 57.54 ± 23.70 131.49 ± 197.90 < 0.001
             Average          62.63 ± 14.00 61.58 ± 14.20 64.39 ± 13.50  Cross clamp time (min)  61.84 ± 25.60  71.10 ± 46.63 < 0.001
             Median               64        62       65       Perfusion time (min)  101.43 ± 41.72 135.78 ± 78.41 < 0.001
           BMI                   24.22    24.56     23.66     Operative time (min)  243.73 ± 68.77 283.14 ± 114.85 < 0.001
           Euro score                                         Ventilation time (h)  13.77 ± 13.90  75.73 ± 202.72 < 0.001
             < 1                  70        54       16
             1-5                 230       136       94       Table 3: Complication rate, n (%)
             6-10                 57        28       29
             11-20                29        18       11       Complications     Para (n = 543)  Full (n = 2,991)
             > 20                 12        7         5       Wound infection      3 (0.6)         37 (1.2)
           Concomitant disease, n (%)                         Stroke               3 (0.6)         116 (3.9)
             Diabetes          88 (16.2)  51 (15.0)  37 (18.1)  Renal failure*     11 (2.0)        186 (6.2)
             Dyslipidemia      124 (22.8)  74 (21.8)  50 (24.5)  *Creatinine elevation > 2 times of baseline level
             Hypertension      279 (51.4)  172 (50.7)  104 (51.0)
             COPD               46 (8.5)  33 (9.7)  13 (6.4)  extremity exercise was also encouraged after patients
           Status of the procedure                            were transferred out of intensive care unit. Instructions
             Elective            536       335       201      were given to patients on how to protect the wound.
             Urgent               2         2         0       Simple one-hand compression over the wound offers
             Emergent             5         2         3
           Cardiac surgery                                    stability and pain reduction, especially while coughing.
             First               501       313       188      Two or even one small Jackson-Pratt drains rather
             Second               35        22       13       than chest tubes also made early ambulation easier.
             Third                7         4         3
             Fourth or more       0         0         0       DISCUSSION
           LVEF distribution
             LV dysfunction poor or   25    17        8       MICS  is  a  growing  field  with  the  goals  to  eliminate
             LVEF < 30%                                       cardiopulmonary  bypass and  to  avoid a sternotomy.
             LV dysfunction moderate   99   70       29
             or LVEF 30-50%                                   Among the three sternum-sparing  approaches,
           BMI: body mass index; COPD: chronic obstructive pulmonary   anterior thoracotomy gains the most  acceptance
           disease; LVEF: left ventricular ejection fraction  especially  in Europe when dealing  with single  aortic
                                                              valve replacement. It takes advantage of the anatomic
           No iatrogenic and retrograde aortic dissections    proximity  to  aorta.  However,  the  elliptical  spread
           or  phrenic  nerve  injuries  were  identified.  Groin   of intercostal space and its perpendicularity  to the
           complications like seroma were common, although the   ascending aorta limits the exposure. Even though the
           majority were self-limited. In the latter half of patients,   3rd rib is transected at sternochondral junction, it still
           a self-closure  device  and  echo-guided  femoral   provides limited access to the aortic valve annulus.
           artery puncture were employed to  minimize groin   Skin incision  of lateral  thoracotomy is usually  made
           complications  significantly.  Lung  complications  were   close to axilla and is intended to be hided under anterior
           rare. Some patients develop right hilar haziness in the   axillary fold. The incision is the largest among these
           first few days which might result from local compression   three approaches.  Sizable wounds of the intercostal
           of myocostal flap during the operation. However, lung   muscles need to be cut in order to gain better exposure.
           recruitment by pressure controlled  lung expansion   Besides,  extended-length  instruments  and  knot-
           during wound closure helped to improve atelectasis and   pusher are required to finish the valve replacement.
           facilitate early extubation. No evidence of non-union,   This is only reserved for most experienced and highly
           pseudojoint, or chest cage deformity were identified.   skilled surgeons. Here, we share our experience of the
           Any  broken  ribs  were  fixed  with  pediatric  wire  and   parasternal approach.
           lateral soft tissue attachment. Paradoxical movement
           and lung herniation were rare and typically happened   The treatment of aortic valve diseases are based on
           at the 2nd intercostal space. This was well-controlled   patients’ risk categories and invasiveness or complexity
           since interrupted sutures were used for 2nd intercostal   of procedures  [Figure 3].  The original  parasternal
           space. Local dimpling due to pectoralis muscle atrophy   approach  developed  by Cosgrove  was aimed  for a
           occurred in our series. Therefore, an inverted C incision   sternum-sparing purpose. Although the take-down of
           for pectoralis muscle instead of cutting straightforward   costal cartilages facilitated wide exposure, however, it
           muscle following skin incision was performed. Upper   resulted in anterior chest deformity, lung herniation, and

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