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Chiu                                                                                                                                                         Modified parasternal approach for aortic valve surgery

           put under right  scapula, which tilted the patient left   After commencing  CPB, the aortopulmonary  window
           approximately 30 degrees. External defibrillation pads   was dissected  to facilitate ascending  aorta looping
           were applied routinely preoperatively.             using vascular tape. This step was helpful not only for
                                                              securely cross clamping the aorta but also for adding
           The skin incision  was made longitudinally  one    sutures for hemostasis at both ends of aortotomy. A
           fingerbreadth  parallel  to  right  lateral  sternal  border   malleable left ventricular venting catheter was inserted
           from the lower margin of 2nd rib to the upper margin of   via the right upper pulmonary vein through mitral valve
           5th rib. A subcutaneous pocket was created for better   into left ventricle. It was helpful to maintain constant
           detachment of the underlying muscle. The pectoralis   bloodless exposure of aortic valve, to decompress left
           major muscle was cut in a reversed C shape from the   ventricle and to de-air after crossclamp was removed
           sternal border attachment to allow  lateral  retraction   and before CPB was weaned off.
           naturally. The intercostal muscle was cut underneath
           the 2nd rib and above  the 5th rib. The right internal   Using the traction sutures on the pericardium and fixing
           mammary artery and veins were encountered at both   the cross clamp rightward,  the aortic exposure  was
           intercostal  spaces and carefully  divided  after clip   usually adequate enough for having an aortotomy and
           ligation. The 3rd and 4th ribs were cut at sternochondral   delivering  cardioplegic  solution, even with coronary
           junction  with a rib cutter.  The sharp margin was   ostia  balloon  catheters.  Aortic  leaflets  and  annulus
           trimmed  with  a  bone  file  to  prevent  inadvertent  lung   could  be  well-exposed  for  inspection.  Decalcification
           injury. The myocostal flap was bent into right pleural   and  trimming  of  leaflets  were  then  performed
           cavity after  manual fracture.  The fracture point was   meticulously. Repair or replacement of the aortic valve
           adjusted  based on the width needed  for surgical   was done by conventional techniques and instruments
           exposure,  which was approximately  at the junction   [Figure 2A].  For  mitral valve procedures, three
           between  rib and costal cartilage.  Care was taken to   approaches could be chosen according to  patient’s
           maintain the periosteum and soft  tissue attachment   anatomy and complexity of mitral procedures. By using
           to ensure the bony healing and future wound stability.   femoral bicaval cannula and snaring of both superior
           Then, a small-sized rib or sternal spreader (retractor)   and inferior vena cava, trans-septal approach offered
           was inserted to  keep constant exposure.  The  two   the best mitral exposure. Through Waterston’s groove,
           blades of sternal or rib retractor could be asymmetric.   the trans-lateral approach was a viable alternative,
           The short blade was good for the sternal side and the   but the mitral valve would be farther away than trans-
           longer  blade  was suitable  for the lateral  myocostal   septal exposure. For a  simplified suture annuloplasty,
           flap.  Pericardium  was  opened  longitudinally  after   the left atrial dome approach was an attractive option.
           removing the  epicardial  fat  pad. Stay  sutures were   Meanwhile,  tricuspid  valve procedures  could  be
           placed  to bring the mediastinum right. Placement   straightforwardly  done.  Ablation  for  atrial  fibrillation
           of  the sternal retractor inside the pericardial  cradle   (AF) could  be performed  both endocardially  and
           provided  adequate exposure. If the ascending  aortic   epicardially  by cryoprobe  or unipolar  radiofrequency
           exposure was adequate enough  to accommodate       probe.  Closure of left atrial appendage was feasible.
           aortic cannulation,  crossclamp, cardioplegic  needle,   In brief, most valvular procedures could be achieved
           aortotomy and  prosthetic  manipulation,  central   through our two-rib parasternal approach, except for
           cannulation could be performed. Otherwise, peripheral   pulmonary valve procedures. If temporary ventricular
           cannulation, mainly femoral and occasionally axillary   pacemaker wires were considered, insertion under total
           cannulations  were used. Femoral vein cannulation   decompression of heart chambers over right ventricle
           was routinely utilized to ensure better exposure under   was highly  recommended.  Transvenous  pacemaker
           limited skin incision. Wire-reinforced aortic cannula was   wire through right internal jugular or right subclavian
           chosen for better positioning without the risk of kinking.   vein approach was an alternative.
           Single femoral venous cannulation  plus vacuum
           assisted venous drainage usually provided adequate   After  our  first  hundred  cases,  a  single-lumen
           drainage.  From our experience, left neck central   endotracheal  intubation was employed to  simplify
           venous line was preferred. Right neck was preserved   anesthetic induction process. Temporary cessation of
           for surgeon manipulation. Echo-guided 4-Fr introducer   mechanical ventilation would suffice for pleural entry
           sheath was inserted via right interal jugular vein before   and  bending  of  the  myocostal  flap.  This  approach
           commencement  of cardiopulmonary  bypass (CPB).    ensured the same prep as a conventional sternal one,
           This strategy was helpful  when  inadequate  venous   except for left-tilted position and external defibrillation
           drainage was encountered in order to insert a superior   pads.
           vena cana cannula or a tranvenous pacemaker wire
           when needed.                                       For the next stage of our experience,  we moved to
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