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Helal                                                                                                                                                                                                     Helal simplified technique

           INTRODUCTION                                       (e.g. those with congenital heart disease). All children
                                                              were subjected to full history taking, thorough clinical
           Over recent years, a variety of techniques have been   examination,  and routine preoperative investigations
           used for laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair in children,   (complete blood count, bleeding  time, clotting time,
           involving both extra- and intracorporeal suturing and   and liver and renal profiles). All cases were performed
           knotting. [1,2]  Single-incision laparoscopic hernia repair   by the author and his team.  The primary outcome
           (SILHR) is an excellent and increasingly popular   measurements  included  feasibility  of the procedure,
           technique for children, and is supported by a number   operative time, complications and cosmetic outcome.
           of  publications    describing  its  feasibility,  efficacy,  and   The  secondary outcome measurements included
           outstanding cosmetic results. [3-6]                parent satisfaction with the cosmetic results.

           However,  intracorporeal  suture tying and knotting   Operative steps
           remains  one  of  the  most  difficult  and  complicated
           step for most pediatric  surgeons  during  SILHR, and   1. The patient was placed in a supine Trendelenburg’s
           remains the  main causative  factor  for  increased   position with tilting to the opposite side of the hernia.
           operative time. It is possible that the apparent cause
           for this obvious problem is that the instruments used   2. A  longitudinal  trans-umbilical  incision  (0.5-0.9  mm)
           for  SILHR lie almost parallel  to each other without   was made with elevation of the skin flaps.
           triangulation (this triangulation creates an environment
           in which instruments can be moved  comfortably     3. A camera port was inserted for the telescope (5 mm,
           during  conventional  laparoscopic  surgery), thus   30 degree) and a 3-mm laparoscopic needle holder was
           making intracorporeal suture tying and knotting a very   inserted through a separate facial incision within the
           challenging task. [7-10]                           same umbilical skin incision.

           During SILHR,  many pediatric surgeons prefer      4. A pneumo-peritoneum was created and pressure was
           extracorporeal  suture ligation  with subcutaneous   adjusted according to age (from 8 to 10 mmHg).
           knotting, under laparoscopic guidance.  However,
           some authors have reported  that this approach  may   5.  The pelvis, adnexa and both IIRs were carefully
           be associated  with some drawbacks,  such as stitch   inspected. If a contralateral patent processus vaginalisis
           sinus, infection, granuloma, puckering or dimpling of   was identified, it was repaired.
           the skin and entrapment of the abdominal wall muscles
           with the suture, which may result in later loosening of   6. An EN (gauge-18) was threaded with a 3/0 prolene
           the suture with an increased recurrence rate. [11-15]  suture and introduced percutaneous at the level of the
                                                              IIR [Figure 1A].
           Here, we introduce a simplified technique for SILHR
           in  female  children. This technique  entails  the use of   7.  The EN was manipulated extraperitonealy around
           gauge-18 epidural needles (EN) to fashion a complete   the  margin  of  the  IIR  starting  at  3  o’clock  meridian
           purse string suture around the internal inguinal  ring   (on both sides). It was then advanced along the lower
           (IIR),  accompanied  by intracorporeal  knotting using   margin of the IIR beneath the peritoneum to breach the
           extracorporeal self-sliding clinch knot. We have named   peritoneum at 9 o’clock meridian on the margin of the
           this as the “Helal technique”. Our purpose here, is to   IIR [Figure 1B].
           demonstrate the  feasibility, safety and efficacy of this
           new surgical technique.                            A                  B


           This prospective study was conducted and followed-
           up at the Pediatric  Surgery Department,  Al-Azhar
           University Hospitals, Cairo, Egypt, between May 2014
           and December 2016. A total of 120 inguinal  hernias
           were repaired with SILHR in 100 female children.
           Inclusion criteria included female gender and unilateral
           or bilateral inguinal hernia. Exclusion criteria included   Figure 1: (A) An epidural needle (EN) threaded with a 3/0 prolene
           recurrent hernia, hernia in morbid obese female child,   suture was percutaneously introduced into the extra-peritoneal
           complicated  hernia (e.g. incarcerated  ovary), and   cavity by direct puncture of the anterior abdominal wall; (B) the EN
                                                              was then advanced in an extraperitoneal direction to complete a
           children  who could not tolerate pneumoperitoneum   purse string around the internal inguinal rings
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