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Helal                                                                                                                                                                                                       Helal simplified technique

            A                       B                         A                        B

           Figure 2: (A and B) Both ends of the thread was picked out from
           the epidural needle using a trans-umbilical laparoscopic needle
           holder and pulled outside of the abdomen
            A                       B

                                                              C                        D

           Figure 3: (A and B) Complete extra-peritoneal purse string around
           the internal inguinal ring
           8. The end of the thread was picked out from the EN
           using  a trans-umbilical  laparoscopic  needle  holder,   Figure 4: (A and B) The end of the thread was pulled out through
           and pulled outside of the abdomen [Figure 2A]. The   the trans-umbilical incision; (C and D) the self sliding extacorporeal
                                                              clinch knot was tied
           thread was held outside of  the abdomen and the
           needle holder was reintroduced.                    A                        B

           9.  The EN was withdrawn backwards to the starting
           point at 3 o’clock meridian, and then advanced along
           the upper margin of the IIR beneath the peritoneum to
           come out from the same peritoneal puncture at 9 o’clock
           meridian, where the other end of the thread was picked
           out of EN by the needle holder and also pulled outside
           of the abdomen [Figures 2B and 3].

           10.  The suture was tied  using a  self-sliding    Figure 5: (A) Complete closure of the internal inguinal ring with
                                                              intra-corporeal knotting; (B) finally the umbilicus was closed leaving
           extracorporeal clinch knot, as described by Weston, [16]    an almost invisible scar
           and  this was  reinforced  with  single  instrument
           intracorporeal knot tying, as described by Ismail and   underwent  SILHR.  Demographic,  preoperative,
           Shalaby [Figures 4 and 5A]. [13]                   intraoperative, and postoperative  data were collected
                                                              and  analyzed.  The  mean  age  was  2.0  ±  2.2  years
           11. Finally, the umbilical incision was closed [Figure 5B].  (range  6  months  to  7  years).  The  demographic  data
                                                              of all patients are shown in  Table 1.  All cases were
           RESULTS                                            completed laparoscopically.  The mean operative time
                                                              was 8.0 ± 2.3 min for unilateral cases and 16.0 ± 4.3 min
           One hundred female children with 120 inguinal hernias   for bilateral cases. All patients achieved full recovery

           Table 1: Patient demographic data
                                 Age          Clinical presentation  Operative presentation  Complications
            No. of
            patients  Gender  Mean  Range  Left inguinal  Right inguinal   Bilateral inguinal   Intraoperative Postoperative
                            2 ± 2.2  6 months
            100 (100%) Female               46 (46%)     34 (34%)     20 (of clinically left)  Nil     Nil
                             years   -7 years
                          Mini-invasive Surgery ¦ Volume 1 ¦ June 30, 2017                                 91
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