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Jairath et al.                                                                                                                                                                                        Percutaneous nephrostomy

                        A                                     B

                        C                                     D

           Figure 4: (A) Tip of the needle is engaged first through the skin incision site; (B) as the needle is advanced its tip is seen along the dotted
           line; (C) egress of urine after removing needle stellate; (D) dye study for calyceal delineation as seen on fluoroscopy

           diameter) is introduced through the needle under   Once done occluder is taken out with the guide wire
           fluoroscopy guidance, trying to negotiate it into the   and attached to an external drainage bag. Final
           ureter [Figure 5A] or in upper calyx if possible.  position of Malecot catheter is confirmed by repeating
                                                              dye study. USG should be done at the end to see
           Step 6: tract dialatation                          decompression of pelvic calyceal system as well
           With help of No. 11 surgical scalpel, tract is incised by   position of nephrostomy tube.
           sliding scalpel over needle until dorsolumber fascia
           is incised. Tract then is dilated up to 14 F using single   POST PROCEDURE CARE
           step fascial dilator over the guide wire using rotatory
           screw movements of hands [Figure 5B]. Care should   Vitals should be recorded every half hourly for first 6 h
           be taken to avoid kinking of guide wire or buckling of   post procedure. As the most important indication for
           kidney [Figure 5C].
                                                              nephrostomy placement is obstructive uropathy, so
                                                              after decompression diuresis is expected in these
           Step 7: insertion of nephrostomy over guide        patients mandating close monitoring of urine output
           wire                                               and electrolytes. Bed rest should be advised for around
           In a similar fashion and direction as used during tract   4 h with recommencement of the preprocedural diet.
           dilatation nephrostomy tube is inserted with screwing   If sepsis is suspected, a broad spectrum injectable
           movement of hands (avoid pushing) over the guide   antibiotic is started round the clock. Nephrostomy
           wire until it reaches well into the pelvis. We generally
           prefer to use 14 F Malecot catheter as nephrostomy   tube should be checked for its patency periodically
                                                              and if blocked can be gently washed with diluted 5 mL
           tube, as it is self-retaining and less chances to get   betadine/antibiotic solution.
           blocked due to its large diameter even in infective
           conditions like pyonephrosis. Once in place Malecot
           catheter inner occluder is opened and flower rotation   OTHER METHODS FOR GAINING ACCESS
           should be appreciated under fluoroscopy guidance
           [Figure 5D]. Though it’s self-retaining, we still prefer   Fluoroscopy guided access
           to further stabilize nephrostomy with skin using non-  A complete opacification of the system is done using
           absorbable suture material and adhesive strapping.   the chiba needle and thereafter access is gained in
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