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Cristina et al.                                                                                                                                                               Urological application of platelet rich fibrin

           Table 1: Preoperative SF-36 questionnaire score    overactive bladder, dysuria, recurrent urinary infections
                    Preoperative SF-36   Preoperative SF-36   previously treated by conventional drugs without any
            Patient  score physical health  score mental health  responses. The mean age was 60 years (range 57-
                       (baseline 50)        (baseline 50)     63 years). The exclusion criteria were: patients with
            1              35                   25            Performance Status Karnofsky index ≤ 50%; patients
            2              22                   25
                                                              who needed major surgery; patients affected by
           SF-36: Short Form-36                               cancer disease; patients presenting platelets counts
                                                              ≤ 100,000 or affected by coagulopathy; pregnancy.
           20-40 years old. Prevalence is increasing. In 1999,   Both patients were negative for coagulation pathway
           the Nurses’ Health Study has published a paper on   alteration or urinary infection.
           over one million women affected by IC in the United
           States . Pathogenesis is still unclear and could   Patients underwent flexible diagnostic cystoscopy
           be multifactorial including: urothelium dysfunction,   and biopsy 1 to 4 weeks before the application of
           mast cell activation and neurogenic inflammation .   PRF to exclude bladder cancer. One patient had a
           Mast cells accumulate into the sub-urothelium,     histopatological diagnosis of IC due to a previous
           proliferate forming pericapillaries cluster and release   transurethral resection of the bladder for suspicious
           numerous inflammatory molecules (histamine;        carcinoma in situ of the bladder. Each patient filled in
           cytokines; prostaglandins; platelet-activating factor   the urinary symptoms questionnaire for IC [11-15]  and
           and proteolytic enzymes (tryptase and kinase). The   the SF (Short Form)-36 questionnaire [16-18]  before the
           process may result in ulcerative cystitis . The “up-  endoscopic procedure and application of PRF. The
           regulation” of bladder sensitive afferents is the cause   urinary symptoms questionnaire was composed of
           of symptoms such as urgency, frequency and/or pain.   73 questions covering the following domains: urinary
                                                              symptoms, pain symptoms, sexual function, menstrual
           There is no standard treatment. The 2011 AUA       variability, and general health status. The SF-36
           Treatment Guidelines include a treatment protocol   questionnaire was used to test the quality of life, using
           ranging from conservative treatments to more invasive   a baseline of 50 represented the general health of
           interventions . The aim of that study was to test   the unaffected Italian population. The results of SF-
           the efficacy of platelets rich fibrin (PRF) in patients   36 questionnaire are shown in Table 1. Summary
           affected by IC in controlling the clinical symptoms   score of IC symptom index was higher than 6 for both
           and restoring the correct functioning of urothelium   patients. This score indicates that patients affected by
           coating. PRF [5-9]  is a blood component for local use. It   IC present significant voiding and pain symptoms.
           can be obtained from fresh frozen plasma or bought in
           synthetic form. It has hemostatic properties replicating   After the written informed consent was obtained, we
           the final phase of the coagulation cascade leading   took 120 mL of autologous blood sample about 1 h
           to the fibrin coat. PRF is composed of fibrin glue and   before the procedure from a peripheral vein (30 min is
           threefold the number of platelets than normal human   the time for preparing about 6 mL of PRF). PRF was
           blood [10] . PRF is stable and biocompatible. It is safe   obtained from autologous patient’s blood through the
           and functional. It promotes angiogenesis, tissue   Vivostat system (Vivolution, Birkeroed, Denmark) [19]
           growth and repair through multiple growth factors   according to the standards for autologous donation
           such as transforming growth factor-beta, vascular   (Ministerial Decrees of March 2005). Vivostat system
           endothelial growth factor and platelet-derived growth   is composed of 3 parts: an automated processor
           factor. PRF applications do not induce inflammatory   unit, an automated applicator unit and a sterile unit
           processes, adverse reactions and tissue fibrosis.   for dispensing which includes a set of preparation
           PRF is nowadays widely applied in different clinical   and an endoscopic applicator. PRF was controlled
           scenarios, such as orthopedics, ophthalmology      for hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, and human
           and healing therapies, as a growth factor pool for   immunodeficiency virus. We obtained about 6 mL
           improving tissue regeneration.                     of  PRF  from  each  patient  through  the  Vivostat
                                                              system. Thereafter, we performed an operative rigid
           CASE REPORT                                        cystoscopy with Carbon Dioxide Insufflation. One
                                                              patient was treated under sedation, the other one
           The ethics committee of Campus Bio-Medico          received subarachnoid anesthesia due to serious
           University of Rome approved the study (REC number:   asthma condition. We instilled 6 mL of PRF in a spray
           27/14 PAR) on March 2014. From March 2014 to       fashion all over the bladder walls [Figures 1 and 2]
           September 2014, we enrolled two women affected     through the endoscopic applicator. Then we placed
           by IC who presented clinical symptoms such as pain,   the vesical catheter and monitored the urine output.

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