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Jairath et al.                                                                                                                                                                                        Percutaneous nephrostomy

           Figure 1: The patient in prone position with roller pack underneath   Figure 2: Surface marking (concept of Quadrangle of safety): with
           upper abdomen and chest, abdominal contents falls forward so as   the patient in prone position, Quadrangle of safety is formed by
           to give proper access to the kidneys               posterior axillary line as lateral limit, upper margin of iliac crest as
                                                              lower limit, lateral margin of paraspinous muscle as medial limit, the
                                                              11th and 12th rib border as upper limit
           Urinary diversion in an attempt to heal conditions
           such as malignant/inflammatory fistula, urinary leak or
           fistulas resulting from trauma, and hemorrhagic cystitis   underneath pelvic bone and another under upper
           etc. [2,3] .                                       abdomen and chest region (as shown) so as to give
                                                              adequate stretching around flank region [4,5] . The side to
                                                              be operated should be brought at the edge of operating
           For providing route of access
           Chemotherapy, antifungal/antibiotic therapy, benign   table. The area should be cleansed with povidone
           stricture dilatation, antegrade ureteral stent placement,   iodine and draped [Figure 1]. In case of relative
                                                              contraindication to prone position (compromised
           stone retrieval, endopyelotomy [2,3] .
                                                              cardiorespiratory system etc.), this procedure can be
                                                              done in supine position as well.
           For diagnostic procedures
           Whitaker test, antegrade pyelography, biopsy .
                                                              Step 2: surface marking
                                                              If we place PCN in quadrangle of safety formed by
           PRE-OPERATIVE PREPARATION AND A                    posterior axillary line as lateral limit, upper margin of
           COUNSELING OF THE PATIENT                          iliac crest as lower limit, lateral margin of paraspinous
                                                              muscle as medial limit, the 11th and 12th rib border
           Commonly, this procedure is done in local anesthesia   as upper limit, there are less chances of associated
           (LA). Patient should be well explained about the   intrabdominal visceral injuries [Figure 2] [4,5] .
           procedure in detail. Informed consent should be
           taken beforehand. Bleeding parameters should be    Step 3: USG to decide site of percutaneous
           within normal limits. Attain intravenous (IV) access   puncture
           and antibiotics should be given half an hour prior   USG of the diseased kidney should be done starting
           to procedure particularly particularly in patients   from medial aspect (Para spinal), advancing laterally
           presenting with urosepsis. For uncooperative but   until the posterior axillary line so as to see posterior
           willing patient, procedure should be performed under   calyces first followed by lateral calyces thereafter
           general anesthesia. Relevant radiological images   and thus to have an idea of degree of HN, type of
           should be reviewed again in order to decide anoptimal   pathology in the renal unit [Figure 3A and B]. We in
           approach for renal access.                         our institute use 3.5 MHz convex transducer focused at
                                                              5-9 cm for adults and 5 MHz transducer focused at
           DETAILED STEP-BY-STEP NUMBERED                     5-7 cm for children. Exact site of puncture depends
                                                              primarily on the cause of hydronephrosis (HDN) and
           MEDICAL ILLUSTRATION                               anatomic landmarks. For simple urinary drainage a
                                                              lower pole posterior calyx is usually best which can
           Step 1: patient positioning                        be easily accessed via subcoastal approach. For
           With patient in prone position, a roller pack is placed   accessing pelvicureteric junction (PUJ) or upper ureter,

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