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Kitahama et al.                                                                                                                                        PLPED with EMG monitoring under general anesthesia

           Table 2: The long term operative outcome evaluated by   crest.   The design strategy presented in this study
           MacNab’s criteria                                  utilizing preoperative images enables one to exclude
            MacNab’s criteria              Data, n (%)        the contraindicated  cases.  Those  cases  should  be
            Excellent                        5 (10.6)         treated with the other posterior approaches, such as
            Good                            39 (80.9)         interlaminar and translaminar approaches. [20]
            Fair                             4 (8.5)
            Poor                             0 (0.0)
                                                              Discography  and epidulography  are very helpful to
                                                              determine  the trajectory  of subsequent  obturator
           Table 3: The commencing times of walk and work
                                                              insertion.  Discography  reveals the target disc  space
            Characteristics            Time, mean (range)     itself. Epidulography reveals the surface of the nucleus
            Start to walk                  7.2 (2-20) h
            Hospital stay                4.4 (1-33) days      pulposus and the  fragment and draws the  Kambin’s
            Return to work               17.2 (5-56) days     safety triangular zone closely located with ENR. These
                                                              radiological  intraoperative  findings  also  support  the
           Table 4: Complication of posterolateral percutaneous   preoperative mapping of the trajectory.
           endoscopic discectomy
            Complications                 Data, n (%)         The complication  rate of ENR injury  in this study
            Infection                        0 (0)            was 8.3% (n = 4/48 cases).  This rate seems high,
            Dysesthesia                     1 (2.1)           however  most of the complications  were  transient
            Dural tear                       0 (0)            neurological  deficits  and  not  prolonged.  Even  under
            Vascular injury                  0 (0)
            Transient palsy                 3 (6.3)           general anesthesia, the majority of the patients could
            Death                            0 (0)            walk  2 h after surgery  without lumbosacral  orthosis.
                                                              Furthermore, the long-term operative  outcome as
           observed  during  the  average  13.5  months  follow-up   evaluated by MacNab’s  criteria,  no patient chose
           (range 1-30).                                      the rating of  “poor”. Even under local anesthesia,
                                                              ENR injury has been reported and the failure rates of
           DISCUSSION                                         percutaneous endoscopic  lumbar discectomy range
                                                              from 5% to 22%. [21-24]
           As presented  in this study, we describe  the routine
           performance of detailed  mapmaking  for needle     Free-running  EMG  monitoring  has a potential to
           puncture of  PLPED.  This map includes entry points   prevent ENR injury during percutaneous endoscopic
           of skin (P) and that of annulus fibrosus (O) calculated   lumbar discectomy.  Although the  EMG  monitoring
           by each distance (x, y, and z). Anatomical landmarks   has  been  applied  for  to  prevent  motor  deficits,  the
           (spine, sacral ara, and iliac crest) are drawn together   prevention  of  sensory  deficits  is  lacking.  Moreover,
           with these points.  The map enables  one to imagine   an exact value of free-running EMG monitoring has a
           underneath  anatomical  structures and to estimate   diverse range amongst patients. In general, a threshold
           obstruction of the puncture by iliac crest.        value of Neurovision  of 80 μV is chosen. Depending
                                                              on the patient’s body  habitus  and  the muscle  mass,
           Accurate  needle  puncture  of  annulus  fibrosus  at  the   the threshold value may have to be changed (range:
           initial stage of PLPED requires significant experience,   10-300  μV).  One  case  demonstrating  post-operative
           as  inaccurate puncture may  lead to  the  ENR injury.   transient motor palsy was combined  with foraminal
           The position of entry points and  the direction  of   stenosis of entry site (L5/S1).  The obturator might
           the puncture is carefully designed  by preoperative   compress the ENR at this site. No EMG changes were
           radiological  images to achieve accurate and safe   detected during the procedure, and the threshold of the
                                                              EMG monitoring for this case should be decreased.
           puncture. Especially for posterolateral approach to L5/
           S1 LDH and/or high iliac crest, this map is essential.   The end point of PLPED for the beginners  is
           Even for the lateral  type of L5/S1 LDH, which  is a   appearance of a pulsatile movement of ventral surface
           good indication for PLPED, high iliac crest disturbs   of  dural sac just  above the manipulated  PLL.  This
           removal of the medial part and the high grade migrated   situation shows at least a partial decompression that
           part of LDH. [13,14]  Sometimes partial facetectomy and   improves symptoms. Especially  at the initial  stage
           outside-in  technique  is required  for LDH  combined   of  this case series, several cases remained partial
           with foraminal stenosis to  prevent  ENR injury. [15-19]    removal. However, a similar  outcome was obtained
           From our experience, these cases represented  less   even with cases compared to previously  reported
           than one third of the total cases and all successfully   outcomes of total removal by microdiscectomy and
           completed PLPED. The posterolateral approach is able   microendoscopic discectomy. [25]
           to remove the migrated foraminal LDH except for the
           high grade upward migration at L5/S1 affected by iliac   In conclusion, PLPED combining  free-running  EMG

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