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Sakane                                                                                                                                           Anatomical relationship between Kambin’s triangle and ENR

           In 1995, Mirkovic et al.  clarified that a working cannula   Arslan  et al. [13]  also showed anatomical variation in
           could  be  safety  placed  in  line  with  the  medial  one-  the distance between the ENR and pedicle and the
           third of corresponding pedicle. Min et al.  reported an   height and width of intervertebral foramen from L1-L2
           average distance of 11.6 mm between the ENR and    to L5-S1 in 14 male formalin-fixed cadavers.
           the superior articulating process. Hoshide et al.  also
           measured the height and width of 16 Kambin’s safety   ENR INJURY
           triangles from 2 cadavers by closely penetrating
           intervertebral discs using a standard posterolateral   ENR injury is the most devastating complication of
           approach  with  a  Kirschner  wire  under  fluoroscopic   transforaminal  PELD.  In  2002,  Yeung  and  Tsou
           assistance. At the time of open dissection, there was   reported on surgical outcomes and complications.
           no ENR injury from the wire insertion. They showed   The rate of postoperative dysesthesia (POD) was
           averaged Kambin’s safety zone areas of 60, 71.5,   1.9% (6/307) with a  6-mm scope.  Ruetten  et al.
           93.5, and 108 mm  at L1-L2, L2-L3, L3-L4, and L4-  reported POD in 1 (1.8%) out of 41 patients with an
           L5 levels, respectively. Hardenbrook  et al.  also   8-mm cannula under general anesthesia. Ahn et al. [14,15]
           analyzed Kambin’s safety zone areas by removing    reported that POD occurred as a complication of
           the top of a superior facet from 8 fresh-frozen female   PELD under local anesthesia and sedation in 4.7%
           cadaveric specimens, and reported averaged areas of   of recurrent herniated cases and in 6.7% of upper
           115, 120, 119, and 116 mm  at L1-L2, L2-L3, L3-L4,   lumbar lesion cases. In their early case series of
                                                              transforaminal PELD with an 8-mm diameter scope,
           and  L4-L5  levels,  respectively.  They  concluded  that   Abe  et al. [16]  reported that 2 (9.6%) and 4 (19%) of
           Kambin’s working triangle was a relatively large area   22 patients experienced POD after surgery under
           for minimally invasive transforaminal interbody fusion.   general and local anesthesia, respectively. Although
           On the other hand, Ozer  et al.  performed both    they  used a  contrast material injection technique in
           cadaveric measurements and surgical observations   the  epidural  space  to  determine  the  ENR  anatomy
           of Kambin’s safety zone. They observed only 17.6%   during surgery, it did not prevent nerve irritation. [17]
           and 10.8% of “wide” safety zones of cadaveric
           measurements and surgical observations, respectively   Choi  et al.  evaluated clinical-radiological features
           and concluded that there were large variations in   indicating  a  risk  of  root  injuries  for  proposed
           Kambin’s triangle. Furthermore, there was no space   transforaminal endoscopic discectomy. In their
           inside the triangle in approximately one-third of L2-L5   retrospective  analysis  of  233  patients  treated
           in cadaveric (15/48) and surgical specimens (11/34).   with  PELD  for  lumbar  disc  herniation,  20  (4.7%)
           They suggested using a partial superior facetectomy   patients exhibited postoperative exiting root-related
           to avoid ENR injury [Figure 2].                    dysesthesias or motor weakness.  They  did  not

           Figure 1: Kambin’s safety triangle (shaded area) at L4/L5
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